The Words of the Hwang Family |
Through The Eyes Of Providence
Sun Jo Hwang
September 28, 2000
From a speech given to registration blessing participants at Chung Pyung Training Center on September 28, 2000.
Good evening six thousand-couple blessing families. This evening, I would like to tell you about the background of the historical "Transition of the Three Ages Four Position Foundation Registration Unification Blessing Ceremony," based on Father's words. It is very significant, and you need to understand it, because this ceremony is a memorable event in God's providential history. It is the most important providential matter of all the providential work True Parents have done on earth until now. We are here today to participate in the Four Position Foundation Registration Blessing Ceremony. This is a very meaningful occasion. Father thinks of eternity even when he meets people who have no such concept. When he engages in this kind of significant providential event, we can well imagine that Father takes it very seriously.
The Four Position Foundation Registration Blessing Ceremony is one of the three main occasions in providential history. Father's birth was a major event. True Parents' wedding was a key event and this Registration Blessing Ceremony surely qualifies as another. With that understanding, we have to participate in and understand Father's words about the meaning of this blessing. We should look at events from a providential viewpoint. Only then can they be meaningful to us.
Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ was crucified. Through his crucifixion, the door to paradise in the spirit world opened wide. Although the door to heaven was not yet open, it was still a significant change. Light began to shine for the first time in the dark spirit world. Needless to say, the crucifixion was extremely significant. Jesus was crucified together with two thieves. From the worldly point of view, there wasn't any difference among the three deaths. The crucifixion was just another execution meted out to three who were criminals in the eyes of the world at that time. Nothing more and nothing less. But from the providential viewpoint, the deaths of the two thieves were entirely different from that of Jesus.
That is why we have to look at True Parents' providence from a providential viewpoint. Our understanding of True Parents' mission, our determination also, has to be based solely on a providential viewpoint.
I would like to speak to you about how the Transition of the Three Ages Four Position Foundation Registration Unification Blessing Ceremony differs from past events.
A special ceremony for this historical time
The main task during the seven-year course that began with the Day of Total Victory in 1985 was to create unity between the bridegroom of heaven and the bride of the earth. Finally, in 1992, centering on the Women's Federation, True Mother, in the position of John the Baptist, testified about True Father, attended and united with him. Through this, a new age, the Completed Testament age, began. And 1999 was its seventh year. The third seven-year course was originally to cover the years from 2000 to 2007. But the providence is really in a hurry now. Based on "The Declaration of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath (settlement) for the Parents of Heaven and Earth," Father made 1997 the first year of a seven-year course that will end on True Parents' birthday in 2004, a period during which they have determined to complete the entire providence. Six thousand years of providential history has been completed horizontally within True Parents' lifetime, and the new age has begun.
Starting from today, Father will give the grace of the Four Position Foundation Registration Unification Blessing Ceremony to those from the six thousand-couple blessing. When the wives of the six thousand couples finished their twenty-one-day registration workshop, an important ceremony was held. It had a very important relationship to the Registration Blessing Ceremony.
True Father had said a new age would come on the fortieth anniversary of True Parents' holy wedding and on True Father's eightieth birthday. The new age began with this ceremony,"The Transition of the Three Ages Realm of Oneness Unification Blessing Ceremony," which was held on the morning of September 24th at Cheonseong Wanglim Palace.
Providential history can be divided into the Old Testament age, the New Testament age and the Completed Testament age. The Completed Testament age does not indicate the age of completion. The Old Testament age was the age of the formation level resurrection, the New Testament age, the growth level, and the Completed Testament age, the perfection level. And after the perfection level resurrection, we are to go through a growing period and then the age of God's direct dominion begins. Is that not what the Principle tells us?
What have been the transition points to start the new ages? The transition point from the Old Testament age to the New was the birth of Jesus Christ. The transition point from the New Testament age to the Completed Testament age was the advent of True Parents. And the transition point from the Completed Testament age to the age of perfection is "The Transition of Three Ages Realm of Oneness Unification Blessing Ceremony." The three ages are the Old Testament age, the New Testament age, and the Completed Testament age. These ages have been the growing period to reach the age of perfection. When the Second Advent occurs, those with prepared foundations were to fulfill their responsibilities by testifying to and attending the Lord. Yet because of the failure of these prepared foundations, Father had to begin his public mission as the True Parent in 1992 rather than in 1945. The Completed Testament age thus began from 1993.
After the perfection stage of the growing period, the age of direct dominion will arrive, which means the settlement of God's kingdom. The turning point is the Realm of Oneness Unification Blessing Ceremony. True Parents tell us that it is now the age of settlement, the completion of the period of growth, and the transition point of our going to the original homeland.
