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Declaration Ceremony for the Beginning of the Nation of the Fourth Israel
Sun Jo Hwang
August 22, 2003
Family Federation for World Peace and Unification International
12F Dowon Bldg., Dohwa 2 dong Mapo-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 121-040
www.ffwpui.org Tel: (02) 6383-3200 Fax: (02) 6383-1500 E-mail: mission@tongil.or.kr
No.: FFWPUI 2003-55
To: Continental Directors, Regional leaders, National Messiahs, National Leaders
From: FFWPU International Headquarters
Date: 22 August 2003
Re: Declaration Ceremony for the Beginning of the Nation of the Fourth Israel
May God and True Parents' love and blessings be with all leaders who are striving to completely settle Cheon Il Guk in their respective mission countries.
On last August 20th, True Parents conducted the "Declaration Ceremony for the Beginning of the Nation of the Fourth Israel," centering on the kingship of heaven. The procedure of the declaration is reported in detail below. On this day,
In particular, the day held a bigger significance in that it was the eighteenth anniversary of Father's release from Danbury Correctional Facility. True Parents went the way of the cross on the world level and were victorious over the suffering arising from Father's incarceration at Danbury.
1. Title of the Declaration
Declaration Ceremony for the Beginning of the Nation of the Fourth Israel
2. Meaning
Cheon Il Guk is the internal nation while the Nation of the Fourth Israel is the external nation, so this is the beginning of the completion of the national realm. It is also the commencement ceremony for the declaration of the starting point for the new holy wine to enter the fatherland of the God of the Three Realms (first, second and third Israel).
3. Background
True Father emphasized "The Renewal Movement for the Peace and Unification of the First Realm of Israel is the Ideal of the Establishment of God's Fatherland." On May 18th last, with rabbis and Islamic leaders as the representatives of the first realm of Israel, Christian church leaders as the representatives of the third realm of Israel centered on America, and Korean pastor as the representative of the third realm of Israel, united into one, True Father carried out the Jerusalem Declaration. This was followed by the Washington Declaration in America, the Christian nation representing the second realm of Israel. Finally, on August 15, he conducted the Seoul Peace Declaration Rally in Korea, the nation representing the third realm of Israel.
August 20th was a special day that carried great providential meaning, on which the victories of the Jerusalem Declaration, the Washington Declaration and the Seoul Declaration were dedicated to God on the victorious foundation of the first, second and third Israel, and on which the "Declaration Ceremony for the Beginning of the Nation of the Fourth Israel" was held.
4. True Father's Words
Through his words at the Declaration Ceremony, True Father told us that since we have entered a new era, we should all repent for just living our lives the way we wanted until now, and that we should start afresh. He also emphasized that as Israel began on the victorious foundation of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob's families, all blessed families should be proud of Jacob's and Jesus' traditions. He further emphasized that we should go beyond these traditions and establish the new traditions of the heavenly kingdom.
At the same time, he emphasized the importance of messages from the spirit world. He told us that since God had sent and acknowledged True Parents, the five saints had no choice but to accept the resolution, and therefore all blessed families should learn the resolution of the five saints by heart, and should hold a group meeting at least once a week with people close to them, in which they would read the resolution together.
He also emphasized the importance of the Family Pledge, and that when people recited the Family Pledge, they should do so slowly, thinking about its meaning. He said that "As the owner of Cheon Il Guk," which are the first words of the Pledge, meant that we were also the owners of the Pledge, and that we should do our utmost best to fulfill and put into practice the meaning of the Family Pledge.
5. Bequeathal of Cheon Il Guk Holy Wine and Holy Salt
On this day, True Father also called Korean church leaders, 50 Japanese leaders, and 4 leaders from each continent including the continental directors, and carried out the "Bequeathal of Cheon Il Guk Holy Wine and Holy Salt," which are to be used in the era of Cheon Il Guk. Each continental director will distribute to each nation the holy wine and holy salt that were given to them by True Parents in person. The leaders of each nation should follow the following rules when using the Cheon Il Guk holy wine and holy salt.
