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Witnessing in the Age of the Internet: New UPF Website Educates the World about the Life and Works of True Parents
Nancy Hanna
May 2000
Where on the Internet do you refer your contacts for a basic introduction to True Parents?
Check out: The Life and Works of Reverend Sun Myung Moon, www.reverendsunmyungmoon.org
For True Father’s 88th Birthday, the Universal Peace Federation launched this website to resurrect True Father’s name on the Internet and introduce the public to the extraordinary life and works of True Parents through a well-designed, well-organized and easy-to-navigate website with the latest in web technology and design. These days, the most effective way to get out the word about anything is through a well-done website. This website is an invaluable witnessing resource to reach out to friends, family and important contacts.
View Principle Lectures on Internet TV
One important feature of the website are the prominent links inviting people worldwide to view Divine Principle lectures in the privacy of their home and download the mp3 audios of the lectures. On the His Teaching section, there are links to Kevin McCarthy’s Divine Principle lectures as well as presentations on Unificationism for people of all faiths and backgrounds.
Visitors can also see internet TV programs about True Parents’ projects on the His Works section through links to excellent internet TV programs on another UPF website, Universal Peace TV, www.uptv.org . For example there are programs about Ambassadors for Peace, Hyun Jin Nim speaking to youth about Service For Peace and the Bering Strait project.
Testimonies of Prominent Leaders about True Father and His Works
If something is really good, not only the parties directly involved will testify to its value but others as well. In public relations this is known as a "third party" endorsement. Therefore, an important feature of the website are many testimonies from prominent religious, academic, civil society and political leaders who have who have worked with True Father and our movement for decades and well as from Ambassadors for Peace. Many of the testimonies are excerpts taken from the new book Peace King: Essays on the Life and Work of Dr. Sun Myung Moon. The contents of this important book can reach the whole world via the Internet.
His Life, His Teachings, His Family, His Works
The website has four main sections: His Life, His Teachings, His Family, His Works. Each section has a flash photo show and many pages of relevant content. One of the most important website features are testimonies by prominent leaders about True Father himself, his teachings and his works.
His Life: This section has a biography of True Father, a description of True Father’s daily lifestyle, the historical interview with Dr. Frederick Sontag, many historical photos, information about the unjust persecution True Father has suffered, especially his United States imprisonment, and a wonderful section entitled What Others Say About Him, with personal testimonies about True Father from religious leaders, scholars, heads of state and political leaders.
His Teachings: This section introduces Divine Principle, Unification Thought and True Father’s Sermons. There are positive scholarly comments about Divine Principle from prominent religious scholars and leaders, a sample sermon and -- most important -- internet TV presentations of Divine Principle and Unification Principle and MP3 audio downloads.
His Family: A biography of True Mother and short biographical information of several of the True Children as well as many family photos are featured in this section. The His Family section introduces True Mother as a world leader in her own right and members of three generations of the Moon family who are active in carrying out True Father’s work.
His Works: This is by far the largest section, since True Father’s works are numerous and cover nearly every field of human endeavor. A flash show on the main page shows the scope of True Father’s work, ranging from inter-religious work to social service to a world-class ballet company. The 18 sections of His Works include the categories of religious organizations, educational institutions, media, the arts, humanitarian aid, etc. Each section has a description of the organizations, photos and, where appropriate, a link to the respective websites.
Some of the many comments UPF has received about reverendsunmyungmoon.org:
Second Generation:
I'm a 2nd Generation Unificationist and for many years I struggled with the fact that there wasn't a site where I could direct my friends to so that they could learn more about True Parents, the Movement, and our teachings and impact in the world. Other sites familyfed.org) were more historical archives, or for people who were already members.
Especially after seeing www.mormon.org, I was really impressed with it as a witnessing tool and felt that we really needed something similar. So it was a real breath of fresh air and even a relief when I found your site; it's exactly what the doctor ordered. Especially the multimedia section is really important for younger people as it actively shows the breadth and power of True Parent's thought and activity. Thank you so much for this site, it's an answer to my prayers and I know it will be a gateway for many people to find True Parents. Keep expanding the multimedia
American Leader
Congratulations to you and anyone else involved in creating the beautiful website at reverendsunmyungmoon.com. Lovely graphics, attractive design, and great content.
Thanks for this wonderful gift to all our movement!
European Leader:
About reverendsunmyungmoon.org: I cannot help but exclaim a very large THANK YOU for this website. It has been missing for decades. I am very glad to have it as a resource and a point to refer to. I am proud of it. Again, thank you very much
How you can help
Translate the site: UPF has already received some inquiries about translating the site into other languages. The UPF will grant permission for authorized persons to create such translations. All requests and correspondence should be emailed to reverendsunmyungmoon.org
Give feedback: New content will be added regularly. UPF welcomes your suggestions and content contributions. Material should be introductory in nature.
Spread the word: We also ask that leaders and members let our whole movement know about this invaluable new resource to witness to our family, friends and VIP contacts about the work of True Parents, through official and unofficial e-news, memos and announcements. English is today’s universal language, and thus people in every country can learn about the life and works of True Parents through this site.