The Words of the Hentrich Family |
Dear Parents and Children,
We would like to extend and invitation to participate in the Il Shim Program and the Denver Family Church. the Literal translation of Il Shim is 'one heart', and a more poetic interpretation might be 'a focused heart' or a 'a pure heart'.
The purpose of Il Shim is to have ceremony of transition, like a Bar Mitzvah or Native American. In Unificationism, at about 14 years of age, we are acknowledging the top of the growth stage. This is an important time for young people to think about their life and make decisions that set the course of their future. In this course, we hope that children, supported by their parents will discuss important issues such as how to be internally and externally great, what is the destiny of the second gens, and what is the value of a pure and spiritual life in reaching that destiny.
Our course will take place for two hours after church on Sundays and we will celebrate with a graduation ceremony on God's day. See the schedule below..
We have set up the course with a few preconditions:
1. We will have 2nd Gens do a lot of the teaching and all of the group leadership.
2. We will have discussion questions that the parents and children should work on between sessions..
3. At the end of the course, we will ask the participants to write their own pledge, in their own words.
4. We will decide about the ceremony and what type of rings we want during the program.
A major consideration is that young second gens can get a sense of their inherited tradition and gain a sense of ownership in principled life.
We hope to see you there. Please email John Redmond if you plan to attend.
Sunday November 1st 1:00 PM to 2:00 Parents and Children 2:00 to 4:00 PM
Students: Introduction, Who are you? Kayo Tanimoto
Sunday November 8th 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
What is a Heavenly Lineage?
Sunday November 15th
History and You -- John Redmond
Sunday November 22st
The Secular World View -- Viki Eagle, Kayo
Thanksgiving break
Sunday December 6th
Faith and High School - Claire Redmond, Kayo
Saturday December 13th.
Brothers and Sisters - Sun Min and Tammy Tamayo
Saturday December 20th.
What Are Your Goals?
Sunday December 27th.
Write your Il Shim Pledge
Il Shim Ceremony: God's day 2010
1. That the participants have a vision of their original nature and how it should be expressed. As In Jin Nim discusses, they should have a top education, a career, profession or business and they should become a person of influence and power.
2. That the participants have a vision for an Ideal Family and a marriage relationship that is defined by passion and love and goodness.
3. That the participants understand the long term value of “A Great Love Lineage” and the purpose of the Blessing.
4. That the participants understand that the world does not support a heavenly view of life.
5. That the participants determine to make the Principle and Blessing their own.
1. Participants know how to pick their friends wisely
2. Participants learn how to avoid dangerous or compromising situations
3. Participants understand the difference between conviction and conformity
4. Participants will learn practical ways to be with friends
5. Participants understand the difference between being popular and being good
6. Participants know what it is to be a True Brother and a True Sister
7. Participants know the dangers of showing off and flirting
8. Participants have a set of ideals and goals that inspire them to be great.
1. Overview of Il Shim Program - Ice breakers
2. Concrete Course Outcomes
3. Three Blessings
4. Be fruitful (INJ)
5. Multiply (Blessing/Lineage)
6. Have dominion (Be an effective person in the real world)
1. Strong lineage vs True Lineage
2. Kennedys, Queen Victoria, Abraham, Roosevelts
3. The power of a family on the course of history
4. The true importance of lineage as a force that moves history
5. What does it take to be great?
6. Why is this hard to do?
7. What is the point?
8. Change of blood lineage
9. Connection to True Parents through the Blessing
1. God's search through history
2. You are a part of history
3. Joshua and Canaan
4. Where they failed
5. What does the Heavenly Kingdom look like?
6. How can it be actualized?
7. The Second Generation
8. Parallels to the Bible from their own life
9. America
10. God’s purpose for America
11. Larger, historical picture
12. My portion of responsibility
13. America as part of the world view
1. Generally Accepted Ideas
2. Darwin
3. Accepting evolution and religion are not mutually exclusive
4. Marx
5. People are NOT matter in motion
6. Pop Culture
7. Hollywood
8. Movies
9. Dating/Arranged Marriages
1. How to have faith and friends
2. Popularity and integrity
3. Becoming excellent people
4. Avoiding compromising situations
1. Qualities of an ideal older brother or sister
2. Vertical relationships
3. Mars and Venus
4. Why are they so different?
5. Friends who are boys or girls
6. Perhaps a brother/sister talk
7. Dealing with feelings of infatuation
8. Redirecting/controlling
9. What’s the long-term potential? Analyze your infatuation
10. Four realms of heart
1. Discovering your inner self.
2. Learning by living
3. Father’s example: being an active learner; learning through action
4. Following your passion or following your feelings
5. The great and amazing you
6. Value as a unique human being
7. What if I fail?
8. Restoration
9. Support system (community, older brother/sister)
10. you are your own worst judge
11. Reflection/Review?
1. Pledge to whom?
2. What is a pledge?
3. What if I don’t fulfill the pledge?
4. Perfection is a work in progress -- it doesn’t happen right away
5. The Three blessings Pledge
6. Overview, review, final (Pledge)
1. Kayo Tanimoto
2. Claire Redmond
3. Frone Kauffman
4. Tammy and Sung Min
1. TBA
1. John Redmond
2. Cynthia Hiromitsu
3. Peggy Yujiri
Games, YouTube, Lecture, Discussion, Testimonies, Role Playing