The Words of the Hentrich Family |
Urgent Chicago Dae Mo Nim Payment Directions
Michael Hentrich
August 6, 2005
Dear Bro/Sis:
Here are the payment directions for the Dae Mo Nim event in Chicago. Credit Card instructions are coming later tonight or soon. Please bring all forms and payments tomorrow to Church. Thank you.
ALSO: Remember to bring your little FM Radios to the events!!!
General Instructions on Registration (as of 5 pm, Sat. August 6)
The national HQ finalized that Enrollment fees should be payable to the host city Chicago (HSA-UWC); while Ancestors Liberation/Blessing fees & Wish Papers fees should be payable to CPL (HSA-UWC CSC). Please take a look at the instructions below.
i. People needs to make 3 kinds of Payments
a. Enrollment Fee ($100 per family / $50 for single member). If you want to pay by:
i. Check --- just $100, $50
1. Payable to HSA-UWC (Not HSA-UWC CSC)
ii. Credit Card:
a. Add 3% processing fees --- i.e. $103; $51.50
(*Correction regarding registration fee from conference call this morning: Bishop Kim is asking all blessed central families to pay $100 per family even if only one spouse is coming and liberating only his/her ancestors. But if a husband goes to one city and the wife goes to another city to attend, they can pay $50 to each city.)
b. Ancestors Liberation, Blessing and any other of ceremonies? Fees (except Wish Paper). If you want to pay by:
i. Check 1. Payable to HSA-UWC CSC
2. $8/$10 processing fees (add $8 for a check under $1,000; add 10 for a check of $1,000 or more).
ii. Credit Card:
1. The further instructions are coming from Eric Holt this evening. We will forward it to you immediately. Some people can do it, the other cannot do it. You may need to call your credit card company to check whether or not this service is available for a Korean organization. Please wait for Mr. Holt's instructions.
c. Wish Paper Fees (same way to the Ancestors Lib/Blessing payments) If you want to pay by:
i. Check
1. Payable to HSA-UWC CSC
2. $8/$10 processing fees (add $8 for a check under $1,000; add 10 for a check of $1,000 or more).
ii. Credit Card:
1. The further instructions are coming from Eric Holt this evening. We will forward it to you immediately.
ii. How to Process Registration Forms & Fees (We take the Plan A)
Plan A.
a. Please collect all fees (3 kinds of payments) and forms tomorrow at Sunday Service. Each state can FedEx all the fees (enrollment fees, liberation & blessing etc fees, and Wish Papers fees) and forms (except 1-A, if you can help data input *1) to Chicago (Hiromi Takami c/o Chicago Family Church; 7450 N. Sheridan Rd. Chicago, IL 60626; This should be delivered to Chicago by August 10th afternoon.
b. If someone who is not coming to Sunday service, please let them FedEx to Chicago directly (all the forms & fees including a enrollment form 1-A; This should be delivered to Chicago by Wed. August 10 afternoon)
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