Passing on the authority to give the blessing
What is the meaning of the "Realm of Oneness"? True Parents are completing their mission as True Parents on earth and handing their mission over to True Children. The age of True Parents' taking responsibility is over. It is now the age of True Children's taking responsibility. Father said that after the fortieth Holy Wedding anniversary, the second forty-year course would start. The first forty-year course was the age of parents and the second is the age of children
What do the children inherit from the parents? What unique authority do True Parents have? [The blessing.] Yes. The unique authority True Parents have is the authority to give the blessing. Although we have done the pre-blessing as tribal messiahs, we have never done the main blessings. We are not qualified. So through that ceremony, True Parents gave the authority to give the blessing to True Children, especially to Heung Jin Nim in the spirit world and his younger brother, Hyun Jin Nim,. From now on, even if Father continues to officiate at the blessing ceremonies, the blessing realm belongs to True Children.
At this time, the blessing authority has been handed over to True Children. When the time comes, someday, we will inherit it, too. But first of all, True Parents' authority was handed over to Heung Jin Nim in the spirit world, representing the Abel realm.
A tremendous transition in the providential era
Thus, the providence has gone through a "transition" from the unperfected era to the era of perfection through the Realm of Oneness Unification Blessing Ceremony. The unperfected, growing period made up of the Old, New and Completed Testament ages has developed into the perfected era. According to the Principle, it is now the time of God's direct dominion centering on the True Family. The period of growth has done through a transition to the period of settlement. Father said that Heung Jin Nim, relying on True Parents, has done a lot of providential work in the spirit world so far. But from now, Heung Jin Nim can subjectively exercise absolute authority, since he has inherited it from True Parents through that ceremony. This authority includes the authority to grant grace, resurrection, and the blessing. Since Heung Jin Nim inherited the unique rights of True Parents, he can administer the spirit world and the physical world without having to ask True Parents about anything. This right to administer the earth has also been inherited by Hyun Jin Nim. With True Children's inheriting True Parents' entire authority, the era of registration has started on earth.
From now, we should change our own concepts of our faith. We have been trying to set a standard of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience toward True Parents. Now we should set the same standard toward True Children. We have to understand that we have such an important vertical relationship with True Children, who are Abel to us.
It is such a great victory for True Children to inherit True Parents' mission after having gone through so much suffering in their lives. When Heung Jin Nim went to spirit world in his very young age, Father appointed him as the commander of the spirit world. But he could not be the commander automatically just by going to the spirit world. Whoever we are, humans have to follow the principle not only in this world but also in spirit world. As the Second Coming had to go through the restorational courses because of the failure of Christianity, Heung Jin Nim also had to go through the similar courses in spirit world. Nothing can be done automatically. In spirit world, he had to fight against Satan and fulfill his own responsibility to make his own foundation. With that, he could be resurrected on earth.
The resurrection of Heung Jin Nim and Dae Mo Nim at the Cheonseong Wanglim Palace did not come about through some kind of magic. As you know very well, tearful history preceded it. What a tremendous victory it is for True Children to receive from True parents the authority to grant rebirth, resurrection and the blessing!
Such a tremendous providential change came about on September 24th. On that foundation, the Four Position Foundation Registration Unification Blessing Ceremony [often referred to as the Grace Ceremony] was held. As the new age begins, internally, there was the Transition of the Three Ages Realm of Oneness Unification Blessing Ceremony. And, externally, we have the workshops for the Transition of the Three Ages Four Position Foundation Registration Unification Blessing. This is a phenomenal providential change.
Therefore, beginning now, the spirit world is far closer to us. The earth has been the subject. So Heung Jin Nim has had to receive directions from Father to do the work of rebirth and resurrection. But from now Heung Jin Nim has the subjective power to make decisions of his own concerning matters of rebirth, resurrection and even the blessing. The Cheonseong Wanglim Palace has moved into a different dimension.
True Parents gave Elder Hyo Nam Kim a new title. True Parents gave her the title of "Elder" [nearly one year ago] and then "Hoon Mo Nim" recognizing her mission as a teaching mother. Hoon means "teaching"[as in Hoon Dok Hae] and Mo means "mother".
The position of the spirit world has changed. The earth is not the subject anymore; the spirit world is the subject of the blessing, rebirth and resurrection. The role of the Cheonseong Wanglim Palace and of Hoon Mo Nim as the medium has become so much more important.
A blessing for three generations
How is the Four Position Foundation Registration Blessing Ceremony different from past blessing ceremonies? The blessing has been given to couples, men and women, for their rebirth and resurrection. Even the blessing ceremonies for single people were for couples as they brought together single people on earth with those in the spirit world. The Four Position Foundation Registration Blessing is not only for couples but also for their children and their grandchildren. It is for the three generations of the four-position foundation. You are here today with your children. There has never been a blessing that included couples' children, not even the blessing ceremonies for previously married couples. That is the important difference.
