The Words of the Hashimoto Family |
The Teachings Of Mr. Okamoto
Mr. Hashimoto
January 24, 2004
During a weekend January 24-25, 2004, Mr. Hashimoto visited the Czech Republic. Mr. Hashimoto is currently a vice-president of Family Federation in Europe. Few years ago he was East European regional leader and cooperated directly with Mr. N.Gubser who was Czech National leader since 1991 till 1995. Most of us know that Mr. Hashimoto and Gubsers are friends for a long time. However, N.and E. Gubser started to teach something that is not in accordance with Divine Principle and True Parents' guidance and what True Parents appointed nobody to teach.
Below you may find Mr. Hashimoto's explanation of what this teaching is about. Official standpoint of our movement towards this teaching and a group spreading it is quite clear, and you may find it in the end of this text.
It is, of course, everybody's choice what he/she wants to study and believe in. However, I consider it fair to provide all brothers and sisters with a proper and whole information, therefore I send now this explanation to all members of Family Federation in the Czech Republic. I send it after I consulted it with Mr. Hashimoto.
Mr. Hashimoto visited Gubser's family during Christmas 2003 and still few times later. During the last Christmas they spent together three days, and shared at least 15 hours. Based on an explanation given to Mr. Hashimoto by N.at that time, as well as on a book given to Mr. Hashimoto by E. just before his departure, Mr. Hashimoto could see that the content taught by N.is very different from Divine Principle. Mr. Hashimoto said this opinion to N., and also he told him that with such a teaching N.can establish a new group or church. N.admitted that he is aware of the fact that his current belief is different from DP, however, he said that he does not want to make a different group as he believes that this teaching brings reformation within our movement.
I. What N.said to Mr. Hashimoto
1) One thing N.said to Mr. Hashimoto was that we need 4th Adam as a concrete person (as a next messiah). Using chart N.explained following: 1st Israel prepared by God to accept Messiah failed. 2nd Israel Christianity came to existence with a purpose to accept Messiah at his Second Advent. Likewise Jesus who came as Messiah but was crucified because of failure of the 1st Israel Father also was not accepted by 2nd Israel had to go to Heung Nam. He did not die, but Heung Nam was same like crucifixion. Therefore Father founded the 3rd Israel to prepare the way for next Messiah - 4th Adam. N.said that he does not know yet who 4th Adam is, however, Mr. Okamoto (from whom this teaching came) may say it or we ourselves may recognize it one day if we make foundation for that.
2) Next N.believes that blessing given to us by True Parents is conditional in such a sense that the original sin is not liquidated through the blessing.
3) Next point concerns the original sin according to N.the original sin was not spiritual and physical fall, but actually selfishness.
4) According to N.True Father said that in the book of Divine Principle there are many mistakes. Also that True Father is in God's position therefore he cannot say which mistakes are in DP and we ourselves should find them out. N.says that because in DP it is written that it is not the whole revelation of truth yet, we should not consider DP "holy calf" and create a concept about what Principle is, but we should study the main thing True Father's speeches and based on them find out what Principle really is.
5) According to N.in Unification Church it was not correctly understood what is God's will and what is God's providence. God's will is fullfilment of the three great blessings, so it is man's responsibility to fulfill God's will. Unlike God's providence is a work of God in history, therefore God's providence is God's responsibility. Because of this confusion in Unification Church we were dealing just with external activities thinking that we were doing God's will, however, none of those activities served real God's will a perfection of individual, family and society.
According to Mr. Hashimoto's opinion True Father's teaching can be totally misinterpreted and a completely different theory from Divine Principle can be created if one accepts the above specified points of Mr. Okamoto's teaching.
II. explanation of mr. Hashimoto about the above numbered points
ad 1. The 4th Adam
This interpretation totally ignores the fact that Father went through 40 years of indemnity and paid for the failure, proclaiming True Parents since 1992! It disregards acceptance of True Parents by Americam Christianity in recent years. Father furtheremore never spoke of "3rd coming of Messiah". It also confuses what True Parents mean by the term "4th Adam". According to Father's words we entered the "era of the 4th Adam" and in this sense we all received the title 'Owner of Cheon Il Guk'. We also can pray in our own name. According to Father we all, blessed central families, should inherit victory of True Parents, that means we central blessed families should become 4th Adam. The Okamoto's explanation that 4th Adam is a new Messiah for whom we should prepare is totally wrong and misguiding.
ad 2. The original sin removed through the blessing
Father clearly explained (16th August 1970) that our original sin is removed through the process of blessing and how it is done. According to Fathers's words a holy wine ceremony and a following process (blessing, separation period, 3-day ceremony) is the one through which the original sin is removed. The asertion that the original sin is not removed through the blessing given by True Parents is totally wrong.
