The Words of the Hernandez Family |
Luis Hernandez with Heather Thalheimer.
Before I heard the Divine Principle, I was going through a period of discovery. It was as if God was preparing me to hear the Divine Principle before I even knew it existed. I had questions such as, "Why, if God is so powerful and has a lot of love for His children, does he let these things happen in the world? Why aren't families the way they are supposed to be? Why is the world so out of control?"
I studied Chinese culture and my own Aztec heritage for some time. When I went to school, everything seemed so contradictory. All the theories about life did not up. When I heard the Divine Principle, I felt that everything in my life was suddenly put into a perspective that made sense for the first time.
I met my spiritual father, Enrique Nunez, through a mutual friend at his birthday party. Enrique is a professional clown, who joined the Unification Church in Peru. He gave me his business card, and it was really cheap quality, so I suggested the two of us share a business card. On one side, I would print my company information, and on the other side could be his.
I went to his house to talk to him about this business idea, but he was more interested in me than in the business. He asked me a lot of questions about myself: Who I was, where I was from, whether I was married, if I had kids?
He told me, "I have something that I want you to see. Do you want to see it?" I agreed, but I really was not that interested.
What he wanted to show me were some video lectures. At first, I thought the videos were going to be stupid, but after watching the first two, I was mesmerized. This was content that I needed to know. I started begging him to let me come back to see the next video and the next video. He explained things to me, and I realized that these things made a lot of sense, because they were true.
So many things just fell into place. The information I received was logical, mathematical, biblical, and historical. Everything I wanted to know was there in a simple way.
After watching the videos with me, he invited me to the church. He explained a little about the history of the Unification Church, about interracial marriages and the second-generation. At the church, I felt a lot of love. The environment was so clearly healthy. It was a very graceful and peaceful atmosphere, and I was welcomed into the community beautifully. I felt that I belonged, that I'd found the place I was looking for.
After that, I went to a Divine-Principle workshop, at which Nancy Makowski lectured. That was where I came to know Rev. Sun Myung Moon as the messiah.
I'm so grateful that my spiritual father shared the Divine Principle and the Unification Church with me. This is the best thing that happened in my life and for that of my two beautiful children.
My kids love to come to church. My son is almost eight, and my daughter just turned seven. They really feel at home there with all the other children. I want to go to the Blessing one day, and I want my children to as well, after all my prayers and conditions. I came to understand that it doesn't matter who you are or what you believe – there is no way but that of True Parents. Following them is not an easy path, but it is the precious, worthy one.
I have tried to witness to people, and I've been rejected quite a few times. Right now, I'm witnessing to six people. They seem to be open, but sometimes you need to wait for their time.
I love my spiritual father so much. As the Divine Principle says, True Parents are the messiahs for humankind. My spiritual father was my personal messiah, and even though he's not related to me by blood, he's my family. I love him so much. If I have spiritual children that love me even half as much as I love my spiritual father, I will have achieved something great.
I'm trying to build my spiritual family, to restore my family, my kids. One day I will go to the Blessing and continue restoring people. This is something really beautiful to do for someone else. I owe my spiritual father my life. I always say, "God bless the day, the time, the coincidence, the place that I came across my spiritual father!"
In my personal life, many things have changed since I encountered Lovin' Life Ministries. The way I view things spiritually has changed. I see women in a different way, I even see men in a different way. The way I think before I speak and the way I view God now has changed. I never imagined how much pain God, our Heavenly Father and Mother, were experiencing because they were left alone for thousands of years. Now, I understand that God is powerful but He needs love. He is so vulnerable. We are his weak spot. He loves us so much and is waiting for us to come back to Him. Now I understand why He doesn't intervene. He believes in us and trusts us, even though we have betrayed Him over and over again.
I go to church in Minneapolis. Since the first day I came to Lovin' Life Ministries, I knew that it was unlike any other church. I've visited many churches, and I grew up with a Catholic background. But listening to Rev. In Jin Moon and all the powerful messages she gave us touched my heart and helped me understand the Divine Principle even better. I came to know myself, True Parents and God more. And the music and the atmosphere help so much.
The way Lovin' Life is being built right now is going to change the way people worship. It's so wonderful that we all get the same message across the nation, that we're all connected. That's so important. It doesn't matter if you're in New York or Minnesota, or even if you're in a different part of the world – you can be connected to Lovin' Life Ministries. I think that's the most beautiful, powerful thing. You are empowered at Sunday Service, which gives you a good sense of spirituality and understanding throughout the week.
Before I met Lovin' Life, I was very depressed. In the beginning, at almost every single service I cried because I felt like every single word was hurting my heart but at the same time resonating with me and teaching me the way.
After experiencing all of this, coming to know more people, going to the festivals and the galas, I am so happy! All I need to make my life complete is a wife!
I don't know who will read this message, but I just want to say that I'm very grateful to be here. I really want to thank God, True Parents, and Jesus. I'm so blessed to be here, for this opportunity. This is the best thing that happened for my kids and for me. This makes life worth it. I heard once that "the most important decisions are most difficult to make, but they are the most rewarding." I feel this way about the Unification Church. It was a difficult choice, but it was the best one I ever made. It transformed my life completely. God bless you all.