The Words of the Hendricks Family |
E-Corn 9/24
Tyler Hendricks
September 25, 2002
Dear E-Cornerstone Folk,
Greetings from the autumnal hills of the Hudson Valley.
Fall '02 Enrollment Picture
God has blessed us greatly these last couple of weeks with a bright new class of 27 and a solid group of returning students. Our total enrollment is 128 at Barrytown (140 FTE) and 27 at the EC (28 FTE, and counting), putting us at 155 head count and 168 FTE. This is our sixth straight term of expanded enrollment, and the third highest FTE ever at UTS. Again, we are grateful to God.
Also we are grateful because there are alumni out there who are talking up UTS and encouraging others to attend. We thank you. For example, Rev. Hiroshi Matsuzaki and Rev. Chuck Frumin have sent a Christian minister here to study Unificationism. Rev. Sam Masilimoney, who worked with Mother Teresa for seven years, is a real asset to our school, although his time here will be brief. He is talking with us about developing an intensive program to educate minister in Unificationism. And he plays a mean round of golf.
We are concerned, however, for even though our overall enrollment is high, the number of new students fell short of the goal. We are giving serious thought to the future enrollment picture and ask for your prayers.
Second-generation Survey
Connected with our future enrollment, and your future church and movement, we conducted a survey of 142 STF kids and found some interesting results:
Interest in UTS: 26% indicated a good probability of attending UTS, 5 7 years hence; 48% were unlikely to attend UTS, and 26% are on the fence.
What our kids are interested in: There is a high interest in the performing arts. By far the career goal of choice is "the arts" (39), "music and art ministry" was the second most popular subject at UTS (33), just four votes short of first place, and the third most popular ministry area is music ministry (15).
There is a high interest as well in youth ministry and education: Education is the third career field of choice (17), Family and youth ministry is the third most popular subject for UTS (24), and the overwhelming favorite area of church life participation is youth ministry (43), with "teaching/writing" having also a strong showing (14).
Of additional interest is the leading subject matter envisioned for UTS study: world religions (37), in light of the total disinterest in the Bible (2) and mediocre showing of Christian history (10) and theology/philosophy (10).
The strong showings in science and technology (19) as a vocational choice should be noted, along with a reasonable distribution of interest in media and information technology (13), health and human services (12) and politics and government (10).
What our kids are not interested in: The lowest career of choice is academic / research (0) and business / management (1). Connect this with lack of interest in learning about management (5) at UTS and getting involved in management / finances in church life (4). This undoubtedly reflects the typical interest pattern of young, unmarried adults who have not confronted much reality.
Another low-interest area of interest is the traditional church-leadership roles: religion / ministry got only 8 votes as a career choice, preaching got only 1 vote as an attractive part of church life, church public relations (4) and outreach / witnessing (5) also scored very low. Church leadership received a mediocre score in terms of interest in studying at UTS (11). Finally, although there was a high level of interest in family and youth ministry, only one individual indicated vocational interest in parenting (Śbe a mom").
Goals and Objectives
Our G/O team has been pushing forward. Here is the current DRAFT of the results of our deliberations:
Goals and Objectives‹Meeting #4 / September 23, 2002
1. To offer professional ministerial programs of high quality
2. To foster the spiritual formation of students within the context of a community of character and faith
3. To contribute to the ongoing development of the Unification tradition and its relationship to diverse religious and secular communities.
4. To provide opportunities for productive employment and professional advancement
5. To operate in a fiscally sound manner
1. To offer a professional ministerial program of high quality for individuals seeking careers in, or in dialog with, the Unification Church and affiliated organizations
Stimulating and innovative teaching
Gather and maintain a quality faculty
Affiliate professionally and align with current standards of graduate education
Develop expressions of Unificationism for a diverse multi-cultural, inter-religious context
Support a quality library and support services
Progressive curriculum
Define theological education, broadly
Develop courses of study
Make the education applicable in practice
Instruct in and develop conviction in the overarching value of the spirit of Unificationism in the task of inter-religious work
Establish joint degree programs
Useful Fieldwork
Prioritize ecumenical and inter-religious work
Offer opportunities for Unification Church apprenticeship
Enhance outcomes assessment Establish branch campuses on every continent.
2. To foster the spiritual formation of students within the context of a community of character and faith
Spiritual formation
Create a model inter-religious community
Provide the model of a healthy, growing local church
Develop student community life
Foster student participation and ownership
Foster clubs and extra-curricular activities
Bring in special speakers, cultural programs, seminars
Provide quality facilities and support services.
Provide and create effective worship to support mature faith
Provide quality academic advisement and counseling
Develop the sense of individual vocation and calling
Fulfill denominational commitments
Connect and integrate student-orientation at the time of entrance, the selection of ministry concentration, the choice of field education/internships, and placement.
Provide effective placement services
3. To contribute to the ongoing development of the Unification tradition and its relationship to diverse religious and secular communities.
[Create a model church]
Contribute to the ministry of Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon
Provide the model of a healthy, growing local church
Do research and development as a think tank for the Unification Church
[Interfaith Activities]
Create an interfaith center
Seek and engage in projects of common cause with other churches and schools
Work with local, national and world interfaith/ecumenical organizations
Maintain an inter-religious Board of Trustees
[Alumni development]
Create a community of Ph.D. scholars
Foster faculty and produce graduates who can influence society
Develop an Alumni Association for recruitment and giving
Provide Continuing Education for alumni
Honor the heritage of the Unification Church
Create a museum / pilgrimage site
[Intellectual influence]
Sustain and develop the Journal of Unification Studies
Create an Institute for Research and Publication
Work toward publishing books and creating viable products
Encourage faculty and Board members to articulate their views in professional associations
[Local community participation]
Maintain an urban presence in New York City Educate leaders from historically underrepresented groups
Participate in the Red Hook community
Preserve and enhance our scenic beauty
4. To provide opportunities for productive employment and professional advancement
Value our human resources
Encourage professional development of Board members, faculty, administration and staff
Create a sense of fellowship, community and enjoyment of work
Maintain and update the personnel handbook
Pay just wages, provide benefits and a retirement policy
Provide counseling for staff and students
5. To operate in a fiscally sound manner
Develop excellent marketing and recruitment strategies in traditional and new markets
Maximize accessibility (extension centers, Distance Learning, commuter days)
Contribute to the local economy
Operate with financial responsibility
Reduce dependency by developing programs to raise funds, seek grants and funding
Create an Investment Policy Statement
Beaver Lamp, Light Show and Rock Band
We have also made progress on our "Facilities Master Plan" deliberations, but I will not push my luck with regard to your capacity for this type of thing.
Changing the subject, we had a beaver that gnawed down one willow tree at the pond and did considerable damage to two others. We had a neighbor kill it, in return for the right to stuff it and make it, with the stump of the tree, into a lamp. I almost enclosed a photo for everyone to see, but my prudence stopped me. If you'd like to see the photo, let me know.
The celebration of the 27th Anniversary of UTS, Sept 22, featured a light show that filled the 40' square front wall of the chapel and was pretty stunning to everyone and difficult to describe. You have to see it.
Last but not least, yours truly is generating an intergenerational band that's focusing on Christian rock to get ourselves started. We hope you'll be able to make it to UTS for worship sometime later this fall. The purpose of life is joy, isn't it?
All the best, Tyler Hendricks
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