The Words of the Hwang Family |
The Path to Building God's Fatherland
Sun Jo Hwang
March 21. 2004
Dear members! What exactly is our role in providential history? Are we just bystanders? Or are we owners who will take up this providential responsibility and pioneer the way? Are we in this battle against Satan or are we just acting as spectators? It is clear that we cannot just remain onlookers to providential history.
In this remarkable new age, Father has designated us True Parents' representatives. Further, he has clearly stated that representing them means becoming their heirs.
We have been given many different names. We started out as lowly servants of servants. Our position was such that we dared not look up to Heaven, and the weight of restorative indemnity lay heavily on our shoulders. Still we tried to follow our True Parents' teachings and gradually came to stand proudly as central figures of the providence.
Going beyond the positions of blessed couples, tribal messiahs, registered blessed families, and fourth Adams, we have now become, in name and in fact, owners of Cheon Il Guk, because we have positioned ourselves as representatives who will inherit all that our True Parents have to offer. This is the providential appellation that has been given to us today....
Beloved members, we are the fruit of providence and heirs who will inherit the entire providence that True Parents have cultivated throughout their life courses. Spectators can enjoy watching the struggle without any responsibility, but those who are actually in the midst of that struggle will only feel tremendous anxiety and strain.
Today True Parents have raised us as their heirs and are strongly saying that we must recreate our tribes in order to restore the earth as God's fatherland. They have sent us out to the world as their successors and have given us the command to make the world God's fatherland.
True Parents' hearts as they send us out as their successors and our hearts as we accept this order to raise God's fatherland from these rugged plains must be inseparable. Our hearts must be filled with anxiety and strain like that of soldiers up against a desperate battle at the risk of their lives. It is time to reflect again on whether we have that kind of intense seriousness in our lives.
As True Parents' heirs, there are basically three things that we must inherit from them. First, they have emphasized that we need to inherit their teachings. How are we different from worldly people? What sets the Unification Church apart from other religions? Who are our True Parents and what makes them great? The answer to these questions can be found in their teachings.
Their teachings are what indicate that they are from Heaven. Their messianic judgment of this world and vision for the creation of the future world can also be found in their teachings. That's why we need to examine ourselves to see whether we value the teachings of True Parents as highly as we do our own lives...
Their teachings are not simply words that come out of their mouths. The strength of what someone says is only manifested when it is expressed with a sincere heart and reflects the heart and soul of the speaker. The appeal and value of what someone says is all the greater when it is spoken based on a life of extreme asceticism. Things that are said under those circumstances exhibit their own life. We may gain knowledge just by reading, which may transform our minds, but this cannot open our hearts. The power to open people's hearts does not come from the mouth but only from words filled with life that comes from a united body and heart. Therefore, we must rearm ourselves with those words of life that burst from our hearts.
In recreating our tribes and neighborhoods to reach the standard of God's fatherland, the most crucial tool will become True Parents' teachings. These teachings are expressed in words, but we must understand that these are not words that come only from the mouth but words filled with life that burst forth from the heart...
The second thing that we need to inherit is True Parents' lives. It is very difficult to say exactly what True Parents' lives are, but if we were to condense their lives into two things one would be true love, and the other would be devoted effort.
One of the things I feel when I am at True Parents' side is that their level of determination to realize the providence is without equal. They are tremendously thorough and take advantage of every second. No matter what situation they may be in, they are solely focused on the realization of the providence and the underlying base of their concern is permeated throughout with true love.
I would like to tell you a story about Father in order to shed some light on what True Parents' lives are like. If you enter the living room of the official residence at Hannam-dong, you will find a painting that was done by Heung-Jin Nim. One day, when staff members were tidying up the living room, they moved Heung-Jin Nim's picture to a different location. When Father returned from one of True Parents' world tours and found that the painting was not in that spot, he scolded the staff. Later we learned that whenever Father looks at that picture, he dreams of going to his hometown in Chungju on that road and prays for the unification of North and South Korea. The members had removed the picture without knowing Father's heart. You can imagine how much this might have distressed him.
True Parents stayed in Korea for about three months and then left for America with a couple of leaders to preside over the Ambassadors for Peace Awards Ceremony that will be held on March 23 on Capitol Hill. Among their entourage there was one person who is not a church leader. He is the head of the hamlet near the city of Yeosu where True Parents' official residence (in the Yeosu area) is located. They had never spoken to this man before. Why do you think they took him with them to America? He is not a church member and had never really openly helped our movement. The position of hamlet leader is a volunteer post; his regular job is slicing raw fish and cleaning seminar rooms before guests arrive.
I asked Father why he had invited him, just to make sure he hadn't made a mistake. Father accurately described the man as "that toothless village chief." He also said that "only by having him go through an unforgettable experience of God's love could his life be restored."
Through this story we can see that True Parents invest a great amount of affection and interest in every second of their lives and live with the strong intention of having their guests go through unforgettable experiences of God's love.