Teaching of Mr. Okamoto mixes together original sin and fallen nature
. Fallen nature of course is not and cannot be removed through the blessing itself. Just recently, on 23rd March 2004, in his speech to US Congress ("Declaring the Era of the Peace Kingdom") True Father spoke exactly about this point: "Shedding the fallen nature is not easy. The reality of fallen human beings is that we vacillate even when trying to break habits formed over the relatively short span of a few years or decades, like smoking or drinking alcohol. We cannot expect, then, that it will be easy to cast off fallen nature. ... It is impossible by human effort alone. We need to stand on the foundation of absolute faith, establish God as our vertical axis, and struggle our entire life. Even then, it is a difficult fight. We cannot even think we will gain victory unless we enter a state of absolute love for God, loving Him even more than we love our own parents and children, and attending Him as our True Parent. We cannot hope to win this fight without a foundation of absolute obedience to God, following Him even at the cost of laying down our life." So we can see that according to Father's words fallen nature must be removed by ourselves based on our own effort, and it cannot be removed unlike the original sin by Blessing we received from True Parents.
ad 3. The original sin is a spiritual and physical fall, not just selfishness
Mr. Hashimoto said to N.that the essence of God is love, therefore Lucifer's attack on Eve and their sin was to do with love itself and with love organs. The original sin was a spiritual and physical fall, sexual relationship in Bible there is warning: "Do not eat the fruit ...!" eating the fruit is a symbol for sexual relationship. Mr. Hashimoto said to N.that his explanation of the Fall (that it was selfishness) is totally different interpretation from Principle. N.admitted that he knows it is different from DP.
ad 4. Divine Principle and mistakes
True Father never said it in this way and in this sense. If Principle contained a lot of mistakes (the important ones as Mr. Okamoto and N.mean it) all leaders in our movement and DP lecturers would have to be asking eagerly since then what mistakes are in DP! These mistakes would have to be clarified by True Father immediately because DP is our basic ideology and all we teach and what True Parents do is based on Divine Principle.
ad 5. God's will and God's providence
According to this explanation we should not deal with "God's providence", but we should just concentrate to our personal perfection, our own family etc. Such an explanation, however, totally disregards a fact that development of God's providence is not just God's responsibility, and that man has his own role within it (therefore history has been prolonged repeatedly because of failures of central persons) as well as a fact that through participating in God's providence we can help to other people to get to know God's will so that they too can fulfill it and we can also become better people for our own family and others through overcoming our fallen nature. Explanation of this point is very misleading and leads to selfishness. Mr. Hashimoto himself spent more time in his life for other people, our movement, etc. (that means for 'God's providence') than for his own family. He said that if he did not participate in God's providence and did not sacrifice himself and his family for higher purpose he would not be able to experience God's heart, His pain, etc. and through that to fulfil God's will.
III. A source of N.' teaching
N.and E. listened to this teaching from their friend from Austria, Insbruck, Mr. F. Paseka. He visited N.many times and step by step explained to N.this content. F. himself got to know about it from his wife who was witnessed by Okamoto's group in Japan (she is from Japan). When Mr. Okamoto came for the first time to Europe he was using name Suzuki. He visited Gubsers family too; you may read more about Okamoto below.
The teaching of Mr. Okamoto is contained e.g. in the book "95 theses", "Completed Testament Principle" and "Guidebook for Hoondokhae".
"95 theses":
In September and October 2003 many members in Japan received a book entitled "95 theses". (Note: the title is supposed to indicate that it should bring a reformation as Martin Luther's 95 theses put on the door of his church launched protestant reformation in 1517). On the first page of the book there is written: "A content of this book is not what Unification Church speaks about as heresy, so called Woo group. We have nothing to do with them. We just study words of rev. Moon therefore, please, study this book with peaceful mind." In the book there is no adress, telephone or any other contact to author or publisher, that's why in the beginning it was not clear who had sent the book. There is only written there that it is "Tribal Church Association". However, later Japanese HQ found out that the book was sent out by Mr. Okamoto's group. And actually, just before Mr. Hashimoto left Gubser's house after his visit during Christmas, he received the very same book from E. who said it is from one Japanese sister (about whom Mr. Hashimoto knows that she also studies teaching of Mr. Okamoto).
The book is written in such a way that on every page there is one of 95 topics formulated as a question, followed by few quoatations from True Father's various speeches and in the end of each page there is an interpretation. The formulations are often misleading. At least 2 examples:
Ex. 1) Question: "Is it really true that the original sin of our blessed families was liquidated through the blessing or not?" ... few quotations ... conclusion: "According to teaching of Unification Church the original sin has been liquidated and we have been connected to God's blood lineage. This we absolutely believed in. But according to rev. Moon's words we are still under satan's lineage. Therefore we should accept what rev. Moon says."
