The Words of the Hendricks Family |
The former pastor of the Unification Church in Philadelphia, Anslie Abraham, has written a book about theodicy and the world's religions. It points the way to Divine Principle as the solution to humankind's quest for an ideal, in a way that speaks to people of various faiths. Anslie, in his own words, explains it this way:
"My book, Why Evil Rules If God Is…, (www.Xlibris.com, 2011) shows why God, who is both all-good and all-powerful, allows pain and suffering. In my childhood I learned the familiar song, 'Yes, Jesus loves me; the Bible tells me so.' Nonetheless I suffered child abuse and asked, does Jesus really love me? Is the Bible true? This led me, after moving to America, to abandon religion for materialism and atheism. It had disastrous effects in my life, just as it does to others in all societies. It left me free to sin.
"But through His love, God opened my spiritual senses to see His work in all religions. I saw how He is moving the world to one central event, the Second Coming of Christ. My book shows how the religions can work together, in practical reality, family by family, to build a world of peace devoid of evil. I encourage you to read it and decide for yourself."
I was blessed to help Rev. Abraham in the editing of the book, and would like to recommend it to our alumni. It is available hardcover, softcover or as an e-book, through Orders@Xlibris.com.