The Words of the Hwang Family |
The Path to True Ownership in Cheon Il Guk
Sun Jo Hwang
March 16, 2003
Originally published in Today's World, March/ April 2003
God created the world with His Word, the truth. Adam and Eve lost the Word and fell. What should the Messiah use to recreate the world? He should recreate the world through the Word. The truth is, first of all, the condition for the true character of the Messiah. Why are True Parents the Messiahs, and not us? There is a lot of evidence that they are the Messiahs, the most obvious and important of which is that they have the truth. That's the first condition to be the Messiah. Why should they have the truth? Because only through truth can this world be recreated. How can it be recreated? By establishing providential instruments, that is, organizations and events, through which we proclaim the Word and complete re-creation. Thus, organizations weren't set up randomly; they are providentially important. Now, at the beginning of the age of Cheon Il Guk, the Cheonju Pyeonghwa Tongil Gajeong Dang-the Family Party-was founded. (See page 16)
Providence Realizes an Infrastructure
What are some of the points that public events and organizations such as IFVOC, PWPA, IIFWP or others that have been established up until this time have had in common? The thread that runs through all of these has been the proclamation of truth. In the 1960s, Father mainly gave this truth to Christian ministers. In the 1970s, the focus was on the Victory over Communism (IFVOC) movement. In the 1980s, the focus was on Home Church and the work of the reunification of Korea; and in the 1990s, it was on the true family and women's movements. These changes have paralleled providential changes; public events and the message have developed through these various changes.
Based on God's kingship on earth, now is the time to settle in the age of Cheon Il Guk. It is the age of the realm of perfection! The founding of the Family Party will prompt us to reflect deeply. There are many organizations. They all have had the purpose of restoration. True Parents have had to set up the order of the original creation in many areas. To do that, there have been various organizations founded as providential instruments.
The most important ones were the Unification Church, created to complete the New Testament Age; the Women's Federation (WFWP), formed as we entered the Completed Testament Age and which was to complete the mission of the Unification Church; and the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification (FFWPU), which was founded as we entered the Completed Testament Age. The Completed Testament Age was the age of completion. As we passed through this stage of development, several organizations were created. The most important ones are FFWPU and IIFWP founded in 1999; they were organizations created at the perfection stage of the providence in the Completed Testament Age. In 2000, the entire providence was completed and God's Coronation was held on January 13, 2001.
The history of the providence has now led into the age of Cheon Il Guk. Strictly speaking, now is the age of God's direct dominion, as we move on from the Completed Testament Age. Now is the era of the fourth Adam in which we are to communicate with Heaven directly and realize oneness between our mind and body. This is the new historic age in which we are to attend God directly.
Why is the Family Party different from other previous organizations? Until 1992, we were living in the New Testament Age. The Old and New Testament Ages fell within the course of restoration through indemnity. Organizations created before 1992 were organizations engaged in restoration through indemnity. After entering the Completed Testament Age, the work of completion was taking place. The Family Federation, the Youth Federation, the Student Federation and others were completion-level organizations. The most important ones were FFWPU and IIFWP, which were instruments to take responsibility at the completion stage. In this age of Cheon Il Guk, the Family Party was created to help bring God's enlightenment to the earth. We can understand that the formation of the Family Party has a unique providential meaning.
We might wonder how True Father's Word could make the world into a world of peace centered on God. Looking at the consistent process of the providence under True Parents, the most important thing to them has been education. Through education, True Parents teach fallen people the order of the original creation and the heavenly way. That has been the most powerful method for True Parents to fulfill their task.
For that education, there have been many organizations so far. Some have been dangs 1 for educational purposes. The first one, for example, was Segye Pyeonghwa Tongil Dang (House of Unification for World Peace 2). It was formed on the day when the Messiah was proclaimed to the world, August 24, 1992, the day before the 30,000-Couple Blessing. The Proclamation of the Messiah and the Lord of the Second Advent had been made to the Korean people in rallies held from July 4 to 9 and then on the night before the 30,000-Couple Blessing, True Parents gathered national representatives from various parts of the world including some heads of state in the Little Angels Performing Arts Center and made the proclamation to the world. The organization was set up to establish the heavenly way through education.
On March 10, Cheonju Pyeonghwa Tongil Gajeong Dang [the Family Party] was established. It is for the settlement of the heavenly way through education. To fulfill that providential role, True Parents used the Chinese character (pronounced dang) meaning "house," rather than the Chinese character for "party," which is pronounced in the same way. This indicates that every house, every family, is the place of God's providence of education. Against that background, the Family Party came to be formed on the foundation of long and sincere preparations.
As you all know, Father refers to the period from 1945 to 1985 as the wilderness age. The seven-year period starting in 1985 was the period of the fulfillment of the providence of the bride, the fulfillment of the Old and New Testament Ages. The entire providence bore fruit through the Women's Federation in 1992, and the Completed Testament Age began in 1993. In the seventh year of the Completed Testament Age, the age of Cheon Il Guk began with God's coronation ceremony. The New Testament Age ended in 1992, the Completed Testament Age ended in 2000 and Cheon Il Guk began in 2001.
