The Words of the Hartley Family |
Universal Peace Federation - Leadership Conference
Dunstan Hartley
July 28, 2007
Seoul, Korea
Oceania Delegate
Tuesday, July 17
After registration and an orientation session, at which we were addressed briefly by Phillip Sanchez, David Hart and Donzella James, people who had been active in the fields of religion, politics and diplomacy, we assembled for dinner. It was an opportunity to meet some of the other delegates; especially those from Oceania represented by David and Vincent from Papua and New Guinea.
We were also befriended by one of the guides, an Italian speaking Swiss named Salvatore; and not forgetting Yves Moreau who hailed us with a typically Australian greeting: " How're yer goin' mate'. The three major blocs represented at the Conference were: USA, UK and France. We were attached to the UK contingent.
The dinner itself was an enjoyable affair, and the major speech delivered by Dr. Kwak, Chairman of UPF, who addressed the topic: Providing Vision and Leadership at a time of Global Crisis. He outlined the problems which exist in the world today, their causes and the steps required to correct these dilemmas.
Wednesday, July 18
Session 1 saw a panel of four speakers: Alan Hart, Rita Di Martino, Pierre Lafrance and Rev. Dr. Clinton Bennet considering what was needed to create a world based on peace.
According to Alan Hart it was to release the God who is a prisoner inside each one of us. For Rita DiMartino it revolved around practicing what we preach within the confines of the traditional family and for Pierre Lafrance it meant a new model of society in which the concept of the 'weaver' has replaced that of the 'shepherd' when it comes to analyzing and restoring the ties which connect cultures. The cultures themselves were often seen as a form of imprisonment. Dr. Bennett contended that the person of faith should not reject the faith of others; and that harmony and conciliation, not competition, should be the means of leading us to God.
The keynote speaker, Dr. Hyun Jin Moon, regarded the twentieth century as the most bloody in all history; and, that it was significant that the setting for the present Conference was the site where, fifty years ago, the two major ideologies of the world, capitalism and communism, confronted one another. The separation of church and state has meant that increasingly we look to political, diplomatic and secular solutions in problems which require spiritual answers.
Session 2 opened with Dr. Yang informing us that although some 70 % of people in the world believe in God, the minority (30 %) are dictating the agenda. He saw a great need for people of faith to overcome the Godless tendencies which abound; the unification of Korea would be a good starting point.
Democracy itself seemed to be failing, according to Jack Corley, so it was essential that each one of us looks to peace within ourselves in order to be assured of peace in the world. To this end sport and economic assistance to poorer countries will contribute to a favorable outcome.
Dr. Michael Jenkins delivered the final lecture in the session and declared that a synergy between faith and political will would provide the balance needed to restore the world to a level keel. Dialogue between faiths must occur if this ideal is to be attained.
In opening Session 3, Dr. Thomas Walsh drew a comparison between spirituality which liberates, and materialism which enslaves, people. The antidote to the latter is prayer and the ability to practice what we preach.
The concluding speaker, Ricardo de Sena, took as his theme the spiritual dimension essential to resolving conflicts which occur between countries. Until this fact is recognized wars will continue for political, economic, and social reasons. The Secretary-General of the UN has set up a special Secretariat within his office to advise him on matters which impinge on morality.
Session 4 commenced, not with Timothy Miller as scheduled, but with Jim Flynn who spoke about God's original idea of peace. He stressed the duality of personality and the body and how fulfillment of responsibility in an individual leads to maturity of character, whereas failure to accept responsibility in living leads to a distortion of character resulting in a chain effect felt firstly in the individual, the family, the nation and finally in the world.
Jack Corley the final speaker, replacing Dr. Michael Jenkins, drew an analogy between the orderliness of the solar system and the manner in which humans are expected to live their lives according to the laws of God. Essentially therefore, sex must be viewed not just as a biological experience, but as an ordered whole in which purity must be observed before marriage followed by fidelity and procreation within it. Only in this way will harmonious relationships be maintained both vertically and horizontally.
The session concluded with an interactive segment which included questions directed to members of the panel from the floor.
Thursday, July 19
Only one formal lecture was scheduled for the day in Session 5; that by Jack Corley. It dealt with conflict resolution and saw the practice of religion as fundamental to reducing human selfishness, and attaining higher values. Thus we are required to be humble and generous in the service of other human beings; even when they have wronged us. The reparations required of Germany after the end of WWI contributed directly to the conflict of WWII. Fortunately, the same mistake was not made again; with the Allies assisting their opponents to re-establish themselves after the cessation of hostilities in 1945.
At the conclusion of the talk we embarked, in coaches, for the long and beautiful drive to Chung Pyung, and a visit to the Peace Palace. There we were treated to a sumptuous banquet and an address by the founder of UPF Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, in magnificent surroundings.
