The Words of the Hernandez Family |
Letter to District 9 Families about True Parents 12 City Tour
Mark Hernandez
October 27, 2007
Dear Leaders and Families,
Glorious greetings to you all in True Parents' Love!
Pasted below is a letter to inform you all of the coming visit of our True Parents to our District 9 on November 16th.
I ask that each state and city make it available at Sunday service to those without internet or printers at home; please print the connected prayer condition, as well.
By Tuesday, if not sooner, we should have invitational materials, such as a letter and flyer, available to you all.
Your dreams, inspirations and practical ideas for mobilization are welcome.
We appreciate the promptness of your offering for this providential event; for the sake of time, we kindly ask all our families and members to send their contributions directly to Dallas HQ at the address below.
Checks should be made out to "HSA-UWC". Our district bookkeeper, Miyuki Kita, will inform your state/city leader of your donation. To those of you who've already sent yours in or called, we thank you.
God bless you all,
Dear District 9 Family,
It is with the greatest joy and hope, we are preparing, on behalf of all of you, to receive our True Parents and Hyun Jin nim's couple in our District 9 headquarters city of Dallas as they make this their 6th stop of 12 cities across the US. Just think, they will arrive here in less than 3 weeks on Friday morning, November 16th!
We are living witnesses to how sincerely and completely our True Parents have invested and sacrificed for the sake of America over these past 35 years. I know that all of you share the profoundest desire to awaken our sleeping giant of a nation to Heaven's trumpet call. The opportunity presents itself in a truly powerful way when True Parents embark on such a tour on US soil expressing God's heart in the flesh.
Here in Dallas we have secured a location that will challenge us to out-do anything we have ever done -- and especially to meet the heart of our True Mother, who in her last visit here in May, beseeched us to rekindle a burning fire in our hearts for the youth and families of America. To quote Rev. Jimmy Clark in a planning meeting a few days ago, "We have to grow the True Family, we really have to!"
The Dallas Convention Center's Naomi Bruton Theatre -- under the auspices of our Ambassador for Peace, Mr. Curtis King and The Black Academy of Arts and Letters (TBAAL) -- is a beautiful, nationally known theatre, with fixed seating for 1750. No air walls like a ballroom. The whole enchilada. It will be the site of our Victorious Peace Festival on November 16.
Compared to a ballroom, though, this auditorium has some real advantages -- professional lighting and sound; it costs less overall - but it also requires the full payment of its rental 2 weeks in advance of the event. We are also working carefully to secure a well known, crowd inspiring gospel entertainer. I assure you, I will be frugal and vigilant as the steward of your contribution. Your family's contribution is greatly needed and appreciated as soon as possible.
As this is "a Jubilee year the likes of which mankind has never experienced," I urge us all to join in prayer and action in the spirit of our 21 day prayer condition for victory here and throughout the US in receiving our True Parents in the greatest numbers and with the purest and most sincere unity we've ever achieved.
We need each state and city to send at least one member to represent you here in Dallas' mobilization efforts for this victory. We need especially those who love to outreach, but also those with telephone calling, office and computer skills.
Let's also think about sending to the event our highest dignitaries -- present/former/future State Senators, Congressmen, Governors, etc. Please consider attending with your family and staying Saturday for HDH, even if it requires driving many hours, as is our situation here in District 9. After all, this is an event for True Parents worthy of a larger-than-Texas-sized welcome.
A little more than a month ago, our True Father proclaimed with boldness that from this time forth our Sovereign God was standing at the forefront, leading the world through the instrument of His Abel-UN, the UPF. Delegates were called and gathered from 194 nations of the world and assembled in NY on September 23. Our brothers and sisters in all those nations sacrificed at tremendous cost and set heartfelt conditions to realize such a gathering. We join with them now to herald our True Parents' arrival.
May Our Families Bless this Nation, and together, We Be Victorious with Our True Parents and Family!
Rev. Mark Hernandez
1. Unite with our True Parents’ and True Family’s heartfelt obedience to God to save this nation through our daily life.
2. To act out of sincerest heart beyond the realm of duty and to unite as one family so that our offering may be the purest and wholly acceptable.
3. To realize joy together with the True Family in lifting up God and True Parents before America as One Family Under God, Aju!
4. To find the most prepared leaders and people of faith and conscience to stand together with our True Family as Ambassadors for Peace and allies in purpose.
5. The protection and well-being of True Parents and True Family throughout the tour, November 11-21.
6. That the symbolic outreach to 120 cities will be fulfilled through Victory in these 12 US Cities and that the UPF - God’s substantial Abel-UN -- be firmly established and appreciated.
7. That here in District 9 we will look upon this campaign as belonging to all of us - spirit world and physical world; first, second and third generations - and together we will fill to overflowing the Bruton Theatre Complex in Dallas and bring absolute, unequivocal victory on the evening of November 16th, 2007.