Ex. 2) Question: "Is it true that before we reach individual perfection we can start family life?" Quotations ... and a conclusion: "According to Principle of Creation only those who completed their individual perfection can marry and establish a family.However, our mind and body are not united yet, relationship between husband and wife is still very difficult so can we call such a family a true blessed family?"
"Completed Testament Principle":
According to Japanese HQ Mr. Okamoto together with 12 other people around him (who - according to their explanation - constitute so called Tribal Church) are preparing "Completed Testament Principle". They say it is a new Principle. The above specified book "95 Theses" on its last page announces: "If you study Completed Testament Principle, you will get answers to all questions contained in this book."
"Guidebook for Hoondokhae":
A book "95 Theses" was so far just in Japanese language, however, the teaching is contained also in the book called "Guidebook for Hoondokhae" that is in English. Exactly the same book is being used also by Woo group. Mr. Hashimoto said this fact to N., but N.replied that he does not agree with all the content of the Guidebook, just with something. However, it is not clear with what exactly he does not agree.
IV. Official statement of our movement
During his visit in Gubser's house Mr. Hashimoto read official statements of Japanese Unification movement HQ. According to findings of Japanese HQ teaching of Mr. Okamoto is in many points very similar or identical to the teaching of Mr. Woo Myon Shik. Mr. Okamoto was originally a member of a group of Mr. Woo (Woo group). Therefore, in order to see everything as a whole and in connections it is good to know also about Mr. Woo, what are his teaching and activities.
A) Who is Mr. Woo Myon Shik; Mr. Okamoto joins Woo group:
Mr. Woo Myon Shik joined the Unification Church in 1974 in Korea. For some time he worked as a body guard in Han Nam Dong (Korean Unification Church HQ). Mr. Woo received blessing in 1982 (6.000 couples). Shortly after the blessing he began to behave self-centeredly and organize his own followers based on non-principled motivation. In July 1990 Mr. Woo came to Japan where he started to visit members. One of them, Mr. Harada, joined his group and later also Mrs. Onuki as well as several her relatives (remark of Mr. Hashimoto this family owns huge land and seminar center; in the past they supported our movement, but then they separated themselves). The group started to be very active in Japan and "witness" to many members. One of members who joined the Woo group was also Mr. Okamoto.
B) Excommunication of Mr. Woo from Unification Church:
In March 1993 rev. Kwak
(at that time president of Unification Church in Korea remark of writer) sent an official letter announcing excommunication of Mr. Woo from Unification Church. Mr. Woo spoke of himself that he is a bastard of True Father and 4th Adam. True Father said that it is not true at all. According to testimonies of some Woo group ex-members Mr. Woo had sexual relationships with some sisters who joined his group and with some of them had children. (Rev. Kwak excommunicated Mr. Woo only when Mr. Woo continued in his activities in order to clearly express that this person is not a member of Unification Church. Because if he was remained in our movement, his activities would be even more dangerous for our members remark of Mr. Hashimoto).
C) Excommunication of Mr. Okamoto from Unification Church:
In September 1994
, that means almost one and half a year after Mr. Woo was excommunicated from Unification Church, Japanese church followed this rev. Kwak's decision from 1993, and excommunicated 5 members from Unification Church for "... guiding our members with non-principled teaching and their recruitment to Woo group". One of these excommunicated members was also Mr. Okamoto. None of them repented neither admitted that what they did was not correct.
D) Some key points of Mr. Woo's teaching:
1) The original sin cannot be liquidated through blessing given by True Parents.
2) The original sin can be removed through 4th Adam Mr. Woo Myon Shik.
3) Sisters who have sexual relationship with Mr. Woo and delivere baby from it can in this way become members of royal family.
4) Woo Myon Shik is a bastard of True Father and bastards are in the center of God's providence. Current Unification Church failed in its mission because it could not create a realm of the royal family and because it persecutes Woo group that is in the center of God's providence.
According to the official statement of Japanese HQ teaching of Woo group makes satan's identity ambiguous. It tries to disguise the fact that satan is fallen archangel by assertion that spiritual fall was a sexual relationship between Eve and Adam-the father rather than between Eve and Lucifer. It is a strategy to prevent revealing existence of satan as a spiritual being.
One of internal directions of Woo group guides its members in a following way: Because Woo group is in the center of God's providence, it must infiltrate Unification Church and save it even if it should hide its identity or lie.
E) What True Father said about Mr. Woo and his group:
31st March 1995 True Father saw a photograph of Woo Myon Shik, Mr. Okamoto and some other members of Woo group. True Father said that "... face of Mr. Woo indicates that he has a character of deceiver" and that "... his group is one of thieves worse than satan".
F) What DaeMoNim said about Mr. Woo and his group:
Dae Mo Nim also warned against this group. She reported that several members who joined this group participated in Cheong Pyong workshops and confessed that they had been involved in non-principled sexual relationships within the group.
