The Words of the Hanna Family |
Monday 11th April -- 9 am-10 pm -- CARP Brother's Workshop -- "Man Up!" -- Lancaster Gate/£10: This will be a 1 day Non-residential workshop for 18+ Brothers (inspired by the sisters' initiative) -- This will be quality time to share as 18+ CARP brothers, to build stronger connection -- gaining inspiration, direction and a fresher perspective on our role as young men -- in our own lives, in each other's lives, and in the wider movement. We will have some fresh and quality content (from Uncle William Haines and others), some time to share and express, time for sports, time to entertain, time to eat -- a full day well spent in good company -- drawing us closer to what connects us -- God and True Parents. Please Apply by Friday 8th April, and encourage each other to make the time -- for the benefit of each one of us, and as a collective.
Easter is a busy time for many with studies, exam preparation, work etc. But a day well spent can be a very wise investment for those purposes as well. We look forward to seeing you there. Apply including your contact number, and any questions or suggestions you may have. If you are travelling from outside of London, please be in touch with friends if you want to stay over night either side of the workshop -- we can help if you need.