A few days later, I received word of the head of the hamlet. He had never heard of the Divine Principle but was greatly moved by the consideration and love of our True Parents and has become a devout member. This is but a fragment of True Parents' life together, which is filled with endless love and sincerity toward their work. It is a glimpse of a lifestyle that never takes even a moment lightly. This is what we must inherit.
The third thing we must inherit is their achievements. Father has said, "If your achievements accumulate, you will bring the entire universe to its knees." He has let the entire world know that he is the Messiah through his achievements in the providence on earth. True Father has also enabled God to be God: he restored God to the position of the parent of humanity and returned God's kingship to Him.
In their role of Messiah, True Parents have fulfilled their responsibility to history and the spiritual world. They have elevated Jesus to take the throne of the king of the Jews, and they have elevated fallen man as owners of Cheon Il Guk. They have abolished hell and paradise in the spirit world and bestowed grace to evil people, so that they can be connected to True Parents. They have restored creation to its original value.
True Parents came to earth as the Messiah, and through their achievements, which brought even Satan to his knees, they have expanded the current providence and have completed their responsibilities. Now they have given us the mission of building God's fatherland.
Dear members, how exactly will we build God's fatherland? Would it be built if one of our leaders became president? No. God's fatherland is not built just through our having control of one nation's government. Political power does not last forever.
To establish God's fatherland on earth, we need to first win the hearts of the people. We need to let all religious people -- including Christians, Buddhists, Confucians and Muslims -- enter the realm of God's heart with one mind.
Heaven is where we help each other, with love, after creating a pure, true family that is not impeded by any walls between nations, ideologies, religions or social strata. There will be no need even to call out to God in such a place, because God would already exist among us.
The path of building God's fatherland on earth must begin by each of us taking responsibility for his tribe. When we all take responsibility for our tribes and create true families, God's fatherland will automatically be realized. We are all the cells of God's fatherland. When each of these cells comes together and they function as a unified force, the garden of true love, the spring of peace, will be realized.
Our attitude in the new spring
My dear members, the providential spring does not appear just like that. Changes in creation occur with the turning of the seasons, but the providential spring is the original spring of creation that vibrates with God's love.
In this original springtime of creation, True Parents have established us as their heirs and have taught us in detail the kind of attitude that is befitting the age of Cheon Il Guk. Even in today's Hoon Dok Hae material, it explains how we should behave in this age.
The power of love creates spring in the universe and in the garden of love. That is why we are going to build Cheon Il Guk centering on God on a trans-tribal level and establish a new spring of peace. That time is not far off. Now the walls will crumble with our advance. You must all become like a bullet that goes straight to its mark, penetrating obstacles.
Father has given us a clear guideline; he has told us to become a bullet that will go straight forward to penetrate the barriers and, like True Parents' words, break down all the walls of irrationality.
True Parents have lived their lives like bullets in order to accomplish the providential result we see today, to establish God's kingship on earth and to raise blessed families as their representatives. Now they are asking us also to become like bullets.
This is the most desperate moment in history. Are you all ready to go forward like a bullet as Father has directed us to do? Or are you still worried about your personal situation and conscious of others' opinions?
If that's the case, the path to restoring your tribe will be a long one. Father has said that only when there is a thunderous explosion of the gunpowder of the heart and we are shot like a bullet out to the field can we trigger a new providential spring.
We will be successful
Beloved members, the time of fruition will come. True Parents' desire is to share that moment with us. At that time, their desire is to have us, their children, harvest more crops and live better than they do. The last path that we must take is one of learning everything about our True Parents and becoming leaders who can build God's nation and steadfastly protect that nation.
My dear members, we are blessed people who will inherit the lineage of goodness. We are also tribal messiahs, true parents, owners of Cheon Il Guk and fourth Adams. We are the representatives and heirs of True Parents. Therefore we will be victorious. Please have courage and confidence.
The time has come. This year, True Parents have presided over six ceremonies to begin the New Year: On January 1, they celebrated the New Year. On their birthday, they declared the second start of the year. On February 4, which according to the lunar calendar was the onset of spring, Father declared that it was the start of a new year and encouraged us to begin anew. Then on February 22, they declared the "settlement era of the Cosmic Parent, the Parents of Heaven and Earth and the Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind' and once again expressed that the day was significant as a new beginning for the year. During pledge service on March 1, True Parents declared the opening of the era of God's fatherland. Most recently so far, on March 8, they declared the completion day of the inheritance of the kingship of three ages and once again emphasized a new beginning...
In this way, True Parents have so far declared the start of the New Year six times. Each time the True God's Day speech and prayer were read during Hoon Dok Hae, and Father called for us to have heroic determination.
My dear members, 2004 is without doubt a more crucial year than any other. We are not bystanders. We are owners and heirs who will shoulder the burdens of providential history. Thus we must be that much more serious and with strong determination we must be pioneers in 2004.
My beloved members, even today our True Parents are in the midst of providential work and are flying around the globe, on the point of collapse. Once again I sincerely ask that you all attain spiritual enlightenment and practice a victorious lifestyle so that we are not unworthy of the grace given to us by God and True Parents
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