The Sovereignty of Cheon Il Guk
The age of Cheon Il Guk is the new age centering on God's kingship. There are many ways for us to describe the age of Cheon Il Guk. It is the age of God's direct dominion, the age of the fourth Adam, the age of reporting rather than praying to God, and so on.
After God's coronation in 2001, True Parents gave a name for God's nation, which transcends all national, racial or cultural boundaries-the Nation of Cosmic Peace and Unity. There were many providential developments in 2002. The final fruit of the year 2002 was the Rallies for the Harmony and Unity of Heaven and Earth and the Holy Burning Ceremony. On the foundation of those two events, True Parents made us owners of Cheon Il Guk and allowed us to begin our Family Pledge with the words "As the Owner of Cheon Il Guk...."
After God's coronation in 2001, we learned the name of our nation, Cheon Il Guk; in 2002, we received the name of the citizens of God's nation, the owners of Cheon Il Guk. What should come next, in 2003? We have the name of the nation and the name of its citizens; we should now have the sovereignty of Cheon Il Guk in this land, right here, in 2003.
At one point in Korean history, we lost our entire nation for about forty years. Japan took away everything, our people, our nation, name, our culture, our sovereignty and everything else, until we regained our independence in 1945. Only after establishing our nation's name, people and sovereignty, could the Republic of Korea officially begin with our first government in 1948. Likewise, the entire providence bore fruit in 2000. After God's coronation in 2001, True Parents established a new nation, Cheon Il Guk, which was a historic and providential change. In that process, the last stage of finding our own sovereignty is our task in the third year of Cheon Il Guk.
In this, the third year of Cheon Il Guk, in relation to the very important providential task of finding our own sovereignty, True Parents have been developing the providence this year in three different ways.
The Meaning of February 6
Firstly, on February 6, there was the Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony of the Parents of Heaven and Earth Opening Cheon Il Guk. What is the meaning of this Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony? This time, Father told us that the Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony was "True Parents' official marriage registration." What is the meaning of marriage registration?
What does it mean then? If this Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony was the marriage registration, what did the Holy Wedding of 1960 signify? We need to fathom its providential significance. The Holy Wedding of 1960 was not at the completion stage. As we know, the Holy Wedding of 1960 signified the Marriage of the Lamb before the fall as the dispensation to begin the completion stage. Father was forty-one and Mother eighteen [Korean method of reckoning age] at the time of the Holy Wedding, but providentially, they were sixteen at the time of the Holy Wedding. Put differently, the Holy Wedding didn't indicate the completion of True Parents' mission but rather its commencement. It meant that they had just begun as True Parents at the completion level of the growth stage and the starting level of the completion stage. Since then, they have walked the providential course as True Parents for forty years. In the process, they have gone through the Four Great Realms of Heart, the Three Great Kingships and the Realm of the Royal Family, as stated in the Family Pledge; this means they went through the vertical and horizontal eight stages over those forty years.
In addition, True Parents are not only walking their own course; they are also walking together with us. They walk the providential course in many dimensions. In addition to their own course as True Parents, they must fulfill their role as Abel. They have to walk with people on the Cain side. In the providential course, with its many dimensions, they not only have to set up conditions for themselves but also have to fulfill the responsibility of the Cain side, which those on the Cain side have failed to do. For those forty years they had to carry the cross originally intended for the people on the Cain side. True Parents, however, completed their course and were victorious. Finally, the fruit of their mission was borne through the God's coronation in 2001.
Since God's coronation, the creation of the original garden of Eden began. How can we distinguish this from the past? Strictly speaking, the providence of re-creation, the providence of restoration, as it is described in Divine Principle, ended in 1992. What kind of "creation" took place during the seven-year period of the Completed Testament Age from 1993 to 2000? It's not easy to give it a name; however, I'd call it a "new creation." It was not the re-creation period mentioned in Divine Principle. According to the Principle, re-creation continues until the perfection level of the growth stage. Then what creation occurred in the Completed Testament Age? Because it did not exist before, we could call it "new creation." What kind of creation have we had since God's coronation in 2001? To distinguish it from the former, I'd call it "brand new creation."
Of course, Father didn't name those periods of time specifically. I just put it that way to point out the differences in those time periods. We have welcomed the age of Cheon Il Guk at the end of the providence of restoration as well as at the end of the Completed Testament Age.... True Parents have established God's nation, Cheon Il Guk, and found the people of Cheon Il Guk. This year, we have to establish the sovereignty of Cheon Il Guk. For that purpose, they held the Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony, which was the registration of their marriage.
Registering Births and Marriages
In 1960, the Holy Wedding ended the completion level of the growth stage and began the completion stage. It began the course of True Parents. This year's Cheon Il Guk Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony indicated the completion of their course and established them as the ancestors of goodness. Only after the wedding could they actually have children and register their children's births. The Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony of True Parents was their marriage registration, and providentially it meant their establishment as ancestors of goodness on earth.
