The Words of the Hernandez Family |
In District 9 (TX, OK, AR, CO, NM, WY and UT) the obvious highlight of our past month was the International Blessing of October 14th, held throughout our district on the night of Oct 13th. Almost everyone participated and had a very good and moving experience. Many commented that they felt spiritually different after the ceremony. In some cities Ambassadors for Peace and Clergy also attended.
Dallas, TX
Denver, CO Blessing
Denver Fall Festival
Later in the month youth from throughout our District, especially the Western States (UT, CO, NM and TX) were thrilled that our National Pastor In Jin Nim, brought LLM to the West (Las Vegas). 34 youth and a few adults from Colorado, 14 from Texas, dozens from Utah and New Mexico made journeys from 20 and 15 hours one-way just to be there. Most travelers arrived in time for a taste of Ball Room Dancing. It was transformative: many who thought that they’d be too embarrassed to dance, found themselves dancing with joy in the very uplifting atmosphere and under the professional guidance of Arianna. Testimonies came back to their parents of how enjoyable and bright the experience was for them. Open mic was a thrill and In Jin Nim’s Sunday service had them talking much of the way home to their areas.
Il Shim classes were also begun the latter part of October in both the Denver and Dallas areas, to be taught mostly by elder 2nd generation. Twenty-six teens are participating in this year’s Denver Il Shim program.
Fall Festival for Halloween night were organized by college and high school aged youth in several cities throughout the District. The kids had lots fun together in a warm and spirited way. Denver Fall Fest
Finally, on the foundation of the lottery of 120 mission nations, families are thinking and sharing together about how they might respond to Father’s direction regarding these assignments. One brother in Dallas, traveled on October 12th to his mission country of Serbia without making definite contact before he took off. He only had 5 days off from work and had scheduled that particular time off. While en route I found the contact info and emailed it to him. He met and was welcomed by the only BCF in Serbia. His visit both lifted his spirit and that of the lone Serbian family. He looks forward to supporting their mission and returning again. In Denver, some families assigned to Mauritania, in Africa, have met and agreed to sponsor one person, Rev. Michael Hentrich, of Denver, to travel to that country before God’s Day to visit and report back to the group. He will travel with a Mauritanian UTS graduate and his family going home for a long-awaited visit.
In Oklahoma they’ve been holding culture, music and sports festivals. Through such a young woman is gradually becoming a member hearing the Principle after she teaches Tae Kwon Do. Her name is Amber LaValley. She is a instructor of Tae Kwon Do class in Norman. She was world champion in 2007. And also she was bronze medal in 2008. She and her parents like our movement. She will become a youth ambassador for peace. You can see her vision at her website (www.amaiworld.com).
Oklahoma Fest
In Wyoming, as in many parts of our district, members are involved in Interfaith Events. Wyoming has only 1 BCF but the mother of that family, Maria Love, is quite active. In Laramie they recently held a peace event (approximately 15-20) and gathered at the Peace Pole in Washington Park in Laramie WY for a commemoration. People of different faith, including several Christian denominations, Muslims and Jews, expressed their wishes for peace while tying a colorful ribbon to the Peace Pole. This event was also carried by the Laramie Boomerang (newspaper).
At a significant and large mostly white, evangelical church in the Houston area, Bishop Edwards blessed the Pastor and his wife, William and Judy Atchison of Harvest Temple Ministries, a United Pentecostal Church in Baytown, TX. Edwards gave an amazing Service emphasizing the importance of true love, and true families, realistically testifying to the power of the Blessing and how it radically transformed his own marriage. The climax of the service was a Holy Wine ceremony for the couples in the congregation. A total of 21 couples participated in the Blessing and members were deeply moved by Bishop Edwards Holy Spirit filled sermon. We are truly living in a new time of Pentecost and doors are opening left and right.