The Words of the Hendricks Family |
Blessing 2000 in Korea Important Planning and Preparation Memo #3
January 17, 2000
To: Regional Directors and Vice-Directors, Minister Tour Coordinators
Fr: Tyler Hendricks
Hello to everyone. Today there was a meeting between Dr. Yang, Mr. Yoshida and other GWT and headquarters staff. Here are some of the results:
Business and Logistics: Revised Policy
National headquarters will pay to Go-World Travel (GWT) the entire cost for all approved participants.
Regions should send the tour fees that they receive from the participants to National headquarters. You must send that money to Magnus Larrson at 43rd Street at the same time that you enter the registration on the web-site. GWT will process it when headquarters directs them to do so when the check arrives. With the check you should send a hard copy of the registration.
Mr. Yoshida reports that a high percentage of participants are choosing Plan A, the longer tour. Please realize that these people should pay the extra cost of $200. Therefore, those choosing Option A should pay a minimum fee of $350. In other words, Headquarters¹ sponsorship refers only to Plan B, the cheaper plan. We will sponsor only the following maximum amounts per person:
East Coast, Midwest and Rocky Mountains: $915 California, Oregon and Washington only: $760
GWT will handle any changes of scheduling, meal requests, gender, rooming, etc, on a case by case basis direct with Regional tour coordinator. Headquarters does not deal with this.
Revised Goals: Ministers, Couples, Candidates and Members Going To Korea
1. The following numbers are the results of the Regional Directors conference call on Saturday night.
2. The number represents an individual, so if you have 30 couples and 10 individuals going then you have a total of 70.
3. Please be reminded of the goal of five minister couples per state.
4. The total should include all four categories. Please include all four categories in your reports from now on. Overall we expect 600 members and 1,400 non-members in the group of 2,000.
5. Each Region is responsible to make their state goals.
1 Washington DC 250
2 New York 300
3 New Jersey 160
4 Boston 40
5 Columbus 100
6 Atlanta 150
7 Miami 80
8 Chicago 300
9 Minneapolis 60
10 Dallas 80
11 Denver 50
12 Seattle 80
13 San Francisco 100
14 Los Angeles 180
15 Montreal
16 Toronto 100
17 Vancouver
Total 2,030
Next Conference Call for Tour Coordinators
Monday, January 17, 11 p.m. EST
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