The Words of the Hwang Family |
The Final Providential Mission
Sun Jo Hwang
June 18, 2000
The following is taken from a speech given at the first national assembly for Japanese blessed wives living in Korea, held in Taejon on June 18th.
I would like to talk to you about the providential time we live in. From the fall of Adam and Eve until now, the providence of restoration through indemnity has been continuing.
You were born in Japan, met True Parents, married Korean men and came to Korea to live as international couples. We have many journalists from KBS, MBC, and SBS [Korean television stations] here today. If they asked why you married Korean men, how would you answer? The right answer comes from understanding the providence correctly. You are witnessing and doing a lot of activities for the blessing. To understand why you do what you do here requires the right understanding of what you are being asked to do in this providential time.
On June 2nd, the 38th True Day of All Things, Father said that it is now a new age just like when Noah landed on the new world after having sent out doves right at the end of the flood judgment. In order to know the right path as true children in this new age, you need to understand the providence.
I will give you an overview of the providence since 1945. As you know the Second World War (WWII) ended in 1945. The end of WWII meant the beginning of a new age centered on the Second Coming. So True Father's official mission started at that time. There were two foundations made: the spiritual foundation of the 2000 years of Christianity and the physical foundation of the victory of Christianity centering on the United States, Britain, and France.
The first seven-year course of the providence was between 1945 and 1952. The Second Coming (as the bridegroom) and Christianity (as the bride) were supposed to unite into one. If they had united, there was no way South and North Korea could have been divided. The division into two Koreas did not happen because of the Japanese occupation or even because of the Korean War, but owing to disunity between the Second Coming and Christianity. Because Christianity did not accept the Second Coming, he could not stand in the position of the Second Coming anymore. He could only play the role of a prophet. He fell into the position of a servant of servants. That is why, on February 22, 1948, Father was arrested and was sent to Hungnam prison.
True Parents' Holy Wedding took place on April 11, 1960. That meant that they could stand as True Parents on earth. Since Christianity, which was supposed to set up the foundations of faith and substance, had failed, Father had to make the foundations of faith and substance on his own. This led to the birth of the Unification Church. On the foundation of the Unification Church, Father and Mother could stand in the position of True Parents in 1960.
Between 1960 and 1981, Father told us that there were three providential missions for us to fulfill. They are the home church movement, tribal messiahship, and the unification of South and North Korea. For four years since 1977, our yearly mottoes were related to the victory of home church. And for ten years after that our mottoes were related to Korea's unification. Since we failed the home church mission, Father called the forty years between 1945 and 1985 the wilderness age. First, Christianity failed and the second time, we failed. In order to indemnify the forty years of failure, Father and Father's family had to make conditions. Father's incarceration at Danbury and Heung Jin Nim's passing were the indemnity conditions that had to be made. After paying such an enormous price Total Victory Day, August 16, 1985, symbolized the beginning of a new age for us, as had 1945 for Christianity.
Then, what was the focus of the providence for the seven years starting in 1985? The bridegroom and bride had to be united. The bride needed to testify to, serve and follow the Second Coming. In 1945, Christianity should have testified to Father. Paek Moon Kim, from the Israel Monastery, had to play the role of John the Baptist. But he failed. And there were many other Christians who had the same mission, though none of them could fulfill it. The Women's Federation for World Peace had to stand in place of all those who were in the John the Baptist position. From July 6 to 9, 1992, we had rallies proclaiming True Parents as the Messiah. It was the first time ever in human history that the Messiah could make this proclamation. Who hosted the event? Not the Unification Church but rather the Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP).
That means the Women's Federation plays the role of the bride in place of Christianity and the Unification Church. The bride should testify to the bridegroom. Therefore, Father put the Women's Federation in the bride's position. And as you know, True Mother is leading the Women's Federation. This means True Mother testified to True Father from the position of the bride, as a prophet, and as the fruit of 2000 years of Christianity.
After the forty-year period in the wilderness from 1945 to 1985, during the seven years from 1985 to 1992, providentially, the bridegroom and the bride had to create unity. On that foundation, the providential restoration of elder sonship, parentship, and kingship could start in 1993. Therefore, the Completed Testament era began in 1993. Finally, on August 9, 1997, we had the "Proclamation of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth." Although we have many church holy days, Chil Pal (7.8) Jeol (as it is referred to in Korea) is, according to Father, the most important holy day.
Let us look at the providential changes through the history of the blessings. The nine different blessings starting from the 36-Couple Blessing to the 6500-Couple Blessing are the first stage blessings-the preparation stage. The second stage was the 30,000, the 360,000, and the 3.6 Million-Couple Blessings. Through these blessings, True Parents could restore elder sonship, parentship and kingship and proclaim the realm of safe settlement.
Before the 3.6 Million-Couple Blessing, Satan had dominion over everything. We had to pay indemnity to change anything from the satanic side to God's side. But through the 3.6 Million-Couple Blessing, True Parents could restore the right of dominion. From then on, people could be blessed without having to pay indemnity. Since God has the right of dominion, He can bless us although we are very sinful.
This is a tremendous providential change. This is a change with an essential difference from all other changes throughout human history. It was a heavenly law that people could come closer to God only through establishing indemnity conditions. This is the first time we have been able to meet God without indemnity conditions, thanks to Heaven's grace.
