The Words of the Hartley Family |
Experiences at Chung Pyung
Patricia Hartley
April 25, 2004
As you know, all wives have been called by our True Parents to attend a 40 day workshop at Chung Pyung Heaven and Earth Training Centre. I was fortunate to be able to attend the one for my Blessing group, which was from 31st January until 10th March. To be honest, I always find going to Chung Pyung a big challenge, especially when it comes to health matters. I usually lose undesirable spirits, but pick up undesirable bugs instead! This time, I returned home with Bronchitis, but fortunately after a course of antibiotics, it cleared up quite quickly. The majority of the time while I was there, I felt fine and spiritually one gains so much by just being there.
For those sisters who haven’t been to Chung Pyung for a while, let me tell you that it’s getting better and better there. Starting with Hoon Mo Nim, who is the medium for Dae Mo Nim and Heung Jin Nim. She is very supportive and concerned about all the Blessed families. She now expresses a lot more love and gives regular valuable guidance. At present, she is investing so much of her time and energy by frequently visiting our members in Japan, where she is doing a lot of healing.
The 40 days wives workshop schedule is very reasonable. We could get up at 6 a.m. and then pray at either the Holy Grounds, or in the JeongshimWon prayer hall, have breakfast and be in time for the first holy song session which began at 7.45 a.m. Personally I looked forward to breakfast time, when a few of us would sit and chat at a table by the aquarium and watch the beautifully coloured fish swimming around, while enjoying our buns, milk, or coffee. The food is good, with more variety than before. During the day, we had talks and lecture practice as well as the holy song sessions. Every evening we concluded the day with prayer from 11 p.m. for 15 minutes in the Jeongshim Won hall. If you are quick, you can be in your sleeping bag by 11.30.
Catherine German and I travelled to Chung Pyung together. I slept between her and Viveka Freeland in our small room next to the Japanese office, which became our home for 40 days. Catherine and I decided to become laundry partners as well. Once a week, we would get up early and have our laundry in the washing machines before 6 a.m. By the time we had prayed for 25 minutes in the nearby Jeongshim Won hall, our clothes were washed. We then returned to pop the damp clothes into the dryers before going to breakfast. After 45 minutes, we collected our clean, fresh clothes and had time to fold them, take them down to our respective suitcases and be at the holy song session in the new building by 7.30. After 6 weeks, we had become the super organised laundry professionals. We all enjoyed a shower every day, which was blissful. We also had a free medical examination and could look round the new Cheongshim Hospital. The view from the lounge is breathtaking and the coffee is delicious. This is a summary of the external situation. Now I want to tell you about my experiences on an internal level.
During the first weekend when we liberated our ancestors from generations 78-84, I was fortunate to have a spiritual experience. I was sitting in the main hall to the left of the stage, just beyond the first pillar. At the end of the holy song session, when the drums roll and we send many spirits, who have been stuck inside us, to Heung Jin Nim’s workshop, I had my eyes closed and saw a vision. To the left of the stage near the piano, there are some wooden panels. It was there that I saw a large open door, behind which was a passage curving round to the right. Beautiful shades of deep and pale yellow light flicked brightly on the walls, as if there was a warm bonfire round the corner to welcome all who arrived. Dae Mo Nim stood smiling to the left of the door and Heung Jin Nim stood to the right, looking tall, erect and very serious. There were spirits in me who were afraid to leave and go through the door. I told them that they were stuck here and would be unable to grow quickly if they stayed with me. I told them to go to HJN’s workshop in the spirit world, where they would discover the purpose of life and understand why they were spiritually stuck. They would also learn how to grow quickly and find their true value. They still hesitated and hung onto me, as some little children do on their first day at kindergarten. I strongly urged them to, "Go, go, go, go". Finally I took them up to the door and many of them went in just before the door closed. I felt such a relief and was so happy for them. Every time we had a holy song session, I could imagine that door. By sharing this testimony with others, we could all benefit and I think it helped everyone.
Another time, I strongly felt that one of my ancestors had been badly abused during her earthly life. I explained to her that if she went to HJN’s workshop and listened to the lectures, she would understand why she had been abused and that she would eventually be able to forgive her abusers. She would then feel liberated and could go on to help many people who were and are in the same situation. I also told her that she would be taken on a tour around the spirit world and would be able to find where she really belonged. Suddenly, I saw, as if watching a movie, a tall, well built young girl, who had a strong family resemblance, rush towards the door. She stopped and then beckoned to others to follow her. Due to her enthusiasm, many women followed her before the door closed. I felt so happy for them and grateful to all who have made it possible for us to both liberate ourselves and our ancestors during this special dispensation.
On another occasion, I was in the Jeongshim Won prayer hall, when I received inspiration for a leaflet which we could use as a witnessing tool. I’m working on it and will share it with you when it is complete. Dear sisters, don’t miss this precious opportunity to attend the 40 day workshop as soon as you can. While I was there, True Parents came and True Father spoke to us for many hours. At 84 years old, he is still working so hard and hardly sleeps. We all felt his urgency to get things moving quickly while he is still with us. This time in history will never come again.
From your loving sister,
Patricia Hartley
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