This blessing is also different from the past because it is not part of the restoration course. All the past blessing ceremonies were rituals for our restoration: restoration from the satanic lineage to God's, from the evil lineage to the good. The three-day ceremonies and the holy wine ceremonies were understood as part of the restoration process. But this blessing is not for our restoration. This blessing is for us to move to God's direct dominion.
Because the past blessings were for restoration, you needed to set up conditions such as making foundations of faith and of substance. You had to witness to three people and fast for seven days. This time we had a different kind of preparation. We had to have our wives participate in the special twenty-one-day workshop for registration. Women are at the center. Why did Father educate blessed wives for twenty-one days? The most significant reason is that Father created true mothers during this period of twenty-one days.
Mother-son cooperation
Why educate mothers? Let us look at history. Since Christianity failed its mission, Father had to set up a new movement, the Unification Movement. The Unification Movement later helped found the Women's Federation. Representing the Women's Federation, right after its founding, from July 6th to 9th 1992, True Mother testified about True Father from the position of John the Baptist.
The Completed Testament age began in 1993. It was an important providential event. What changed after this? In God's providence, two types of events continuously recur-blessings and various speaking tours. Father said that communism developed through demonstrations, but God's providence developed through speaking tours. Father had earlier taken charge of all these events. But that changed in 1993. Mother started to take charge of all the events from then on. Prior to the registration workshops, why did True Parents push women into the forefront? To open up the era of mother-son cooperation and thus conclude the providence.
The mission requiring mother-son Cooperation started in 1993 and ended on June 14, 1999. Let me read Father's words from the Declaration and Celebration of True Parents' Cosmic Victory, given at the time when Father presented an award to Mother:
Since Mother brought victory by successfully completing her tour, during which she gave speeches to the highest social class in the satanic world in eight cities, she has completed her mission as True Mother. She thereby stands in the place of True Mother, with acknowledgement from God, Satan and humankind. Because she stands in the victorious position of having gone beyond the standard of the religious world, she is registered now as restored Eve before True Adam. We proclaim this fact before heaven and earth. And I hereby bestow this award on Mother, Mrs. Hak Ja Han.
So, the providence focusing on cooperation between mother and son ended at that time. To whom is Mother's mission being handed over? The blessed wives. So in order to prepare the Registration Blessing Ceremony, Father had to educate the blessed wives to be true mothers who can open a new age.
The master of the registration blessing ceremony
Past blessing ceremonies were conducted by True Parents. But the master of the Registration Blessing Ceremony is Heung Jin Nim. Do you know how much effort Father made to take care of the registration workshops? Since June 24th, he has been coming here, and each time he spoke for many hours. He has dedicated himself to this degree.
Although he invests tremendous effort in the workshops, he never comes for the Blessing Ceremony. Why not? He avoids the occasion on purpose, because Heung Jin Nim has to officiate at the ceremony alone. Father comes any other time, day or night, but he never comes at the time of the ceremony. He does, though, come after the ceremonies. So we should recognize this providential change and Father's attitude toward it.
A blessing to allow us to be registered in heaven
Then let us look at the background of the Registration Blessing Ceremony. We became free from the original sin through our blessing. Later, we came to take responsibility as tribal messiahs. We invested in tribal messiah activity for a hundred and sixty families. And then we received forty day's of education in Jardim. We made the Total Living Offering to transfer ownership and liberate God. On that foundation, blessed wives attended the 21-day registration workshop to make the foundation for the Registration Blessing.
For these three days, you should understand clearly what it means to be registered in heaven, make good conditions, and repent for your past. The blessing will be given to you tomorrow, to all of your family members, the four-position foundation in unity. You will be asked to write confessions centering on the mother in each family. All of your family members will gather together to repent for the past. Why? Because it is time for all the work we have done for our faith to bear fruit and for us to be registered in heaven. We are being registered into the True Family to be like True Parents' own children.
Earning citizenship in heaven
The most important meaning of the Registration Blessing is to create God's nation centering on True Parents. True Parents' final providential mission is to create the nation of the original creation. According to Father's words [p.45 of the book Restoration of the Fatherland of the True God], because we have no nation of our own, our births, marriages and deaths cannot be registered. To have a nation, there should be people, land and sovereignty. Once there is land for a nation, people should set up the nation's constitutional law. Once the right constitutional system is established in God's nation, people can be registered there. There originally should have been a nation first and then registration. But Father is giving us the chance to be registered before we have our own land. Centering on Korea, Father is trying to create God's nation through the Registration Blessing Ceremony.