G) Next development of Mr. Okamoto himself:
In July 2000 Mr. Okamoto came to Japanese HQ and said that in the end of 1999 he had left Woo group, and therefore he asked to be accepted again back to Family Federation. Reaction of Japanese HQ was such that they told Mr. Okamoto: "In 1994 you were excommunicated from Unification Church. Since that time on for 5, 6 years you were with Mr. Woo. Now you say that you left Woo group and want to be forgiven and accepted again. But how about those 5 years during which you actively led our members to Woo group? You should confess and repent, not just simply say that you left Woo group and based on that assertion want to be accepted again." So Japanese church asked Mr. Okamoto for confession and repentance, however, Mr. Okamoto refused to do it. Based on his attitude Japanese HQ could not trust him and so the excommunication of Mr. Okamoto remained in effect.
Regarding the separation of Mr. Okamoto from Woo group, still in January 2004 Japanese HQ had two theories: either it is genuine separation or it is pretended one. However, the first possibility that Mr. Okamoto genuinly separated from Woo group seems doubtful, because teaching of Mr. Okamoto is in many points similar or identical to the teaching of Mr. Woo. Also, Mr. Okamoto never accuses Mr. Woo, on the contrary he says Mr. Woo is a good person. Mr. Okamoto just accuses Woo group (particularly Mr. Uchino and Mr. Naito) for having sexual relationships with other women and destroying blessed families. Therefore the second possibility is that the separation of Mr. Okamoto from Mr. Woo is just simulated with a purpose for Mr. Okamoto to come back to Unification Church and influence members from inside. Japanese HQ holds this suspicion. This alternative is supported also by simple fact that Mr. Okamoto did not say truth many times when asked (e.g. that he never witnessed to any Unification Church members to join Woo group, when he was a member of it; but actually there are many evidences that he did it). Because of these reasons Mr. Okamoto is not considered a trustable person by Japanese HQ.
H) Mr. Okamoto is an extension of the Woo group:
Woo group uses the "Guidebook for Hoondokae" - the very same book used by Mr. Okamoto's group too. Based on comparison provided by Japanese HQ it is obvious that also a content of the "95 Theses" book is in many points identical with the teaching of the Woo group. Teaching of Mr. Okamoto (Tribal Church Association) differs from teaching of Mr. Woo only in most obviously ridiculous points (e.g. meaning of sexual relationships with Mr. Woo, or that Mr. Woo himself is the 4th Adam). However, Tribal Church Association says that they are developing Father's theory still more.
So in the Japanese church they can see that not only Mr. Okamoto did not repent and confess anything of what he did, but also that his teaching is very similar to Mr. Woo's teaching. Mr. Okamoto says that he left Woo group etc., however, again: Mr. Okamoto never accuses Mr. Woo himself. In the end behaviour of Mr. Okamoto protects Mr. Woo Myon Shik and brings confusion among blessed couples.
Regarding this aspect Mr. Hashimoto read a following part of the official statement of Japanese HQ to N.and E.:
"Based on the explanation above the Japanese HQ considers anybody who consciously or unconsciously belongs to Mr. Okamoto's group,
that is so called Tribal Church Association, to be an extension of Woo group
. The reason is that sometimes these people hide their identity purposefully and it is difficult to recognize it. If somebody spreads this teaching, he/she brings confusion into our movement and in the end acts against God's Will."
V. conclusion
Mr. Hashimoto read these official statements of Japanese HQ together with N.and E. Gubser during Christmas 2003. They were very surprised by that because they were not aware of many of these informations concerning Mr. Okamoto and his background. Therefore Mr. Hashimoto asked them seriously to investigate much more about Mr. Okamoto, but they said to Mr. Hashimoto that anyway they are not Woo group, and that Mr. Okamoto left Woo group surely because of the teaching and activities of Woo group. Mr. Hashimoto asked N.and E. if they are really sure about it, and how they can know that Mr. Okamoto says everything to them.
Mr. Hashimoto also said to N.and E. that they are his friends, brother and sister, however, that he cannot agree with the content of this teaching and that it is not right to spread it to other brothers and sisters
. But N.said he follows his conscience.
2. Response to Mr. Hashimoto`s Statements
by F. Passecker
This is a response to the comments of Mr. Hashimoto, which Martin Slezak, NL of Czech Republic, has sent to all Czech members on Jan. 24. In the meanwhile they were as well distributed in other parts of Europe. Therefore I want to give a response to correct the content because of many missinformations or misunderstandings written in those comments.