Cheon Il Guk Holy Wine
i) Meaning
a. Until now, the holy wine was the holy wine of the era of indemnity, and Cheon Il Guk holy wine is the holy wine with which to enter the Nation of the Fourth Israel.
b. Cheon Il Guk holy wine is the holy wine to completely settle Cheon Il Guk. As such, it brings us through the course of the Rebirth Ceremony (from the time the baby is in the womb until two years of age; in case of the child being in the womb the holy wine is drunk by the mother), Resurrection Ceremony (from 3 years up to 16 years of age), and Eternal Life Ceremony (Holy wedding [blessing] ceremony from 17 years of age onward), and newly makes our blood into that of the blood lineage of goodness.
c. All blessed families and second generation, in beginning the new era, are to drink this holy wine while receiving new understanding and making a new determination.
d. As the meaning of Cheon Il Guk holy wine is completion, if we fall after drinking the holy wine, there is no forgiveness.
e. Those who may be separated or divorced due to a mistake after the Blessing can be restored as blessed families through repenting, receiving the Cheon Il Guk holy wine and making a new beginning (they must make the appropriate indemnity conditions).
ii) Who can take it: All blessed families and second generation, blessing ceremony participants, relatives and tribe members receiving the blessing, participants at the Jerusalem Declaration, Washington Declaration and Seoul Peace Declaration (Including participants of the Lasting Love Conference).
iii) Multiplication method: Same as the multiplication method of the already existing holy wine.
iv) For reference: As the already-existing holy wine is the root of all holy wine, if it is used along with the Cheon Il Guk holy wine it is not a problem. However, as this is a new age, it is good to use the Cheon il Guk holy wine.
v) Cheon Il Guk Holy Wine Ceremony for the Blessed Families
a. Who can take it: all blessed families and blessed children
b. How to take the holy wine
Wife stands on the right, husband on the left. Children stand next to the husband in order of birthday, oldest to youngest.
Husband and wife and children receive one glass of holy wine each
Husband and wife stand facing each other. Husband and wife bow to each other and drink half of the holy wine from their glasses. They then exchange glasses and the husband and wife drink the remaining holy wine in the glass they received from their spouse.
Children drink their holy wine, if possible all at once (they do not share it with anyone else).
In the case of a couple where one spouse has died or, where one person on earth was blessed with another in the spirit world, or in the case of a single-person blessing, the person on earth first drinks half of the holy wine and, after a while, drinks the remaining portion of the wine with the thought that they are drinking the holy wine from the position of their spouse in the spirit world.
*There are no special instructions regarding returning the empty glasses to the officiator.
c. Venue : Gather together at the church
d. Officiators: National messiah, National leader, Missionary, Church leader
e. Order of the Holy Wine Ceremony
Holy song
Speech about the meaning of the special holy wine ceremony for registration for Cheon Il Guk
Holy Wine Ceremony
Benediction prayer (During the benediction husband and wife should hold hands)
Three cheers of "Eok Mansei" (100 million manseis)
"Victory of the Coronation Ceremony for the Kingship of God, Eok Mansei!"
"Our Victorious Cosmic Parent and the Parents of Heaven and Earth, Eok Mansei!"
"Cheon Il Guk Holy Wine Ceremony for Registration in the Nation of Forth Israel, Eok Mansei!"
Cheon Il Guk Holy Salt
i) Method of use: Up to now, we said, "I sanctify [this] in the name of the Holy Father, the Holy Son, the Holy Spirit, the True Parents and my name." From this point on, when we are going to use the Cheon Il Guk holy salt, we should sprinkle the holy salt three times as in the past, and pray, "I sanctify [this] in the name of the Cosmic Parent and the Parents of Heaven and Earth, the True Children's families, and [your name], owner of Cheon Il Guk."
ii) Multiplication method: Same as the multiplication method of the already existing holy salt.