The talk covered details surrounding his life, including his internment at the hands of the North Koreans, and how, in an endeavor to promote unification of the two Koreas, he had requested a meeting with the leader of North Korea and had embraced him. Dr. Moon often digressed from his speech to provide some light-hearted anecdotes in order to make particular points; but, as he spoke in Korean, the translations lost something of the humor with which they were originally conveyed. We were told later, by a lady who spoke Korean, that we had missed out on quite an entertaining afternoon.
Upon our return to Seoul that evening we were treated to dinner at a restaurant and conveyed thereafter to the football stadium to watch the final of the Peace King Cup between Lyonnais (France) and River Plate (Argentina). Rumor had it that two members attending the Conference had agreed to a wager on the outcome of the game, won by Lyonnais 3-1.
Friday, 20 July
The deferred topic: "Understanding the causes of conflict" was presented by Timothy Miller to open proceedings for Session 6. The essence of success in living and in relationships with others is to recognize that God - the centre of peace and harmony - requires that we love one another as we love ourselves.
It is the deviation of mankind from this Divine plan, due to man's fallen nature, which causes evil and thus conflicts to arise in the world. The great religions of the world should work together to emphasize philosophical values held in common and thus resolve conflicts.
Dr. Michael Jenkins, the second speaker, outlined some of the factors necessary to effect restoration between God and man, and between men.
The primary realization, before such activities can be undertaken, is to understand that Satan is attempting to wrest man's soul from God.
In order to pry loose Satan's grip on the soul, man must practice self-denial which gives rise to the Law of Indemnity in which he seeks, not only to be fair in his dealings with others, but also to return good for any wrong he has received. By these means it is possible for cultures, and even the descendants of Ishmael and Isaac in the Middle-East, to be reconciled.
Session 7 saw Jack Corley return to the lectern to acquaint us with some of the work he'd been involved with in the educational field, promoting family values. The "Discovering the Real Me" series had been prepared for three levels of education: Elementary, High and Upper High School. His group had also been involved in providing training workshops for educators delivering the program.
An engineering feat, first proposed by Russian engineers in 1906, and taken up with enthusiasm by Rev. Dr. Moon, was described by Jim Flynn.
This was the Bering Strait Bridge/Tunnel project. Basically, the project seeks to connect North America and Asia by means of a bridge across, and a tunnel under, the Bering Strait. It is hoped that such a project will facilitate travel in both directions, thus enabling people on both continents to communicate more freely with one another and, hopefully, reduce tensions between East and West. The cost, currently in excess of $200,000,000,000.00 appears prohibitive but, in all probability, will be well below this figure after discounting for the cost of the infrastructure associated with the gas pipeline due to be laid in the near future.
Dr. Yang deplored the situation which prevails in Korea at present where the impasse created in the 50's has not been resolved. In addition, UPF was working in the Middle-East to defuse the Arab-Israeli tensions. Israeli occupied territory had grown from 55 to 78 % in the past 40 years; whereas the Arab occupied territory had fallen from 45-22 %. An equitable solution to the problem would require a return to boundaries which existed prior to 1967.
Dr. Thomas Walsh then informed us about the Global Peace Festival (GPF); an attempt to promote peace throughout the world. The theme of the Festival would be "One Family Under God".
The Conference was then split according to major blocs and Timothy Miller, the facilitator for the UK bloc, reported that preliminary versions of the GPF would be held in different parts of the world commencing with Tirana, Albania on 31.8.07. We then split into sub-groups to discuss what action it might be possible to initiate to facilitate progress in our particular regions.
The exercise was expected to culminate in a Festival to coincide with the London Olympic Games to be held in 2012.
The concluding plenary session brought together five speakers to summarize their perceptions of the presentations made during the Conference. Pierre LaFrance was concerned that relationships involving love could not be treated in depth. S Dlameni stated that mankind had been slow to learn the lessons of history; and the part played in it by individuals. S Jaffer considered that it was essential that the Arab-Israeli conflict produce positive action. Steen Miles, after reciting the poem "Break Down the Walls" posed the question 'What are my walls'? And Dr. Kwak reiterated the four basic activities required for successful living: self improvement, living for and serving others, developing a right relationship with God and building God-centered families.
At the conclusion of the final dinner, those who were desirous of doing so were taken by coach to the night markets for some last minute shopping.
Saturday, 21 July
The conference ended after breakfast and delegates, as a result of newly-forged friendships, farewelled one another before departing for Inchon airport and the journey home.
We thank the UPF for providing us with the opportunity of meeting with like-minded people in an endeavor to pursue the goal of peace in the world. Congratulations to all concerned with the Conference. The organization, management and presentation were second to none. There were always guides and assistants on hand to remedy any unforeseen contingencies. The transportation between venues and airports was efficiently executed and the catering was superb.
Dunstan Hartley
Oceania Delegate