Blue text: Mr. Hashimoto or National Leader of Czech Republic
Red text:True Fathers Words
Black texs: response by F. Passecker
ad 1. The 4th Adam
This interpretation totally ignores the fact that Father went through 40 years of indemnity and paid for the failure, proclaiming True Parents since 1992! It disregards the acceptance of True Parents by American Christianity in recent years. Father furthermore never spoke of "3rd coming of Messiah". It also confuses what True Parents mean by the term "4th Adam". According to Fathers words we entered the "era of the 4th Adam" and in this sense we all received the title Owner of Cheon Il Guk. We also can pray in our own name. According to Father we all, blessed central families, should inherit victory of True Parents, that means we central blessed families should become 4th Adam. The Okamotos explanation that 4th Adam is a new Messiah for whom we should prepare is totally wrong and misguiding.
If there is a 4th Adam to come as a person taking over the Messiah-mission, does it automatically mean to totally ignore the fact, that Father went through 40 years of indemnity or does it automatically mean that TF failed? Does it reduce the value and significance of TF?
The Christians accused us, that we say Jesus failed and that we ignore the fact that Jesus went through his suffering and indemnity course, because we think there is another Messiah after Jesus. Is their accusation correct and a logical conclusion?
Although we never said, that Jesus failed, still next Adam as Messiah was needed.
It also confuses what True Parents mean by the term 4th Adam.
Lets analyze the term "Adam" and what his responsibility is.
The 1st Adam was a person without any sin and received the order from God to fullfill the 3 great Blessings, first of all to become a true son (1st Blessing).
As Adam fell at the age of 16, the 2nd Adam had to come as saviour and with the responsibility to fulfill the 3 great Blessings and to guide human beings to fulfill the 3 Blessings.
Although 2nd Adam became a true son, he could not be the saviour for anybody else. There was nobody, who could be saved from sin completely and become a true son because of human failure.
3rd Adam had to take over that responsibility. Although we received True Parents, there is nobody until today, who is saved from sin completely and became a true son, even not 36 couples, as TF explicitly said.
TF July 15th
"Repent and pay your indemnity. I warn you. Don't think arrogantly about it. Don't be proud in front of God. I spent the whole last night in prayer and I could not find any Gods true children."
Therefore the mission of Adam as the saviour is not fulfilled yet, because of the failure of human beings.
Okamotos explanation that 4th Adam is a new Messiah for whom we should prepare is totally wrong and misguiding.
What will happen, when TF is going to Spirit World. It is anytime possible, as he mentioned.
TF is guiding members since 50 years now, but nobody is saved yet.
Do you think we will be saved and become true sons without any Adam in this mission?
We still need a True son, who can guide us to transform ourselves from the roots completely to become true sons and daughters too.
Is it strange then or misguiding, if we say, that 4th Adam will be somebody from TFs lineage, who will continue that mission?
Why TF speaks about his grandson at several occasions?
TF August 8th 2000
"Then through my grandchild, Gods grandchild can come into existence.
From this third generation ten thousand future generations become the fruit, and as they spread out, religions become unnecessary, and all people are able to enter Heaven
Through the third generation restoration can be completed."
TF July 30th 2000 (1st registration seminar Chung Pyong)
"Third generation is your Messiah. When third generation stands up, everything will be done."
Christians believed firmly and strongly that there is no more Adam as Messiah after Jesus. Now we believe strongly the same.
We central blessed families should become 4th Adam.
In the past TF said, that we all should become small (second) Rev. Moons, that is small 3rd Adams or the extension of 3rd Adam.
Likewise we shall become small (second) 4th Adams or the extension of 4th Adam as true sons and daughters without any sin in future.
ad 2. The original sin removed through the blessing
Father clearly explained (16th August 1970) that our original sin is removed through the process of blessing and how it is done. According to Fathers words a holy wine ceremony and a following process (blessing, separation period, 3-day ceremony) is the one through which the original sin is removed. The assertion that the original sin is not removed through the blessing given by True Parents is totally wrong.
Before discussing about the removal of the original sin let us research, what the original sin is.
Gods Will and the World p171
"Satans motivation was selfishness. Out of his selfishness comes the origin of evil and sin."
Blessing and Ideal Family (Value and significance of the Blessing)
"Christians must know the roots of sin clearly, more than anybody else. Evil started from Satan himself, and in Eve evil starts with, Let me be the subject, let me be the center!"
Blessing and Ideal Family same speech
"By the way how sickness of love started; that sickness of love started by thinking, centering on myself and thinking about myself, that is the starting point of sin."
GWW (Historical Parents Day)
"Selfishness became the cause of fall. Love centered on myself caused the fall. This is the principle as the word of God. This is basics of basics."
According Fathers Word the origin of sin is selfish motivation. Therefore the selfish motivation is the original sin. Furthermore TF explained this as the cause of the Fall.
The question is then coming up, how is it possible to remove selfish motivation by ceremonies?
This is only possible conditionally or symbolically, not on the substantial level. The substantial removal of selfish motivation needs a fundamental change and transformation of the person.
