The Words of the Henkin Family |
Fundraising: An Interview with Mitchell (Henkin) (Mark Barry - May 12, 1975) |
CARP Workshop: Rocky Mountain High! (Stephen Henkin - August 1982) |
ICUS Books (Stephen Henkin - April 1985) |
Reflections on Jacob and the Heart of Esau (Henkin - October, 2001) |
Rebuttal of Dr. Andrew Wilson's Proposal Delegating Parental, Matchmaking Responsibility To A Church-Appointed Matchmaker (Stephen Henkin - August, 2002) |
Reflection on the Fortieth Middle East Peace Initiative Trip (Elizabeth Henkin - January 6, 2009) |
Upcoming Webinars on Best Practices for Local Councils (Libby Henkin - June 18, 2015 pdf) |
Reflections on Crossing the Bridge Of Peace (Libby Henkin and Gloria Burrell - November 30, 2015 pdf) |
Invitation from Subregion 2 BFM to join Sharing the Journey Group for Parents (Libby Jo Henkin - July 24, 2020 pdf) |