The Words of the Hendricks Family |
E-Cornerstone Nov 02
Tyler Hendricks
November 29, 2002
Dear Friends and Global Neighbors,
Greetings from snow-touched UTS on this post-Thanksgiving morning, a good time to catch up on correspondence.
Well, I'll just touch on a couple of things, but important ones.
First, our Extension Center is moving to the New Yorker Hotel. UTS will have a nice, consolidated space on the 9th floor, with three classrooms, a student lounge, small offices for the Dean, Registrar and Admissions officer, an adjuncts office and a library.
The location is ideal for transportation routes from Brooklyn and New Jersey, as well as upstate. The services are superior to 43rd street, where local businesses close down in the evening, when our students come. It is a step forward.
The new UTS Extension Center at the New Yorker Hotel will be having an open house on December 20, 4:00 to 7:00 pm, so if you are in the area, be sure to drop in!
Second, here are the Goals and Objectives recently reviewed and approved by the Board. Based upon these, we will develop our Outcomes Assessment procedures and our Strategic Plan. At the same time, the Board is entering upon some heavy lifting toward statements of the UTS vision (a new task) and mission (a review and development).
Pray for our Trustees, who are fulfilling a vital role to build UTS' future. They are Mr. Farley Jones (Chair), Rev. Michael Jenkins (Vice-Chair), Dr. Hugh Spurgin (Secretary and Chair of the Committee on Trustees), Dr. Chang Shik Yang, Dr. Anthony Guerra (Chair of the Academic and Student Affairs Committee), Mr. Pierre Tardy (Chair of the Finance and Marketing Committee), Mr. Chad Hoover (Chair of the Buildings and Grounds Committee), Dr. Jaekil Park, Mr. Masahisa Kobayashi, Mrs. Karen Smith, Dr. David Billings III, Dr. Don Olsen, Mr. Michael Balcomb, Mr. Jim Borer, Dr. David S. C. Kim (emeritus, but very active) and yours truly.
UTS Goals And Objectives
UTS Goals and Objectives Approved at the November 19, 2002, Board Retreat
Goal One
To offer academic programs that provide an effective balance of theological and professional studies that enable students to successfully pursue leadership roles in the church or specialized ministries upon graduation and/or to pursue continuing education.
a. To provide curricula that develop in students aptitude for theological reflection; intellectual grasp of the tradition of their faith community as well as of the broader Christian and inter-religious community; and understanding of cultural realities and social settings within which religious communities live and carry out their missions.
b. To offer courses that develop competencies in essential intellectual skills including the ability to think critically and constructively; conduct research; use library resources; and comprehend increasingly complex and sophisticated subject matter.
c. To provide practical experiences through field education and internships that prepare students for the realities of religious ministry.
d. To prepare students for leadership by offering courses that develop competency in essential ministerial and teaching skills. e. To offer academic programs that respond to the needs of churches and related organizations in a pluralistic religious environment.
Goal Two
To help students to become responsible in their professional lives and as leaders, to deepen their awareness of and commitment to their spiritual vocation, to develop greater confidence, to grow in moral sensibility and character, to work effectively with others, and to expand their awareness of and sensitivity to diverse faiths and cultures.
a. To offer courses that foster the spiritual formation as well as intellectual development of students.
b. To offer a range of co-curricular activities, including local service and ministry, that give students structured opportunities to develop interpersonal and leadership skills as well as to broaden their interests and cultural horizons.
c. To maintain staff and student leadership sufficient in number, expertise and personal commitment to enable each student to maximize his/her potential.
d. To instill an enriching ethos and collegial esprit through public worship, a student code and clearly articulated core values.
Goal Three
To maintain a highly qualified and skilled faculty whose members are committed to all aspects of students' success.
a. To maintain a faculty sufficient in number to discharge the full range of faculty responsibilities, including student advising.
b. To assure that faculty continue to advance and develop professionally.
c. To assure that faculty participate appropriately in institutional planning, curriculum review, and other governance roles.
d. To maintain a faculty whose diversity, in terms of religion, race, ethnicity, and gender, is consistent with the institutional mission.
Goal Four
To insure that students' interests, goals, and abilities are congruent with the mission of the seminary, and to effectively utilize the full resources of the seminary to facilitate student learning and to reduce academic, cultural, linguistic, social, psychological and financial barriers to their success.
a. To admit students who have been adequately advised, are academically qualified, and are able to benefit from the seminary's programs.
b. To provide a range of services, including financial aid assistance, academic advising, academic support and counseling that will effectively help students resolve problems that might interfere with their academic success.
c. To facilitate the timely placement of graduates into ministries consistent with their career goals and level of preparation.
Goal Five
To provide facilities, equipment, and library resources that are sufficient to support student learning and other activities of the seminary.
a. To provide classrooms, housing, dining facilities, administrative and faculty offices, worship and recreational space and other facilities that adequately support all activities of the seminary and that are efficiently utilized and well maintained.
b. To provide adequate equipment, including multimedia and computer resources, which will enhance student learning and develop relevant technical skills.
c. To provide library resources and services that will adequately support the seminary's academic programs and help students develop information literacy skills.
Goal Six
To maintain educational integrity coupled with financial stability in the management of the seminary, to provide governance and administrative structures and services that assure overall educational effectiveness, successful recruitment, strategic planning, sound management of resources, revenue growth and institutional renewal.
a. To maintain institutional financial health and renewal by closely monitoring expenditures and preparing strategic plans and budgets based on the results of assessment activities.
b. To research and develop markets, respond to market trends, and implement recruitment strategies adequate to sustain and increase enrollment.
c. To assure that administrators and staff are sufficient in number with appropriate qualifications to effectively discharge their responsibilities and to assure that administrators and staff continue to develop in their professions.
d. To foster employee commitment and job satisfaction by providing a positive working environment and fair compensation.
e. To maintain an active and diverse Board of Trustees that effectively carries out the governance responsibilities designated in its Bylaws.
Goal Seven
To contribute to the ongoing development of the Unification tradition in relationship to other religious and secular communities.
a. To develop Unification Studies as a field of academic study and to strengthen Unification ministry.
b. To support alumni by providing forums and networks for communication, cooperation and continuing education.
c. To provide structured opportunities for ecumenical and inter-religious dialog and worship.
d. To contribute to public wellbeing and quality of life.
As always, ITL, Tyler Hendricks
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