No ceremony itself can change someones motivation.
Blessed family & ideal Heavenly Kingdom I (= Blessing & ideal family II P23)
Page 638 the meaning & value of Blessing
Christians on earth say that they will be free from original sin when Jesus comes again, but what does it mean to be liberated from original sin? It is the relationship of heart, the end of Satans accusation, and separation from his blood lineage. This is the accomplishment that will remain until the end.
To be liberated from original sin means to separate from Satans blood lineage, Father said. Did we change the blood lineage substantially yet?
Family 1998, January P13: 38th True childrens day
But what proofs, that you didnt inherit Gods Blood Lineage is your mind and body are fighting. Those whose mind and body do not fight, raise your hand!
No one! Are you Gods son? NO. You are people who have no connection with God. Its a serious problem.
Blessing Q. P68 "Those who got the blessing" Father spoke to Blessed couple in Seoul Headquarter
Declined Christianity can not stop following U.C. Though in such a big changing time, if you, U.C members are still those people who couldnt be forgiven, how you will be .
You! In you enemys Satans blood is shedding.
TF May 10th 2003
Lineage it is the total conversion of the lineage! Now your lineage is like the wild olive tree, it has been violated.
TF March 10th 2003 ("Registration of Birth and Marriage")
Your marriages are all false. They should be fixed. They should be grafted into true olive trees.
We can find almost endless quotations of TF like this. Isnt that serious? Let us share two more of TFs words concerning the Blessing:
Blessing Quarterly (Japanese) Nr.67 P70
My desire is the original blessed family. Non-original blessed family is the blessed family which is in the incomplete domain. We call this "conditional blessed family". You must not confuse the two meaning. Never forget how difficult the way of the conditional blessed family is to become the original blessed family.
July 14th 2002
"Are you truly blessed? Is this the case then your mind and body are united.
If it is not the case, you are false.
You may say to be a leader of UC, but I will say: I don't know you."
TF makes a difference between the Blessing (Conditional Blessing) which we got and the Blessing (Original Blessing) which we should be able to reach. The original blessed family would be a family, who substantially is liberated from original sin and changed Blood Lineage on the substantial level.
The Blood Lineage is substantially changed by the fundamental change of a selfish person to become a true son.
Then the false Blood Lineage is rooted out. Such a person can receive the original Blessing.
Our Blessing is called conditional, because our original sin is removed only conditionally and the Blood Lineage is also changed only conditionally.
The teaching of Mr. Okamoto mixes together original sin and fallen nature.
The separation of original sin and fallen nature was never taught by TF.
According to my informations this teaching was created by a leader in the Japanese Headquarter, who wrote a book about this theory of salvation. It is a book, that was written to help for the confrontation with Christian ministers, who persecuted our movement and even kidnapped some members. It should point out the merit of the Conditional Blessing.
The author himself never thought, that the members will believe, because of this theory in the book, that they will be saved by the Blessing Ceremony substantially. The Education department therefore emphasized, that it should not be used for the education of members.
But instead the Japanese Headquarter decided to use it and it became a fixed dogma in our church.
ad 3. The originals sin is a spiritual and physical fall, not just selfishness
Mr. Hashimoto said that the essence of God is love, therefore Lucifers attack on Eve and their sin was to do with love itself and with love organs. The original sin was a spiritual and physical fall, sexual relationship in Bible there is warning: "Do not eat the fruit !" eating the fruit is a symbol for sexual relationship.
Can a sexual relationship be the cause of the fall? It is already a result, a phenomena. The cause lies before the sexual act. It is the selfish motivation as TF described it. This is the root of sin. It has to be uprooted.
If the cause of the fall is selfish motivation, then we have a chance to change our motivation and not necessarily be involved in a sexual relationship. But if the cause of the fall is the sexual relationship itself, we would fall into the trap again and again almost automatically. We have to change our selfish motivation, then we can withstand even a thousand beautiful women around us.
If we say, the cause of the fall is the sexual relationship, someone may conclude, that it can only be restored by another God-centered sexual relationship. That may lead to such strange theories as the Japanese HQ described it about the Woo-group. (sexual relationships with Mr. Woo, sexual relationships among the blessed couples, etc.)
The topic "Fall and original sin" are one of the core contents of the Principles. Our explanation of this content shows, that our understanding is diametrical opposite to the Woo-group-teaching as described in the Homepage of the HQ of Japanese UC. Mr. Hashimoto criticizes, that we say the essence of the original sin is selfishness and the cause of the fall is selfish motivation and not the sexual relationship. But at the same time the Japanese HQ writes in its statement, that our teaching differs from Woo group only in most obvious and ridiculous points, that's why it is clear, that we are an extension of Woo group.
What kind of logic and conclusion is it?
