The Words of the Hoyte Family |
A Healing Miracle and Testimony to the Grace of God through Jesus
Rosemarie Hoyte
November 7, 2004
As we come towards the end of this year, I find myself reflecting on some extraordinary experiences.
One such experience occurred on Easter Sunday earlier this year. After a week of feeling terribly ill, I was admitted to the Emergency Room of our local hospital with a suspected heart attack. I had collapsed at home with severe chest pains and all the symptoms of a heart attack. An Electrocardiogram, ECG, revealed a problem - I had suffered either a heart attack or major angina attack. Needless to say, I was shocked. My brother had suffered several heart attacks in his forty’s at about my age and my mother had had angina for many years. So, I was not happy at the prospect of either.
I reflected on my life, on the providence and the legal battle that our Church was in. In our life we never know where our path will take us, or what life/ providence will demand of us, or what offering we will be called to make. With these thoughts, I tried to prepare myself for whatever challenges may lie ahead.
As the Cardiac Ward was full, I was taken to a General Ward where the patients had many different problems. Here, I had the opportunity to observe different spirits, working to cause physical and mental problems.
My Observations of the Hospital Spiritual World While in the Accident and Emergency, I saw so many ghost-like spirits. They seemed very far away from me, were a sort of opaque – white in colour. But they had no form or shape at all and seemingly no real purpose. They seemed to just hang around, somehow stuck. Although I had always believed that ghosts were to be feared, I could not help but feel sadness at their situation.
On the General Ward, I could see that most patients had one or two ancestors/relatives with them, but for a lady opposite me the situation was a little different. She started to cry out loudly - screaming and complaining that her neck was hurting. The medical staff ran to her, but could not find any cause for her pain. However, I saw in spirit world that there was an angry spirit strongly pushing down on her neck.
Here I could see for myself clear evidence of the things that Dae Mo Nim had spoken of during my Chung Pyung workshop
I also saw evidence of how spirits cause mental problems. In my ward there were two mental patients. Both were badly affected by spirits. One of them, a young English woman, was being tormented by Roman soldiers. For most of the day two of these soldiers would march her up and down the ward. When she returned to bed several would gather around and torment her horribly. Even though she couldn’t see them, she would react to them. Her restlessness and strange behaviour day and night caused much anxiety and stress to the staff and patients. I could not rest at all and felt that I was in HELL! - I wanted to leave but couldn’t!
Then, unexpectedly I saw a hugely tall angel. I had never seenthis kind of angel before. He was white, tall with a perfectly formed physical form. Also from him came a feeling of peace, beauty, truth and absolute goodness. He was working in completely, focused harmony with a particular nurse who visited the ward briefly. It was a truly beautiful sight!!
A Healing Miracle
When my blood test results came, they showed thankfully, that I had not had a heart attack. But the general feeling was that it had been a near miss and close call. The ECG indicated angina. This was on the second day of my stay. I still felt very ill, and I was also becoming increasingly angry at the disturbing behaviour of this mental patient. Some of the nurses were also threatening to leave if something was not done. I knew my attitude was not right. But, in that moment, I could not find the place of love and forgiveness in my heart. Then, from a nurse I heard about this mental patient’s accident and felt a desire to find out more. So, instead of keeping my distance I engaged her and listened to her testimony. Her pain and suffering touched my heart and I could feel it turn 180 degrees. Instead of anger, frustration and fear, my heart filled with tears for her. At the same time, I realised that we were not strangers at all - but sisters.
I felt very peaceful and calm. A special nurse was called to take care of this patient and I could finally have a quiet night. – I found I didn’t need any oxygen.
The following morning I felt completely better. I explained my feeling to the Nurse who agreed to hold off further medication until the doctor arrived and ordered another ECG.
By the time the doctor came round, I was out of bed and chatting to the other patients. I had no symptoms whatsoever and felt better than I had for months. When the doctor reviewed my latest ECG, I overheard him saying that the notes MUST have been mixed up with another patients’. When I questioned him about this he said that it was impossible for the previous test and this ECG to belong to the same person as ALL EVIDNECE OF ANY HEART PROBLEMS WERE GONE! This however simply was not possible without some sort of medical intervention and from one day to the next. He also couldn’t explain how I could be walking around, looking and feeling so well. There was no medical explanation. Before I left, the I watched as the doctor scribbled over his original diagnosis – and replace it with " muscle pain" – while still insisting that it was angina and gave me all necessary heart medication. I asked him why I needed this medication, if I only have muscle pain… he said, because when I was admitted, medical evidence showed heart problem. Although he couldn’t explain why that was no longer the case, according to hospital rules, he had to give me this medication. Needless to say, I have never needed them.
In Reflection I had spent a total of 3 days in hospital but before leaving I had time to reflect. During this time, I remembered reading an article in which Jesus had promised that members around the world would experience healing miracles. At the same time I received a strong feeling of the presence of JESUS and the Holy Spirit. Much like the perfume signature a person leaves in a room - I had a profound feeling that Jesus had visited a miracle and although I hadn’t seen Him, I could recognise the scent he left behind.
Rosemarie Hoyte
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