The Words of the Hunter Family |
Dear High School Students and Parents of High School Students,
The early registration deadline for the Lovin' Life Ministries High School Winter Charge is fast approaching. What is a Winter Charge? Well, it's not a retreat, because we are not backing down from life or our friendships. We are gearing up to charge forward in the new year.
This year's theme is Face/Off. Many of us have grown up around each other for lots of years, but how well do we actually know each other? It's time to Face/Off with ourselves and with our friends to find out who we really are as individuals by having tons of fun in extremely challenging situations.
All the relevant information is in the flyer, but just take note, that early registration for a $30 discount ends this Sunday, December 13, 2009. For registration and info, please contact Jaga Gavin, or Dave Hunter.