Concerning the cause of the fall explained as a kind of sexual relationship there is surprisingly (concerning only this specific point) some similarity between the UC and the Woo group, but there is no similarity between the Woo group and our understanding at all. I do not mention this to put the UC near to Woo-group, but to show how absurd it is to say, that our teaching is almost same like their teaching as explained by the Japanese UC HQ.
ad 4. Divine Principle and mistakes
True Father never said it in this way and in this sense. If Principle contained a lot of mistakes (the important ones as Mr. Okamoto and N.mean it) all leaders in our movement and DP lecturers would have to be asking eagerly since then what mistakes are in DP! These mistakes would have to be clarified by True Father immediately because DP is our basic ideology and all we teach and what True Parents do is based on Divine Principle.
Gods Day 1995
"I checked page by page, I found mistakes, but I cannot correct. I cannot teach you everything."
That means TF has authorized the DP book although there are mistakes. And he does not interfere to correct them. Why?
It has to do with one of the most important principles: mans portion of responsibility. This principle applies also to the finding of the truth.
TF had to research and fight to find out truth. After years of searching God first even rejected, what Father presented to him.
TF became visible God on the earth, Gods body. In the relationship with him we have that same portions of responsibility concerning the researching of the truth.
God does not interfere mans portion of responsibility, that's why TF does not interfere our portion of responsibility and does not correct even what is wrong (not perfect).
That's why we should not simply think, that TF will anyway tell us every detail when it is necessary for us and that we don't need to research so much.
ad 5. Gods will and Gods providence
According to this explanation we should not deal with "Gods providence", but we should just concentrate to our personal perfection, our own family etc. Such an explanation, however, totally disregards a fact that development of Gods providence is not just Gods responsibility, and that man has his own role within it (therefore history has been prolonged repeatedly because of failures of central persons) as well as a fact that through participating in Gods providence we can help to other people o get to know Gods will so that they too can fulfill it and we can also become better people for our own family and others through overcoming our fallen nature. Explanation of this point is very misleading and leads to selfishness.
It is not correct that we emphasize not to deal with Gods providence.
Providence is the preparation and foundation to make it possible to do Gods Will. Without Providence there is also no Gods Will possible, but Providence is not the same as Gods Will.
According DP and TFs explanation Gods Will is the fulfillment of 3 Great Blessings. This is the core mission of the Messiah. How can it lead to selfishness, if we want to focus on the 3 Great Blessings, which are Gods fundamental order to humankind. It is Gods desire, that we first become true sons and daughters by overcoming our selfishness and uniting mind and body (first Blessing) and serving others.
The providence creates the environment and conditions to realize Gods Will. Therefore both are needed.
Such an explanation, however, totally disregards the fact that the development of Gods providence is not just Gods responsibility.
The providence is Gods responsibility with the support of the archangels. The 1. providence was when God created the world as TF mentioned in his speech of May 1st 1993.
Archangels helped God.
TF guided the providence and took responsibility as visible God on earth during all the desert-course. Until now we are in the position of archangels to support TF in his responsibility for the providence.
December 1st 2002
"Religions leaders should accept that they are in the archangel position, but instead they insist they are Adam."
"95 Theses"
In the book there is no address, telephone or any other contact to author or publisher, that's why in the beginning it was not clear who had sent the book. There is only written there that it is "Tribal Church Association". However, later Japanese HQ found out that the book was sent out by Mr. Okamotos group.
Mr. Okamoto did not write his private phone number, because his family would not have a quiet moment for a long time.
But in the book there is an e-mail address and a fax number.
Ex. 1) Question
"Is it really true that the original sin of our blessed families was liquidated through the blessing or not?" few quotations conclusion: "According to teaching of Unification Church the original sin has been liquidated and we have been connected to Gods blood lineage. This we absolutely believed in. But according to rev. Moons words we are still under Satans lineage. Therefore we should accept what rev. Moon says."
If the book "95 Theses" is quoted, quotations of TF should not be left out. Nobody can understand the conclusion if Fathers Words are cut off. It can create misunderstandings and push easily negative emotions, which are not helpful for all of us.
"Completed Testament Principle"
According to Japanese HQ Mr. Okamoto together with 12 other people around him (who according to their explanation constitute so called Tribal Church) are preparing "Completed Testament Principle". They say it is a new Principle. The above specified book "95 Theses" on its last page announces: "If you study Completed Testament Principle, you will get answers to all questions contained in this book."
The correct name of this book is "Principle of Completed Testament Age". It will not be written now, it was written by Mr. Okamoto and published already on March 1st 2002. It was the very first book, which he wrote. It was never translated into English.
There is also no careful research behind that statement. The content of that book is TFs speeches, but analyzed and systematized.