Let us look at all the providential events that have happened over the completed providence of resurrection. First, in 1994, My Pledge changed to the Family Pledge. With My Pledge we vowed before God and Satan that we would fight against Satan. But in the Family Pledge you cannot find any words such as "Satan", "enemy", or "charging forward", which are found in My Pledge. This means that the satanic dominion has broken down and the heavenly dominion has been established on earth.
Second, the "Proclamation of the Liquidation of Indemnity" was proclaimed at one o'clock, on November 1, 1996, in Uruguay. We have now entered the age when indemnity conditions are not required.
Third, the Unification Church changed its name to the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification. The name FFWPU symbolizes the realization of God's purpose of creation.
Fourth, Divine Principle says that there will be more words of truth since the book is not complete and that Korean will be the common worldwide language. Only after the proclamation of the realm of safe settlement did Father decide upon some speeches (words) for the Completed Testament era. And starting from that proclamation, Korean is to become the common language for the world. Also, on October 13, 1997, Father first instructed us to do Hoon Dok Hae. That means no religious rituals are needed anymore. We can simply live with Heaven through doing our pledge service and Hoon Dok Hae.
Fifth, in 1998, Korea became the father nation, Japan the mother nation, and the United States the elder son nation. Taiwan, Canada and the Philippines are three daughter nations-as the completion of a family can only be established by realizing the four position foundations between a father, mother, sons and daughters. Centered on True Parents, we now have father, mother, son and daughter nations so that we can realize the four position foundation on the worldwide level.
Sixth, there is the Total Living Offering. Until now, God had to divide all the sacrifices. But the Total Living Offering is the first sacrifice that God doesn't have to divide. God can claim the entire sacrifice. So True Father calls it the sacrifice that liberates God.
Seventh, the "Declaration and Celebration of True Parents' Cosmic Victory" was held on June 14th last year. Although True Mother became True Mother in 1960, she could not be who she is during the forty-year wilderness period since we hadn't fulfilled our responsibilities. She could stand in the position of the bride as the representative of the Women's Federation. Finally in 1993, after successfully fulfilling her responsibilities over seven years, she could stand side by side with True Father as True Mother. Father gave an award to Mother. This was a historical event. It symbolized that for the first time in history the bride had been victorious. Eve, in the beginning of human history, Mary, two thousand years ago, Christianity and the Unification Church all failed to fulfill their mission as the bride. But Mother finally achieved the victory to stand as Mother. This symbolizes that Adam successfully had completed his mission of creating the perfect Eve.
Eighth, the era of the fourth Adam began from October 1999. The first Adam was the fallen Adam, the second, Jesus, the third, the Second Coming, and the fourth is the final one.
Ninth, we can now pray in our own names.
As you know, the North-South Korean summit marks a major change. No one predicted this development except Father. As I have mentioned before, the division of the Korean peninsula resulted from the failure of Christianity, their being unable to unite with the Second Coming. Korea had to be divided because of the disunity between the bridegroom and bride. So a forty-year period in the wilderness ensued from 1945 to 1985.
Father entered Danbury prison in 1984. At that time, there was absolutely no change visible in the Communist block. One day, Father called a meeting with Dr. Kaufmann and Dr. Sang Hun Lee and asked them to proclaim the end of communism, in Geneva. Dr. Lee told us that anybody who spoke about the destruction of communism at that time would be treated as mentally unbalanced. But following True Father's direction, the end of communism was proclaimed and within three years, communism started to break down. Why do you think Father asked them to proclaim the end of communism when there was absolutely no sign of it? Father said that since the forty-year indemnity condition was successfully completed, there was no other way but for communism to break down.
After Danbury, when Father came to Korea in November of 1985, he immediately proclaimed the age of Korean unification. At that time, no one ever talked seriously about the unification of Korea. Father created various organizations to change the national atmosphere. In 1988, communism started to break down visibly. Three years later in 1991, Father met Kim Il Sung, the leader of North Korea at that time. We then held South and North Korean Youth and Students Seminars, a Little Angels' performance in North Korea and an art exhibition for peace. We invited the Pyongyang Students & Children's' Performing Arts Troupe to South Korea. We are constructing a Peace Park and a Unification church temple, and we have launched the Pyunghwa Motors company, all in North Korea. On these foundations True Parents took responsibility for the successful summit between the leaders of North and South Korea this June. Who created the atmosphere for the reunification of Korea? True Parents, following God's providence. Now, the North Koreans are talking about "love politics." Isn't this a tremendous change? This is indeed the fruit of the providence.
Now we understand everything. We have seen everything. What we have to do is change. Our providential mission is to liberate our homeland. The unification of Korea is the way to do it. That is why we have to break through on the grassroots level and carry out blessing activities.
You are not in Korea simply by your own choice. This is the fruit of God's providence. You represent all of Japan as providential fruit. Father said on June 2nd that the international couples stand in the highest position in heaven and can come closest to God. Japan has the mother's role. You came to Korea to fulfill your mission as the mother.
Last year, when Father sent Korean leaders to Japan, he told them that they had to recreate Japan to be the Mother nation. So you are here to recreate Korea as the father nation so that you can fulfill your mission as mother.
True Father asked us if we truly know. We know. It is now time to fulfill our responsibilities. It is up to us to fulfill the final providential mission of liberating our homeland, and perfecting the providence with True Parents. Witnessing the emerging providential reality, let us stand up and charge forward from today. Thank you.
[Originally published in Today's World, 2000 June]
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