The Words of the Hernandez Family |
On Tuesday, August 4, 2009, Rev. In Jin Moon inaugurated Hero Hernandez, who was hand-selected by Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, as the new National President of the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles.
Hero Hernandez, originating from Dallas, Texas, was pursuing his business degree while acting as both the Texas CARP representative and youth minister. He will work with the guidance of Rev. In Jin Moon to spread the new vision of CARP, which Reverend Moon articulated to everyone in attendance that day.
After first sharing recent national leadership changes and appointments such as Rev. Joshua Cotter as the Executive Vice President, Heather Thalheimer as Director of the Education Department, and Sheri Rueter as Director of the Witnessing Department, Rev. Moon said, “Together we can go forward in terms of creating CARP into something different than what it used to be.”
In introducing Hero Hernandez as CARP’s new president, to gathered CARP members from around the country, Rev. In Jin Moon shared, “not only did Father say he was a very handsome young man, but he liked his spirit and loved his name.” With that in mind, the Reverend Dr. Sun Myung Moon had appointed the organization’s new president himself. Rev. Moon continued, “Father says, ‘We really need a Second Generation who can be the hero for America and for the Blessed Children as well.’” Reverend Moon also explained, “Father said he looks like a team player. It’s always wonderful when you are in a position of leadership to speak loudly, but a true and great leader is always the greatest listener. So I’m hoping that he can listen to all of you and hear your hearts so that you can create one unified CARP. So whatever he does, he does with you, and whatever you do, you do with him.”
Rev. In Jin Moon’s philosophy of true excellence -- striving to be perfect in both the internal and external qualities of life -- will be CARP’s new agenda and focus, rebuilding it with an image of dignity and integrity for True Parents and our Unification family. In examining CARP’s past and future, Reverend Moon commented, “historically, CARP has had a lot of legal problems because non-students were going to campuses for the purpose of proselytizing. The whole image of being “Moonies” or parasites latching onto a university, trying to take away naïve and innocent freshmen, is not the kind of image we want to have.”
Reverend Moon explained, “There is no reason why CARP cannot receive funding and be supported by universities on campus. CARP needs to be a legitimate campus organization, one in which we are not just great examples on campus but are also providing service by helping to run the student body very efficiently by holding various posts as an engaged members of the community.”
It is Rev. In Jin Moon’s desire to see CARP become a powerful student organization that promotes God-centered social activism and, even more, a body of confident and faithful Blessed Children. Reverend Moon shared her direct experience: “Did you know on college campuses, in every freshmen Intro to Sociology class, when you learn about a cult, you are also taught about someone named Rev. Sun Myung Moon?”
She then addressed CARP members, saying, “Don’t you think we need an organization in our movement that watches out for our interests and makes sure that we are not depicted or educated in a maligned way? It needs to be our CARP student organizations that are the watchdogs on campuses, taking this matter to their own universities, saying, ‘Why do you allow this kind of a textbook? I have a problem with it. I am a proud Unificationist, and we don’t like to be depicted as “Moonies” or as cultists. This is wrong,’ and do something about it.”
Rev. In Jin Moon added, “this does not mean that CARP will stop witnessing. In fact, I feel that the best way to witness is to become natural witnessers. You guys are such phenomenal students and representatives of your schools that kids will naturally, in a curious way, want to know why you’re so different, why you’re so awesome.”
As a mother to everyone in the room, Rev. Moon expressed that her main vision was “for Second Generation to be in a place where you guys will reach and occupy the highest echelons of American society.” In his inauguration speech, Hernandez said, “I just want to say how comforting and how encouraging it is to know that we have a role model and example who loves us so much and is so concerned with each of our lives, wanting us to be so successful. At the same time she is someone who completely understands us and the path that we have walked, the difficulties that we’ve gone through, and the path that we are to go. It’s a perfect situation, a perfect combination; with her vision and our passion, we can accomplish a lot.”
For CARP USA, it is clearly no longer business as usual. With the support of Rev. In Jin Moon, it is time to become a part of the greater external community at large. As Reverend Moon expressed, “If CARP can be really effective, you guys can be instrumental in launching a new movement just as incredible and profound as the civil rights movement.”
Written by Celine Tardy