The Words of the Hwang Family |
40 Day IdeaFamily Workshop and NationaMessiah Fishing Workshop
Sun Jo Hwang
Date: Saturday, March 11, 2000 8:29 AM
To : ContinentaDirectors, RegionaLeaders, NationaMessiahs, National Leaders
From: FFWPU InternationaOffice
Date: March 1, 2000
May the Blessings of God and True Parents be with the leaders of the world who are working hard for the accomplishment of their holy mission. I am informing you of the 40-day workshop for blessed families in Jardim, and the national messiah workshop in the Pantanal, as outlined below. I request you to encourage the people who should participate to take part as much as possible.
1. Blessed Families 40-Day Ideal Family Workshop
True Father has emphasized that all blessed families should participate in the workshop being held in the Ideal Family Education Center in Jardim. Please encourage members who have not yet been able to attend the workshop to participate as soon as possible.
1) Workshop Schedule: You may participate at any time, and the workshop period will be completed after you have received 40 days of education, starting on the day you arrived.
2) Things to prepare: Divine Principle, Holy Song book, Life in the Spirit World and on Earth, Blessing and Ideal Family I & II, Father's Prayers, True Parents, Earthly Life and the Spirit World I, II, writing implements, one set of smart clothes, summer clothing and warm clothing for the changeable temperature.
3) Contact Number: Te55-67-209-1231 / Fax 55-67-209-1234 If a husband and wife cannot attend the workshop for 40 days together, the wife should participate for 40 days and the husband may participate for 10 days at a time and thus complete the period of 40 days in stages. There is a plan to take the photographs with True Parents in the beginning or middle of April.
True Parents gave us a message saying that all blessed families should participate in the blessed family workshop and make sure they do not miss the opportunity to take part in selection for settlement in Canaan. This is planned to begin from April. (Refer to the December 22, 1999, official memo.)
2. National Messiah Workshop in Pantanal
True Parents has given directions to National Messiahs (Adam, Eve, Abel and Cain national messiahs) to participate in the workshop in Pantanal. (Refer to January 10, 2000, Official Memo)
National messiahs who could not participate in the workshop due to the work for the 400 Million Couples Blessing are requested to participate in the Pantanal workshop as soon as possible. True Parents are planning to visit the Pantanal.
Things to Prepare: Fishing poles, flashlight, books for Hoon Dok Hae, other things necessary for such workshops (e.g. mosquito sprays, first aid, medicines).
Workshop Venue: Olimpo Training Center, Americano Hotel (in Nabileque), Rev. Joon-Soo Yang, Americano Hotel: Te/ Fax: (55-67) 209-1133
Please, if possible, prepare a visa for Paraguay.
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