6. Instructions
1) Cheon Il Guk is the internal nation and the nation of indemnity for the religious groups
2) The Nation of the Fourth Israel is an external nation that will complete the national realm
3) Commencement for the declaration of the starting point for the new holy wine to enter the fatherland of the God of the Three Realms (first, second and third Israel). August 20th is the day marking the 18th anniversary of Father's release from prison in America, the Second Israel, and was set as the day of the starting proclamation.
4) Bequeathal of the new holy wine
i) Rebirth ceremony - from the time the baby is in the womb to two years of age (in the case that the baby is still in the womb, the mother drinks the holy wine)
ii) Resurrection ceremony - from 3 years up to 16 years of age
iii) Eternal life ceremony - Holy wedding (blessing) ceremony from 17 years of age onward
Bequeathal of the new treatment equipment
i) Moxa cautery
ii) Electric treatment equipment
iii) Bell-shaped vacuum compressor to draw bad blood (Buhwang)
True Parents are giving the bell-shaped vacuum compressors to 120 mission countries.
7. Special Instructions
Jehovah God's message to True Parents
i) Resolution of the 4 saints
ii) Resolution of communist leaders
iii) Resolution of 120 journalists
The resolution and testimonies of former presidents of the United States (the 2nd nation of Israel in the Israel realm)
Resolution on earth of each religious denomination, and intensification of education (inter-religious movement) for them
Recommencement of 40-day special workshops in Cheongpyeong - ancestral liberation and blessing to be carried out
Intensification of effective neighborhood and community activities, and getting brothers and sisters and parents to receive the blessing
- Cheon Il Guk membership card will only be issued to those who have completed the four position foundation
Commencement of hoondok clan churches and intensification of public and private family hoondokhae
To do our utmost to complete the kingdom of heaven in the family, nation, world and cosmos.
8. Other Important Matters
Expand subscriptions for The Segye Times - all members should subscribe to The Segye Times for life, and get others to do the same. Each person to increase subscribers for life by 10 each year.
Use, love, and be proud of Ilhwa products and Ilhwa drinks (such as McCol)
Peace King Cup - Found university teams as well as junior and youth teams and hold tournaments for them
Ships and Vessels industry - Sale of One Hope ships
Sale of krill (antarctic shrimp) from Top Ocean company
Tour industry for fishing and leisure
Purchase the entire set of True Father's words and read them - to date, 360 books have been published
Open 12 shops to sell boats in the Yeosu and Sooncheon area of Korea
Find elderly members - and get these elderly members, who are full of wisdom and experience, to volunteer in educating children in kindergarten, elementary, middle and high schools. Start with Seonjeong and Sunhwa (Little Angels) schools in Seoul.
10) Begin to actively proselytize to other religious denominations that are against our church - have them participate together in inter-religious activities, prayer breakfasts and leisure activities.
Sun Jo Hwang
International President
A) [Official Memo FFWPUI 2003-55] Declaration Ceremony for the Beginning of the Nation of the Fourth Israel....this includes information about the wine ceremony B) Fishing tournament.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
A) Here is the official letter which was sent out from the World Mission department.I did not send it out immediatly because I waited until the Korean version came out.That version came out on Thursday. Sorry for the delay. Many churches plan to hold the wine ceremony tomorrow.
There is an important addition in the Korean version.
If members have fallen then they should do the Holy Wine ceremony under the leadership of the Regional leader.Kyeong gi do for example will hold the wine ceremony for such couples September 21st.The wine ceremony will be followed by a 6 month separation3 day fast ,3 day ceremony, and a donation made payable to the General Affaires department of 70,000 won.
B) The applications for the Fishing Tournament should be in by September 5th and according to Mr Joo there is no application fee...the tournament is free.
Greetings from Seoul,
May God and True Parents' love and blessings be with you and your country.
This is to inform you of official memo relating to Declaration Ceremony for the Beginning of the Nation of the Fourth Israel.
Sincerely yours,
FFWPU International
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