The Words of the Hernandez Family |
Big Texas Welcome For True Mother In Dallas
Mark Hernandez, Rev. Kille, and Laura Hornbeck
May 26, 2007
Dallas, TX
On Saturday afternoon of the Memorial Day weekend, hundreds of people streamed into the Westin Hotel - DFW Airport filling the Trinity Ballroom to attend the "America's Destiny" Tour. People came by bus and van from cities 4-6 hours away. Others flew into the nearby airport. Ministers and imams brought members of their congregations and mosques; Ambassadors for Peace came with friends and family; women of all faiths and ethnicities showed their support for Mother Moon by joining the "Women of Destiny" Welcome Committee.
The Prelude was masterfully emceed by Mrs. Najma Ghouse, a local Muslim leader and trained nurse who provides free weekly health fairs and examinations for area women and children. She wore a beautiful Sari from her native India, introducing the diverse entertainment provided by brightly costumed Filipino dancers, a knock-out gospel soloist, and a Nigerian choir singing in their native tongue. Rev. Hernandez followed the beautiful Native American drum song "Going Home" performed by Bear Claw, an intertribal drum troupe, with the reading of messages from Heaven. It was such a perfect prequel to Spirit world messages.
The Texas Governor sent a proclamation welcoming Dr. Moon to Texas and the Mayors of Irving and Plano, two of the largest area suburbs, each declared May 26 as "One Family Under God Day." Local television talk show host and community activist, Ms. Ester Davis, an Ambassador for Peace, read the proclamation and recognized the 'Women of Destiny" who numbered close to 100.
Rev. Jenkins moved the program forward with great finesse guiding local dignitaries and AFP to partake in the Holy Burning and Blessing Ceremonies. Dr Chang Shik Yang gave a warm welcoming address.
A tremendously powerful rendition of "God's Amazing Grace" was delivered by Mrs. Tiwana Phillips Evans, daughter of the Rev. C. J. R. Phillips of the St. Phillips Baptist Church. Her lovely voice and poise were enough to move many in the audience to their feet with shouts of "Hallelujah!"
Mr. Hyun Jin Moon introduced his mother as only a proud son can. The audience connected immediately to his reflections on his mother and his father. He elaborated how his parents through many difficulties, have stayed true to the mission of restoring this world back into the lineage of God, a mission his father had received as a young farm boy in 1935.
Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon came to the podium amid thunderous applause, her smile warming the audience. The Ambassadors for Peace and the Women of Destiny, all wearing purple or blue sashes, sat in the front section of the room, and encouraged Dr. Moon during the speech numerous times with cheers and applause. Beautiful floral bouquets were presented to Dr. Moon and Dr. Hyun Jin Moon by local Ambassadors for Peace, Imam Marzuq and Alexis Jaami.
Rev. Linda Holliday offered congratulatory remarks to Dr. Moon and her family and urged all in attendance to rise to the challenge of going forth and truly building peace in our families, neighborhoods, and nation by living for the sake of others. The Declaration of Peace was signed by Ms Sharon Phares, local decorated Irving high school teacher and Ambassador for Peace; ACLC leader Minister Ethel Hayes, First Lady of Gloryland Baptist Church of Houston; and Mrs. Marisela Munoz, an AFP, co-founder of a children's Ballet Folklorico and an Irving School District Family counselor.
The Rev. Dr. Bennit E. Hayes, national spokespersons for this tour, gave a clear call to action. The Honorable Bruce Woody, a former state judge of great renown, administered an oath to commission 50 new Ambassadors for Peace.
Hoon Dok was well attended by families from throughout the vast state of Texas and from as far away as Mexico. Ten Ambassadors for Peace who had been active in our local organizing committee for the event – who attended from the start - were witnesses to True Mother's vivid tears for God, True Father and mankind as she challenged all the women to stand up with renewed determination to save America and thereby achieve the realization of Cheon Il Guk by 2013.
Testimonies from True Mother's Dallas Speech Event
"It's a joy and a blessing to meet people from all over the world – different nationalities, men, women, children, and couples! I'm excited! There will be peace!"
Linda Peters (Missionary of Church of the Living God, Dallas, TX)
"Praise be to God for Reverend and Mrs. Moon and Their whole family for helping unite us as a people of faith and as a sons and daughters of Adam! We thank you for reminding us of the direction to go to get back to True Parents and God. May God bless the Moon family forever!"
Imam Marzuq Jaami (Dallas , TX)
"I had a wonderful time listening to Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. We have attended her speeches before and so much appreciate the works for peace and goodness that she and her husband fulfill here in America and around the world."
Minister Cardie James (First Lady, Bible Believer's Church, Austin, TX)
"Impressive! I shall forever treasure my commission as Ambassador for Peace. I shall live with its name. I shall promote peace from the bottom of my heart!"
Mrs. Lita Cruz (Publisher of the Texas Herald Newspaper, Philippine Community Leader, Commissioned as Ambassador for Peace 5/26/07, Dallas, TX)
"Beautiful program! Whenever I see people of different faiths coming together, it brings joy to my heart. This work is the key to understanding each other and loving each other."
Alexis Yancey Jaami (National News Producer, Dallas, TX)
"Outstanding to see the women rising up as True Mothers! It's great to see one generation to the next bringing hope to America, and it is that time."
Rev. Ronald Willis (Pastor, Lighthouse of Faith Family Church, Waco, TX)
"This has been a wonderful gathering. The spirit of inclusion penetrates the building! I am proud to represent such an exciting and progressive movement."
Raheemah Shakoor (Interfaith Leader, Wife of Imam Shakoor, Commissioned Ambassador for Peace 5/26/07, Dallas, TX)
"This is part of a greater universal energy that is concurrently manifesting at this time."
Baba Kwasi (Nigerian Minister, Dallas, TX)
"I always have a great time fellowshipping with brothers and sisters from the Family Federation. Dr. Moon is always an inspiration!"
Thelma Aflred (Austin , TX)
"Very positive, very moving. I am proud to have been here and to have been appointed an Ambassador for Peace. I thank you and Kimie are nicest people I have met and I am sincere about that."
Michael Doyle (Korean War Veteran)