"Guidebook for Hoondokae"
A book "95 Theses" was so far just in Japanese language, however, the teaching is contained also in the book called "Guidebook for Hoondokhae" that is in English. Exactly the same book is being used also by Woo group.
This book is, like all of our books, not at all used by the Woo group.
G) Next development of Mr. Okamoto himself
In July 2000 Mr. Okamoto came to Japanese HQ and said that in the end of 1999 he had left Woo group and therefore he asked to be accepted again back to Family Federation.
Japanese church asked Mr. Okamoto for confession and repentance, however, Mr. Okamoto refused to do it. Based on his attitude Japanese HQ could not trust him and so the excommunication of Mr. Okamoto remained in effect.
Facts are as follows: According Mr. Okamotos explanations, after his excommunication from UC Mr. Okamoto was accepted again for 1 years after he had separated from Mr. Woo and his group, but excommunicated again, because of his explanations of TFs words. He explained that during those 1 years he had brought those members back to UC, whom he had witnessed before for the Woo group.
Why and for what Mr. Okamoto should confess and repent? He did not have any sexual relationships outside of his Blessing and he never promoted or accepted such a strange (and evil) teaching, that sisters should have sexual relationships with Mr. Woo or other brothers outside of their marriages.
Why on the other hand that former Japanese high leader, who had supposedly an affair outside of his Blessing, was not asked by those leaders of the Japanese HQ to confess?
Regarding the separation of Mr. Okamoto from Woo group, still in January 2004 Japanese HQ bad two theories: either it is genuine separation or it is pretended one. However, the first possibility that Mr. Okamoto genuinely separated from Woo group seems doubtful, because teaching of Mr. Okamoto is in many points similar or identical to the teaching of Mr. Woo.
Also, Mr. Okamoto never accuses Mr. Woo, on the contrary he says Mr. Woo is a good person. Mr. Okamoto just accuses Woo group (particularly Mr. Uchino and Mr. Naito) for having sexual relationships with other women and destroying blessed families. Therefore the second possibility is that the separation of Mr. Okamoto from Mr. Woo is just simulated with a purpose for Mr. Okamoto to come back to Unification Church and influence members from inside.
H) Mr. Okamoto is an extension of the Woo group
Teaching of Mr. Okamoto (Tribal Church Association) differs from teaching of Mr. Woo only in most obviously ridiculous points.
In point D) of the official statement 4 points are described as key teachings of Mr. Woo.
One of them is, that sisters should have a sexual relationship with Mr. Woo in order to liquidate original sin. Another one is, according the Homepage of Japanese HQ, that couples should have sexual relationships among each other.
As you can see through the explanations already given, these key points are diametrical opposite to what we teach and share according TFs Words.
How is it possible to judge, that our teachings are almost same?
Mr. Okamoto always opposed Mr. Uchino and Mr. Naito not only just for having sexual relationships with other women, but also for teaching in such a strange way. This kind of teaching originates from them.
Why is it necessary for Mr. Okamoto to accuse Mr. Woo?
Those strange key points were never taught by Mr. Woo according Mr. Okamotos explanation. Also he could never see or recognize that Mr. Woo had sexual relationships with other sisters.
It is very common to judge quickly without enough evidence and careful research, but Mr. Okamoto does not want to do the same mistake and judge Mr. Woo in such a way.
HQ holds this suspicion. This alternative is supported also by simple fact that Mr. Okamoto did not say truth many times when asked (e.g. that he never witnessed to any Unification Church members to join Woo group, when he was a member of it; but actually there are many evidences that be did it). Because of these reasons Mr. Okamoto is not considered a trustable person by Japanese HQ.
Mr. Okamoto never said, that he did not witness to UC members.
So in the Japanese church they can see that not only Mr. Okamoto did not repent and confess anything of what he did, but also that his teaching is very similar to Mr. Woos teaching. Mr. Okamoto says that he left Woo group etc., however, again: Mr. Okamoto never accuses Mr. Woo himself. In the end behavior of Mr. Okamoto protects Mr. Woo Myon Shik and brings confusion among blessed couples.
Christian Churches and their sect experts judged us, the UC, without proper research and understanding and accused us for all kinds of unbelievable crimes and teachings.
Let us remember this!
"Based on the explanation above the Japanese HQ considers anybody who consciously or unconsciously belongs to Mr. Okamotos group, that is so called Tribal Church Association, to be an extension of Woo group. The reason is that sometimes these people hide their identity purposefully and it is difficult to recognize it. If somebody spreads this teaching, he/she brings confusion into our movement and in the end acts against Gods Will."
This means that everybody, who belongs to "Mr. Okamotos group", no matter if consciously or unconsciously, will be treated by the Japanese HQ as someone, who follows those strange teachings as described before.
I hope, that our sharings, comments and discussions may improve in quality and help pulling down walls instead of creating them and may finally serve for a good benefit for all of us.
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