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Reverends Hendricks |
Education For 40 Days And 3 Days Ceremony
By Tyler Hendricks
Education for the 40 days and 3 days conditions
Recently we received clear instruction that the standard is that all 40 million couples who received the pre-blessing in 1997 fulfill the 40 days "separation condition" and 3 day ceremony before June 13.
Note that the chastening ceremony comes in the second week. And at the end is a request for a donation to FFWPU.
I have been working on material which can support this direction. A few weeks ago, I sent out a draft for a booklet on the subject. It was fairly long. What follows is a shortened version of that. It is written in the form of a letter which I intend to send to my tribal mailing list. I will include two holy handkerchiefs (which I must buy and sanctify myself; a state or regional leader could so the same for many members). Also there is a shortened version of the sealing prayer, which they should read.
I offer this for your use and development.
ITN, Tyler Hendricks
Here is the letter:
Dear Friends,
It has been several months since we shared a marriage rededication. How time flies! We regret that we are not able to visit everyone, but we want to give you something of great value to us. These are basic principles that have helped our marriage get across some rough spots on the road. We hope that you will consider its value to you.
The Blessing of Marriage.
Together with us, you rededicated your marriage and shared the cup of holy nectar. A sprinkling with Holy Water and a prayer together represented your commitment to each other and your renewal as a blessed couple.
Making It Real.
Affirmations of true love are a positive step for any marriage. What are the next steps? How do we grow spiritually over the long term? How do we strengthen the spirit, resist temptation, and become true spouses and true parents?
Forty Days of Renewal.
We offer an idea for forty days in spiritual renewal. The number forty represents purification and offering, just as Jesus and Moses did forty days of fasting. The fact is that most marriages suffer from the stresses and strains of life in the world. Even the strongest marriage can get better, for we are people of love, and love is infinite. Step back for a few weeks and relate as friends, as brother and sister.
Forty days is six weeks, with the final "week" five days long. We offer the following series of themes for your prayer and meditation, week by week. Talk together about these things. It helps to write your reflections in a letter to your spouse. It is also valuable to maintain a personal journal. You can develop this outline using your own resources.
As brother and sister, as friends, we of course refrain from sexual relationship during this period. Think of it as reliving your time of engagement. Free from the sexual dimension for a while, you can work on your path as an individual. In this way, maybe some things you've been putting aside can work out. And you will find sexuality enhanced as you make a special new beginning in week 7.
Week 1: To Remember
Recall and reflect upon your marriage from the first time you met. Think about what was good and beautiful, and what was bad and unhealthy.
Week 2: To Repent and Forgive
Repent for what was bad and unhealthy. Allow yourself to feel remorse for having caused grief and pain by your failings and insensitivity toward your spouse. In man-woman relations, we all have erred, as have our ancestors and the culture around us. Take personal responsibility; do not blame.
At the close of the week is a time to forgive. To get out any bad feelings within, you can take a few moments to pray and share what is in your heart. To bring it to a close, gently and with love spank your partner's backside. Three times each, husband to wife, then wife to husband. Having done this, promise never to hit each other again.
Week 3: To Rediscover
Rediscover what is good and beautiful. Make a list and share it with your spouse. Develop a sense of gratitude for your spouse.
Week 4: To Respect
On the foundation of gratitude, develop a greater appreciation for your spouse. Respect your spouse as you would respect the most noble and cherished person.
Week 5: To Restore
Through appreciation and respect, restore the original idealism and hope of your marriage. Recapture the vision.
Week 6: To Re-determine
Determine to work from that point of original love forward, avoiding the mistakes which you committed before, and building upon the successes and strengths of your marriage. Develop a mission statement for your marriage.
Week 7: Recreate
Give honor and care to sexual love. To renew this deepest bond, set aside three days. Jesus said, "When you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father." For three consecutive evenings, meet in the privacy of your bedroom or a favorite locale to offer a prayer of thanks.
The two handkerchiefs given you are meant for this time alone. They are color-coded with a pink spot for the wives' and a blue spot for the husbands'. Imbued with a drop of holy wine, they represent the purity of True Love. During these three days, husband and wife each use his or her "holy handkerchief" each evening when bathing before lovemaking. View it as cleansing the mind and body of past sexual misconduct.
Before you pray, greet each other humbly in remembrance of the great commandments given by all religious and ethical teachers, to "love the Lord your God with all your heart . . ." and "love your neighbor as yourself." Begin with a prayer such as the Lord's Prayer or holy words of your faith. Then offer personal prayers of thanks and determination to create an eternal family centered on God's ideal for husbands and wives all over the world.
