The Words of the Heller Family |
Dae Mo Nim has Hope in America
HSA-UWC North American Family Church
4 West 43rd Street
New York, New York 10030
Rev Joong Hyun Pak, Continental Director
Dr. Tyler Hendricks, President
To: All Regional Directors
Fm: Jorg Heller, HQ
Re: Basic Directions and Information from Rev. Joong Hyun Pak
April 28, 1999
Greetings from New York and congratulations for the successful Liberation Events in Oaklard, Chicago, Washington and New York. Members united deeply with the liberation providence. This showed our deep desire to straighten up and become better children to our True Parents and thus better objects for our Heavenly Father to work with. A total of about 9,700 members, including children attended the four events. Many members we have not heard much from in many years also participated in the Liberation Ceremony.
Due Mo Nim, has hope In America
Dae Mo Nim was very happy with each event and she expressed much hope for the future of the American movement. She said that the key for America's victory will be directly related to the depth of unity the leaders and the membership can create. Dae Mo Nim will return in August to give the Blessing to our ancestors (now our spiritual children). Rev. Joong Hyun Pak spent a lot of time with Dae Mo Nim and he took a lot of good notes. Unfortunately he did not have even one free moment to share this information with us, but he will do it very soon.
Dae Mo Nim asked us to make a 100 day prayer condition, and witnessing condition to find 3 spiritual children. On that foundation our ancestors can be blessed. If we you have not started with these conditions yet, please, begin today.
Heung Jin Nim's Campaign
This 100 day campaign is actually inspired by Heung Jin Nim. He met with Dae Mo Nim at UTS on Monday, April 26, 1999. Heung Jin Nim feels that America can be victorious and he wants to use our campaign here in America as a model for the rest of the world to follow. This 100 day campaign comes on the foundation of the February 7th Blessing where top Christian Leaders and Martyrs were blessed. Heung Jin Nim will send these spirits to North America to work with us. 1.6 billion young people were also blessed on February 7th by Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim. Two of these newly blessed spirit couples will be assigned to each of our families to help with the 400 million young couples blessing.
While at UTS, Heung Jin Nim took another look at the car he had the accident in. He lamented the poor quality of workmanship by the carmakers. The safety standard of this particular car was very low. He was also somewhat disappointed at what he saw. The car was in very poor condition, very dusty and rust began to show everywhere. He suggested to either make a historical museum peace out of this car or to throw it into the trash.
Witness by showing a movie
Dae Mo Nim watched the movie "What dreams may come" with Robin Williams. This movie very realistically explains about spirit world and how a person can be liberated from hell. Dae Mo Nim watched this movie in tears and said that this movie was a very good portrayal of the type of work she is doing in order to liberate our ancestors. Dae Mo Nim suggested that all members watch the movie and use it for witnessing as well. Show it to your contacts. Dae Mo Nim is returning to Chung Pyung today.
Spirit world is very active in many different ways. Time Magazine, in it's April 19, 1999 issue writes a big article on how "How To Search For Your Roots." This could also be used as a good witnessing material.
Regional Directors Conference in New York City
Rev. Pak wants to hold a Regional Directors Conference in New York City. Here are the details as far as I know them at this time:
May 3rd: Arrival on Monday evening
May 4th: Hoon Dok Hae with True Father at East Garden - afterwards - Fishing for striped bass with True Father on the Hudson River. Fishing gear will be provided, bring some warm clothing.
May 5th: Morning: Conference starts. Noon: Lunch (Restaurant)
May 5th Afternoon: Conference continues.
May 5th Evening: Go to a show.
May 6th: Conference concludes in the evening. Return home.
Please send the
Ancestor Liberation Donation
to Headquarters without delay.
Thank you very much for your hard work. God Bless you and your family.
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