The next important event was the Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families. The Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families signified the completed establishment of God's kingship on the earth. As God (the Cosmic True Parent) and the True Parents (the True Parents of Heaven and Earth) achieved one heart, one body and one mindset, the kingship began opening up the age of peace and unity. Father told us the ceremony was for the registration of our births. The Holy Marriage Blessing was registering the marriage and, from True Parents' standpoint, the Coronation ceremony signified the completed establishment of God's kingship on the earth. On the earth! It meant the completed establishment on the earth on the part of the blessed families. From our point of view, at the Coronation, we received the blessing -the global-level blessing. Father said this means the registration of our births. It was proof of our registration.
After the Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families, True Parents bequeathed to us a portrait of themselves which is to be a mark of registration. On the poster we find True Parents' photograph [portrait] and official seal, and drawings of animals and trees symbolizing the entire universe. Inscribed in the center are the words "Cosmic True Parent and the True Parents of Heaven and Earth, Name, Word, Achievements, and Complete Liberation of everything."
Each family had to sign two of these posters with True Parents' portrait, keeping one and sending the other to the church headquarters. Why did we have to send it to headquarters? It is to be kept at headquarters as proof of our registration.
Those who completed the Jardim forty-day workshop had their photos taken with True Parents. Two copies were made for each family, one to be kept by the family and the other ordered by True Parents to be kept at the headquarters. Father said those photos were proof of registration. The process by which we are eternally registered as the citizens of heaven does not involve going through just one stage but rather various stages. As the final stage of the entire process, the Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families was for us to register our births before heaven. True Parents have asked us to keep their Cheon Il Guk portrait in our homes and at headquarters as well, as proof of the registration of our births. Now we have been registered as citizens of Cheon Il Guk. We are acknowledged as citizens of Cheon Il Guk. The Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families had such amazing significance....
Third, there was another providential change. The ancestors of goodness have now been established on earth. Centering on the ancestors of goodness, the era of God's kingship has begun. As we register ourselves as new citizens in the age of God's kingship, we receive national registration identity cards. On this foundation, the third change we are facing now is the formation of the Family Party. What is the purpose of the Family Party? It signifies that this is the time for God's sovereignty to be established on the earth.
This historical change, heralding the age of Cheon Il Guk, indicates that we have a substantially different providential foundation than before. Therefore, we must change now. As the ancestors of goodness, True Parents have opened the new age to realize heavenly sovereignty and to establish God's kingship on the earth. To actualize the goal, True Parents gave us providential responsibility. The Family Party, which is to act as the nervous system of society, was formed. The Family Party should educate society so that it can function properly and follow the heavenly way.
An Adventurous Faith
The world needs people who are daring and adventurous. We can't move the world by human reasoning. The providence can't be completed through the power of human reasoning. It's impossible. This is the point for which I have been scolded many times by True Parents. They have scolded me for saying things based on my own theological perspective. Yes, that's true. Can theology change the world? Can human reasoning change the world? No, that's not possible. It's not our brain but our heart, not our reasoning but our spirits and feelings, that can change the world. Great changes in the history of the providence have been beyond the boundary of reasoning.
Let us think of the time the Israelites settled in the land of Canaan. There were twelve scouts. Ten of them made their decision based on reason. When they saw the Canaanites, they realized that "they were like giants" and that "they could never beat them." They were being reasonable. However, two of the twelve, Joshua and Caleb were different. They also saw their enemies were big, but they believed that the Israelites could conquer them. They believed that they had a more powerful weapon-the power of God. The power of God can't be defined by reason. It is beyond the grasp of human reason. With adventurous hearts, they successfully entered Canaan.
How can we change the world? We shouldn't look at this world with human reasoning, but with God-centered faith, spirituality and heart. Through that, we should fulfill our mission as the people of Cheon Il Guk in this generation....
When we are driving, if we just look at the things near us, we feel dizzy; but if we look into the distance, we have a much better view of the road. If I just look at the world from a personal point of view, it seems so big and I seem so small. However, if I look at the world with a God-centered view, the world doesn't seem that big at all and I don't seem that small either. We shouldn't think that the world is something to fight against. We should be completely united with God. It's not important how the world views us; what we are really concerned about is how God sees us. The more we start to care about how the world looks at us, the smaller we become. We lose courage. If we are concerned about how God looks at us, we gain strength and become bigger.
Please think about it. God is using us to restore our tribes. God chose each one of us. How important is each one of us, then? Yet, if we look at the world from our own personal viewpoint, we lose our nerve. We think, "My relatives have more money and more power. I have neither power nor money. How can I convince them?" If we think in this way, we will stifle ourselves. Therefore, we should all become one with God. We must think and feel solely centered on God. That's my point.
Dear brothers and sisters! Times have changed -from the age of the Unification Church to the age of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification; from the age of FFWPU to the Completed Testament Age; and now, finally, to the age of Cheon Il Guk, in which the Family Party has been established. On the earth, now with a new nervous system, the entire body of a nation should revive and function properly, so that it can be a nation such as would have been intended by God at the Creation. That is the providence of today....
We must renew ourselves and have conviction that matches the providence. We are the ones who are daring and adventurous. We are a unified people with the same belief. I sincerely pray that we will become a community that will take responsibility for the new providence in this new era.
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