The Words of the Heller Family |
Holy Gowns for Dae Mo Nim Blessing
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification
1120 Avenue of the Americas Suite 1029, New York, NY 10036
(212) 997-2362
Fax (212) 768-9670
E-mail admin@familyfed.org
North America Headquarters
Dr. Chung Shik Yang, Continental Director
Faxed to the Regions only - e-mailed to everyone JH-072999
To: Regional Directors, State Leaders, Dept. Leaders...all Leaders, all Members
Fm: Jörg Heller for Dr. Chang Shik Yang
Re: Holy Gowns for DMN Blessing
Dt: July 28th, 1999
Greetings from New York. As you all know, Dae Mo Nim is coming again to the US of A this summer. Here is her schedule.
a. San Francisco, Aug 31, 1999.
b. Chicago Sep 02, 1999.
c. Washington DC Sep 04, 1999.
d. New York Sep 05, 1999.
Dae Mo Nim's main purpose for coming is to bless our ancestors (Halleluuujjjahhh, amen). She really wants to make this ancestor blessing a beautiful and holy event. For this reason, Dae Mo Nim is asking everyone who is getting their ancestors blessed to wear Holy Robes.
Now, for some of us that may create a problem. Whereas our Holy Robes looked beautiful and absolutely holy in the early '80's, now they may be somewhat outdated, look somewhat shabby and some of the pieces just don't fit as they used to. Others may not even be the proud owner of a Holy Robe.
When my wife and I looked at our Holy Robes about one month ago (see above), we came to the conclusion that we absolutely had to buy the original traditional Korean Holy Robes. We just had to unite with our homeland at least in this aspect. So we went to the BFD and bought a set each at $300 a piece.
However, Dr. Yang contacted the Korean Family Church and arranged a deal with them to sell us Holy Robes at a very reasonable price. The cost will be around $100 or less per person depending on quantity. I think this is a "holy" deal we can not refuse (my wife and I should have waited a little longer to buy our robes. Please take advantage of this opportunity.
Attached is a Holy Robe Order Form. Time is short. State/District Leaders please collect the number and sizes of the Robes needed for your members and pass the info on to the Regional Director/Center. The Regional Director/Center then can send the complete order information for the Region to me. Time is short. Start working on it today. The order needs to be put in as soon as possible. Based on your order the Robes will be made. This takes a lot of time. Start working on it today.
Dae Mo Nim also requested us to witness to one matching candidate and invite him/her to the Blessing/Liberation. They do not need to wear Holy Robes light color clothing will be acceptable.
Thank you very much for all that you do for our Heavenly Father and True Parents,
God Bless you and your family,
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