Registration means our earning citizenship in God's nation. It also means the beginning of the age of settlement. Until now, we have been in a developing period from the incomplete to the completed. But through the Registration, we have finally reached the age of settlement. Where? In God's nation. Where is that nation? It is centered on the Korean peninsula. Father gave us these words on God's Day, 1971:
This is the second time for the Unification Movement to mobilize sisters. The first mobilizing was in the 1960s. Didn't I tell you that you would be mobilized again for three years on the frontline? This time, sisters are being mobilized for three years. I will mobilize sisters again for three years in the future. Altogether, you have to pass through a nine-year course. Therefore, you have to renew your determination. For three years, from 1971 to 1974, sisters should be mobilized. When our sisters are mobilized to work their hardest, we can pass through the second seven-year course successfully. This seven-year course is related to Jesus' mission.
The True Family was registered in 1971
Father said on that January 1st in 1971 that sisters would be mobilized again when the time comes. That time is the time of registration. When was True Family registered? Father continued:
This morning we celebrated God's Day. Before the celebration we had a dedication ceremony. Until now, our family was not registered before God. For my family to be registered, we had to establish the condition of Cain's having surrendered to us. Even though I mobilized sisters, who are the center of heart and loving relations in your families, none of you demonstrated against or rejected me. This is indeed honorable. Since, centering on my family, you all have made the victorious foundation of working on the frontline, my family has finally met the victorious condition to be registered before God.
The condition for the True Family to be registered was the surrender of Cain. That meant mobilizing blessed families. Because blessed families kept their standard of absolute faith, the True Family could be registered. This is very significant. The True Family was registered on the foundation of blessed families having been mobilized for three years and having kept absolute faith.
Why is mobilization necessary?
What kind of conditions should we make to be registered? We need the condition of being mobilized. Isn't it clear? We have to be mobilized again. Since the necessary condition for True Family's registration was mobilization, the necessary condition to open the age of registration for us is also mobilization.
For True Parents, our registration is establishing God's kingdom on earth. For us, it is the way to live in God's kingdom by earning citizenship. For the providence, it is the time of settlement centered around Korea.
What will happen if Korea does not fulfill its responsibility? We will have to move with our children and our grandchildren. Where? To South America or somewhere else. In whatever way it can be done, True Parents must establish God's nation on earth. Until their birthday in 2004, True Parents have no other choice but to work for the providence of establishing God's nation. Even if all the Unification members collapse and tumble down, even if only ten people remain, True Parents have to advance the providence no matter what.
If they cannot establish it in Korea, they will have to do in another place. It could be in Jardim, Uruguay, the Pantanal etc. No matter how small a land it may be, they have to establish God's sovereign nation on earth.
In this very important providential turning point, we have the Four Position Foundation Blessing Ceremony. It is the fruit of all of our life of faith and the change of God's entire providence.
Our attitude in the age of registration
What kind of attitude should we have? Father said that we should settle since it is the time of settlement. How? First of all, we must set a vertical standard by conducting ourselves in such a way as to cast no shadows with our lives from now on. We must be clear and transparent before God and the spirit world at all times.
Second, we should reach the right standard of heart. To realize God's nation on earth, we should establish a culture of heart. We should actualize lives of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. We should put into practice the spirit of sacrificial service.
Third, we must keep our blood lineage pure. If we fall after registration, there is no way to recover. There will not be any more grace ceremonies. True Parents forgive and cleanse you this time, while you promise to keep the lineage of goodness for eternity. The parents in each family should take responsibility to keep your blood lineage pure for their second and third generations.
Fourth, Father told us to be the masters of love, to be God's people.
Fifth, we must love all things.
Sixth, we must break down all national boundaries. These are the standards of faith in the age of registration.
This is the first time your entire family has come together in a workshop to confess together and to re-determine yourselves by drinking the holy wine. This is not for the purpose of changing the blood lineage, and not a ceremony for restoration. But it is a new beginning for us as God's people.
You will have three days here starting today. True Parents will visit us, giving us abundant blessing and love. We have a lot of unforgivable flaws. We have committed a lot of sins. Some have infringed upon others' hearts. Some have fallen. Some have misused public money. I have a lot of flaws too. The most worrisome matters for Father is the matter of lineage, of public money and of personnel relations.
But now we can all be totally free from all past inadequacies. It is really the time to begin anew as God's people. The ceremony to be citizens of God's nation will unfold over the next three days. We must all be deeply grateful to True Parents and True Children whose lives have been suffering courses, which made the foundation of today's glory. As couples, we must determine again, after repenting for the past, to start new and to settle as the people of God's nation on earth for eternity. We must make a brand new start.
I hope and pray that these three days will be the time for your rebirth and resurrection along with a profound realization of the truth.
May God bless you.
[Originally published in Today's World, September 2000]
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