The Words of the Hanna Family |
Dear HARP members and parents,
I am writing to inform you of a valuable upcoming opportunity and invite you to participate in an 'Il Shim' ceremony -- a ceremony for adolescent youth to receive purity education and make a commitment to a pure lifestyle, represented by receiving a Purity ring. It is being organized by the South London Community, and is led by Ashley and Susan Crosthwaite of the UK Blessed Family Department, targeting boys and girls in years 9 and 10. As a community they have run it successfully in previous years and this year they are opening it up to other regions to participate in. The Il Shim program takes place in two parts:
1. Introductory Meeting: Sunday 21st November 2010, 1.00 -- 3.00 pm at the South London Peace Embassy.
2. A one day Seminar and Il Shim Ceremony: Saturday 8th January 2011, 12.30 -- 7 pm at the South London Peace Embassy. Parents can attend all day if they wish, but should be there from 6.00 pm for the ceremony itself.
In between the Introductory meeting and the seminar will be the preparation period for the ceremony. This is a great opportunity for parents of adolescent youth to be involved in a key aspect of education, in a way which might otherwise be difficult to approach alone. Making a commitment together as brothers and sisters with the support of the community is a great way to receive such education, which is otherwise neglected by school curriculum. It is a program which will involve parent and youth educators, so both perspectives can be combined to great effect. It also benefits from parental support, through your input and attendance, and by supporting and encouraging your children to attend.
The above information is just to give you a brief overview of the Il Shim program -- and to give you an idea of what it is composed of. If you are at all interested in involving your child or children, or have any questions, please be in touch with Susan Crosthwaite by email or by phone. We hope many of you can benefit from this opportunity.
Patrick Hanna
Youth Ministry