The Words of the Hendricks Family |
E-Cornerstone 9/25/00
Tyler Hendricks
"I have often pondered over the dangers which were incurred by the men who assembled here and adopted that Declaration of Independence—I have pondered over the toils that were endured by the officers and soldiers of the army, who achieved that independence. I have often inquired of myself, what great principle or idea it was that kept this confederacy so long together. It was not the mere matter of the separation of the colonies from the mother land, but something in that Declaration giving liberty, not alone to the people of this country, but hope to the world for all future time." (Abraham Lincoln, "Address in Independence Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, February 22, 1861)
At the New York Regional Worship on September 17, Reverend Michael Jenkins (’77) called us to the words of Abraham Lincoln. So I include these words from Mr. Lincoln.
"Denis Collins ('83) has been a Business Ethics professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison for ten years and is currently enjoying life as a Business School professor at the University of Bridgeport, helping the university create a model international community on campus."
Dan Fefferman (’86), Director of the International Coalition for Religious Freedom, writes: "Related to UTS' academic mission, ICRF has just published the proceedings of its four conference on "Religious Freedom and the New Millennium." It is available for $29.95 plus $2.00 shipping (US) from ICRF, 7777 Leesburg Pike, Suite 309N, Falls Church VA 22043. On the artistic front, my two albums are still available for $20 each (or 3/$20--such a deal!) from The Wordmill, PO Box 132, Glenn Dale MD 20769. Specify ‘Greatest Hits’ or ‘Unknown Gems’ (or both). A third album should be released by Christmas."
From Robin Graham (’80), we hear: "I have just completed my MSc at NYU Wagner School of Public Service, a Masters in Management of International Public Service Organizations."
Ann Schaffner (’88) wrote about a European WFWP conference she just concluded, an eastern Europe-western Europe sisterhood ceremony in Weimar, Germany.
To get your news in the next E-Cornerstone, send me an e-mail and don’t hold your breath.
Financial Frontline: Many thanks to Chad Hoover, Michael Keily, John Leba, Dale Garratt, Clive Wright, Yuichi Tanabe, Jim and Linda Howell, Larry Haft, Hubert Mahoungou and especially Pierre Tardy for your recent financial contributions to UTS. I ask everyone to pray for Dr. Chang Shik Yang, who made a determination in front of our Board of Trustees to garner substantial funding support from HSA Headquarters, the New Yorker Hotel, True World Group, Il Hwa Ginseng, United Vision Sales Group and Saeilo International. Pray for each of those donors, or potential donors, to prosper mightily. Givin g makes you grow!
Rite a Review: Demonstrate your academic prowess! The Journal of Unification Studies would like to include book reviews in the next issue. If you would like to review any of the recent books by Fredrick Swarts (’82), Richard Panzer (’79), David and Tacco Hose or yours truly (’78), let me know by e-mail and I will send you a gratis copy (but I have only one copy of each). We welcome reviews of other books as well but I cannot get a copy to you. The string attached: We must have the review by October 16 (Million Family March Day). We also welcome scholarly articles on Unification-related subjects. E-mail articles or reviews to Andrew Wilson, at awilsn@valstar.net.
GOD’S Tylenol: In a discussion with our Academic Dean, Michael Mickler, we realized that UTS graduates, as well as UTS itself, have played an important role in the alleviation of God’s three headaches. We’re going to produce an article about it, to inspire True Parents. If you have insights or information on how we UTS alums have helped alleviate the headaches of Christian / religious disunity, Communism, and the decline of the family, send me a brief e-mail about it.
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