The Words of the Hernandez Family |
Yeon Ah Nim Touches the Diverse People of Salt Lake
Mark Hernandez and Wendy Stovall
May 23, 2007
Salt Lake City, UT
After landing, Yeon Ah Nim asked to see the Mormon Temple in downtown Salt Lake City. She walked briefly through the sprawling LDS complex as if soaking up the spirit of this historic site.
In return, later that evening, the city of Salt Lake warmly welcomed Yeon Ah Nim as she conveyed True Parents message to an appreciative crowd of over 165 people at the Red Lion Hotel. The program opened with a Native American drum song setting the stage and invoking the Great Spirit to be with the audience.
The Burning Ceremony was held during the drumming song of honor. Three women on stage placed their cards in a bowl and burned them while the audience symbolically participated by placing their cards in a bowl on their tables. The three women prayed silently while the drums played. Mrs. Wendy Stovall did an excellent job of emceeing the local program.
Rev. Dr. Langes Silva of the Catholic Archdiocese of Salt Lake gave a blessing for the banquet meal. Entertainment was provided by the Laotian Dance Association of Salt Lake during the dinner, which added atmosphere to the Pacific Rim ERA theme.
Rev. Mark Hernandez, MC of the national program, gave the introduction to the Ambassador for Peace Core Values, which was followed by the Blessing Ceremony. Yoshiko Hisano enthralled the crowd with her heart-touching performance as she played the violin. She was accompanied by Mrs. Eiko Takeda on the piano.
A welcome letter from the Mayor of Taylorsville and proclamations from the mayors of Salt Lake City and Sandy City were read. Rev. Tim Henning read Dr. Yang’s welcome remarks. Yeon Ah Nim gave her heart in reading the key note address. She was presented flowers by Mr. and Mrs. Wisdom Idika. Three Women of Utah, Mrs. Margaret Yorgason, Mrs. Ethel Anderson and Mrs. Sheila Laughlin presented a plaque to Yeon Ah Nim and then were the first to proudly sign the Declaration of Peace with her.
A special family represented by three generations of its women – a grand mother, mother and two daughters received recognition as an outstanding Family of Three Generations. The grandmother was especially moved and humbled to receive such an award.
Dr. Yorgason, an Ambassador for Peace and a highly respected counselor and writer on the family (more than 90 books) offered remarks to wrap up Yeon Ah Nim’s speech and call all in attendance to put the words into practice. He also expressed deep gratitude to Rev and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon for initiating the Ambassador for Peace MEPI work, in which he has been honored to have participated.
That provided an excellent segue way into the appointment of a distinguished group of twelve new Ambassadors for Peace. Program concluded with door prizes and a special drum dance to bring a traditional Native American closing to a most historical evening.
Comments from members of the audience
I’m always happy to attend these events. We should work together to promote happy families and strive for a world of peace. It must take so much energy to put together a program with so many activities and gathering a crowd full of so much diversity.
Rev. Dr. Langes Silva (Roman Catholic Vicar of the Salt Lake Diocese)
The messages were beautiful emphasizing no color and treating everyone as you would like to be treated yourself.
Harry James (Native American leader)
I was very impressed with the program. Looking around the room I could see such a diverse group of people coming together to hear a message that could instantly change the world. Nations united by and guided by the Almighty would make this world a much better place.
Anthony Rojas
I am honored to be in your presence. In the native tradition the way is not about joy and happiness but inner peace. When you find this peace, joy and happiness go with it.
Leo Duran (Native spiritualist)
Brethren, thank you for inviting me to this great gathering. I can not express my whole heart, how much I appreciate this event. When you have events in the future, I will be more than happy to attend. May God bless you and your activities. Thank you, God, that I could be here.
Pak, Seung Ok (Writer and resident of Salt lake City)
VIPS In Attendance May 23, 2007 Salt Lake City, Utah
Dr. and Mrs. Brenton Yorgason (author)
Mr. Harry James,Sr. (Native Leader)
Dr. Langes Silva (Vicar of the Catholic Diocese, SLC, Utah)
Mr. Elias McGraw (Political Activist)
Mrs. Nouk Sengpaseuth (Laotian Leader)
Mr. Curtis Walker (Native Leader)
Elder John Langeland (LDS Leader)
Mrs. Sheila Laughlin (former Chairwoman, National Society of Volunteers)
Dr. Nick Safri
Mrs. Rosalee Gleed (Interfaith Leader)
Pastor Eliseo Alfaro
Elder Kay and Ethel Anderson (LDS Leader)
Mrs. Joye Wyatt
Imam Ali (Islamic Center of SLC)