The Words of the Hendricks Family |
Please Tithe
Dr. Tyler Hendricks
4 West 43rd Street, New York, New York 10036
(212) 997-0050 Fax (212) 768-0791
February 9,1999
Dear brothers and sisters,
Greetings from New York and best wishes for the New Year. Amid the Blessing '99 preparation and speech tour, True Parents are continually investing in the next round of projects, and the next round beyond that, and on into the future. Father's hope is unchanging. He believes in God. He believes that the Principle is the power to liberate God's love and change the world. He will continue this path forever, no matter what. To reaffirm this in our hearts is our daily challenge. I am sure that Father reaffirms God's will day and night.
I occasionally receive requests for clarification of the offering opportunities presented us at this time in the providence. It is impossible to rank the importance of each of the requested donations, however, each one of them needs to be addressed by you in order for True Parents' work to continue on the world level as well as in your local church.
Tithing to the Local, Regional and National Church
Consistent 10% tithing of our income to the local church is essential. It determines the effectiveness of our movement as a whole.
The Living Offering Fund (also called the "living sacrifice" fund)
The fund is connected to the 40-day "Ideal Family Workshop" in Jardim, Brazil, and the creation of the New Eden. Your $16,000 gift will help True Parents build the True Nation God needs to establish the foundation for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Attending the Ideal Family Workshop will give you the heavenly authority to match and bless your own children. You may also enter the family registry of the True Family. True Parents have been taking pictures with the couples who attended the workshop. This will be eternally the source of pride and joy for your entire lineage.
You may make your offering to the HSA-UWC Headquarters at 4 West 43rd Street, New York, NY 10036. Make the check out to HSA-UWC and write "Living Offering Fund" on the bottom left of the your check. You may also charge your credit card. For those of us who are not able to raise the $16,000 all at once, partial contributions are of course acceptable.
The HSA-UWC Kodan Fund
Father set up the HSA-UWC Kodan to financially support the movement some time ago. Kodan used to apply only to Japanese members. But now Father has asked western and non-Japanese members to actively join the Kodan Group. Recently, HSA-UWC Kodan donated funds to Bridgeport University, which made possible the new Health Science Center, so your donations are very meaningful.
On January 11th, 1999, at East Garden, Father spoke to major Korean Leaders. Here some of the content of Father's words:
Japan has lost the position of mother nation. Therefore, Satan can attack Japan. To protect Japan from this, Father has integrated the church in Japan with the church in Korea. Father made Rev. Hwang president of both the Korean and Japanese church, and Rev. Otsuka vice-president of both churches. Thus at present Korea and Japan are one nation in God's providence.
This, however, is not ideal. Father wants Japan to resurrect as the mother nation. Father asks the members in America - Japanese, Korean and others - to set a condition as the elder son nation for the resurrection of Japan as mother nation. This condition is more serious than any specific project; it is a providential condition. It relates with America's elder son position, to work together with the mother nation in taking care of the world. To lose the mother nation is a tremendous providential failure, Father said it is like a husband with no wife. Taiwan, the Philippines and Canada, the three daughter nations, are not able to replace Japan. This condition represents a stage in our development as a powerful body of believers in America, and it includes an offering of $7 million. This is not connected to any specific project. It is an offering to God and True Parents that can restore Japan to its original position as the Eve Nation.
At this time Mrs. Kobayashi is working hard to inspire our Japanese members and also to develop new methods for raising funds. The Kodan donation is $300 per adult, ($600 per couple) every month. I ask that all our Korean, American and all nations' members strive to reach this donation level. Make your checks payable to HSA-UWC Kodan. You may also charge your credit card. For more information about the Kodan fund, you can contact Mrs. Yoko Kobayashi at (212) 869-6427 or Mrs. Yasuko Kono (973) 235-1868 (home) or (201) 727-0903 (work).
"True Love Wings" Offering
Heavenly Father is calling our American church to support our True Parents' global evangelical tour this year. We have entitled this the "True Love Wings" offering.
Other Offerings
There are many other important areas Father has deemed to be public responsibilities for the membership at large, such as; True Parents Evangelical Expenses, the Eight Major Holy Days, the Blessed Family Department and the Unification Theological Seminary. As we make our humble offerings, let us remember that God never gives to us a cross we cannot bear.
As a final word, I encourage everyone to work in small groups. Small groups have spiritual and social benefits and also can serve as an environment to help each other economically. It is up to each group, as it is up to each family, to decide how to approach the financial challenges. In building God's kingdom, we have several request/opportunities for offering donations, that we can balance as God guides us. I believe that success in small groups will lead not only to spiritual revival and church growth, but also to financial empowerment.
In True Parents Love,
Dr. Tyler Hendricks
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