Thank God for His gift of sexuality, which enables you to become one body with your beloved. More than any other part of your body, your sexual organ exists to bring joy to your beloved, and in that sense it belongs to your spouse more than to yourself. Invite God to be with you.
Now is the time to enter into the most intimate and precious relationship that only a husband and wife brought together by God may experience. The union of man and woman was meant to be sacred and joyful. Renew the purity of love by joining together in the true love of God.
The wife's renewal. The husband can help his wife experience a new sense of self-esteem as God's daughter and a heavenly wife. Humbly encourage her to take a motherly leadership role in the prayers and in your sexual relationship during the first two nights. A husband's identity as a man is strengthened by a true wife. For this reason, on the first two evenings of the ceremony, the husband should be beneath the wife during the act of love. Through these two evenings, you are symbolically ending the pattern of men misusing women.
The husband's renewal. The third evening symbolizes the husband reaching true maturity to assume his position as the loving head of the family. To renew his dignity as a son of God and a true husband, the wife supports him and respectfully follows his leadership in both the prayer and the act of love. To represent this, consummate the act of love with the wife beneath the husband. On this third evening, true husband-wife love is restored. Love each other with no inhibition.
After your holy union on each evening, offer prayers of thanksgiving that this most intimate of relationships is now centered completely on God, bringing joy to God, heaven and earth. At the conclusion of the third evening, dry your sexual parts with your holy handkerchiefs. Do not wash them, but store them safely as representing your eternal love.
Reflect and build upon the meaning of this ceremony of love, and follow your heart and wisdom to make it the most sacred and powerful experience in your marriage.
Offer something. If you feel that this can help you, you may want to send a financial contribution to the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. Doing so will return blessings to you Many fold. Make a check out to: FFWPU and mail it to us at <your address>. We will send a receipt, and your contribution is tax- deductible. Please phone us if you have any questions, at <your number>. We'd love to hear from you! God bless your marriage!
Love, husband's first name and wife's first name
Here Is The Sealing Prayer
Blessing Prayer
Our most beloved Heavenly Father!
We are deeply grateful that we could hold this Blessing with you, Heavenly Father, our Creator! Dear God, we thank you that we could bring these couples together in a bond of true love with true parents in our hearts. Here we can establish a new beginning by bequeathing the blood lineage of true parental love.
We recall the history of humankind. We know that the first ancestors made a mistake of one moment, which gave birth to billions of sorrowful years witnessed by you. We also know that to reverse that mistake, saints and sages have walked the path of suffering, sacrifice and offering, leaving behind a history of woe.
Father, you sacrificially forgave the world, beginning with the family that violated Heaven's will. You unfolded the providence of salvation and promised in the Old Testament that you would send the Messiah to the Earth. The Messiah comes in the position of the second Adam, to fulfill what the first Adam's family left unfulfilled in the original Garden of Eden. The second Adam was to become True Parents by establishing true love, a true married couple, and a true family which could connect the descendants of Adam's family to God's blood lineage.
Jesus Christ came as the Messiah, as the second Adam, to fulfill the mission of True Parents. However, because the people did not unite with him and care for him, the mission was left unfulfilled. Although Jesus is the Messiah, he did not complete the responsibility of True Parents and did not establish a family to extend the messianic mission to the nation and the world. He had to take up the cross, leaving behind his promise to return.
God promised to send the third Adam, the Second Coming of the Lord. He comes to restore the 2,000 year history in which humankind failed to perfect the family and nation worldwide. Beginning from the position of perfected third Adam and standing in the position of the True Parents, Reverend and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon have formed the history of blessed families, centering on you. This is so that we might inherit again the tradition of the heavenly blood lineage.
Today, we are gathered to receive the Blessing. This is a time of glory for Heaven, pride for Earth, and liberation for humankind. Through the Blessing of marriage, Heaven and Earth are able to dwell together on Earth. Through this ceremony, God is able to establish the realm of the Sabbath on Earth and personally dwell directly with us. Also, through this ceremony, the world of angels and the world of saints and sages can dwell on Earth.
Through this, all families of the world are empowered to become your tribe by weaving together, one family after another. In this way, they are able to establish the one family and return joy to Heaven by cutting off Satan's blood lineage. We are truly grateful for your permission to have this eternal moment.
Please give your blessing upon this Ceremony. Please allow your endless love, heavenly tradition and blood lineage to link to all of the husbands and wives gathered here. We pray these things in the name of True Parents.
Amen! Amen! Amen!
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