The Words of the Hwang Family |
Providential Autumn And The Owner Of Cheon-Il-Guk
Sun Jo Hwang
September 1, 2004
Meeting for the first day of September, 2004
Hello? I have not been able to greet you for some time. I pray that Heavenly Father's special blessing can be with us on this precious day in September of the fourth year of Cheon-Il-Guk. There is a poem that I quote when the first day of September comes around. I don't actually know very many poems but at times I recite a poem called "Beside the Chrysanthemum," by So Jung-Ju when on the platform. The poem begins like this. "It seems that the scops owl cried like so in order to make a single bud of the Chrysanthemum bloom." Yes. This verse is saying that the fruits of fall do not just come around automatically, but that someone has to plant the seeds in the spring for the harvest in the fall to be reaped. I believe that this verse is saying that the single Chrysanthemum flower did not just bloom but that there was effort and preparation in the springtime for the coming fall. The providence in September that will bear fruit in the fourth year of Cheon-Il-Guk as well, is not a providence that just fell into our laps, but was already prepared before hand for 6 thousand years, or if looked at in the short term, during the 80 years of True Parents life, or shorter, since the Coronation of Gods Kingship Ceremony in 2001, or shorter still, since the beginning of spring on February 4 (according to the eastern calendar).
This September, True Parents are devoting them selves and making providential preparations for the world in Alaska. But True Parents could not let September just come so today called the former president and the current president without any notice. I will go to Alaska today. True Parents are busy making preparations because this is an important providential time. We cannot just stand around for it to come.
This morning, how shall we welcome this month of September in the providential fourth year of Cheon-Il-Guk? Centered on True Parents words, I would like for us to think about what sort of providential understanding we should have in welcoming fall and reaping the fruits of this season.
This year True Parents are reaping so many visible fruits. Unlike in the past, in starting the New Year, True Parents have put emphasis on the beginning of the spring season. There is no year without the four seasons of spring summer fall and winter. But come this year, True Parents are especially sensitive to this flow of the seasons more than ever before and are making advances in the providence according to the flow of the seasons. What is the reason for this? One thing we can be sure about is that this is because there is a providential meaning behind. Although I have already stressed a number of times, there is a single book that True Parents directly edited and made while doing Hoon-Dok-Hae. All the other books were made by us and then accepted by True Parents to be published but there is one book that True Parents supervised. This book was edited in Danbury Prison. This book is called "God's Will and The World." How frustrated must have Father been in prison. How his heart must have been burning inside. In such a circumstance, the book that Father made while reading the Hoon-Dok materials of the past is "God's Will and The World."
In this book, "God's Will and the World" there are many speeches but in particular there are two speeches on the topic of seasons. The season that is talked about is spring. The two speeches are very similar in content. When we read the contents it says that Heavenly Father has never been able to welcome spring ever since the time of creation. God has never been able to see a spring of ideal creation. Spring, summer, fall, and winter have continuously come and gone but there was no spring, summer, fall, or winter for Heavenly Father. Why was this?
Everyone! On the third Ahn Shi Il, True Parents proclaimed 'the absolute values.' This is nothing other than the way of heaven. What sort of the way of heaven are we to abide by in the era of heaven? The era of heaven that True Parents have proclaimed is the age of peace and unification. This land will be a world of harmony centered on God. Mind and body will be one. Husband and wife will be one. Parents and children will be one. There will be unification between groups, races, and nations to ultimately create a unified world with one heart, one body, one ideal, and one central axis centered on God. This is era of heaven but what are the absolute values that will create this sort of age? This is something that True Parents have strongly emphasized and also asked about in public appearances. This is the fact that one is made the owner of love by the other person. God's ideal of creation is creating a world of true love on this earth and the world of true love is created when perfected individuals of true love come together. The individual of true love is the perfection of love. How is love perfected? The perfected embodiment of love is not attained by one self but is possible only through a partner. This is why the partner is absolute. To be loyal to God is to be loyal to people. To be acknowledged by God is to be acknowledged by people and is to be acknowledged by creation (all things).
This may seem like the In-Nae-Cheon philosophy (The core teaching of the way of heaven religion that states that people have to be treated as God) but this is not so. In pantheism, it is regarded that God is man and man is God. God was not actually recognized as an objective being. However we do not say that man is God in this pantheistic meaning. Heavenly Father exists separately from us and is an independent creator. But at the same time God is not cut off from the earth but lives closely within this world.
In this sense He is different from the Gods of the past. In the concept of Christianity, it has been said that there is a severed relationship between God and man but we say that God is absolute and He lives inside people who stand as His objects. Therefore being loyal to God is to be loyal to people and to be acknowledged by creation. The partner lets you be perfected. God is the absolute being. He was the creator from the very beginning. The authority and power of God as the creator is made possible by the partner.
You cannot become parents by yourselves. Without children you cannot become parents and parental love cannot come forth. These are the important teachings of True Parents. So if the world could be formed centering on the facts that love is perfected and the ideal of creation bears fruit through one's partner and that these are not done by one self, we can be sure that this world would be a world of peace overflowing with love.
Hence the absoluteness of God does not just arise but it is only possible upon a foundation formed by a mutual relationship between heaven and earth. Spring, summer, fall, and winter have endlessly come and gone, and countless days have passed but without a spring in which we can attend to God, there is no spring for God. Without a summer that God can live in, there is no summer for God. This goes the same for fall and winter. There is a reason why True Parents held a ceremony to dedicate a crown for God and had us finish up the works to tie together the years 2003 and 2004 by the beginning of spring. And starting from that day, after three months of carrying out the providence, summer will come. And after three months of summer, fall will come. And after three months of fall, winter will come and we will see True Parents laws of spring. So because one year has four seasons and there are three months per season, changes will occur every three months. This month of September is also a time of change. The seasons change according to the months. The months of March, April, May is spring; June, July, August are summer; September, October, November are fall; December, January, February are winter. So come this year, True Parents are carrying out the providence according to the change of seasons, which is something unlike in the past. This is because 2004 is the providential year when God's ideal of creation can be revealed for the first time.
How can the providence of original creation be carried out? This is our interest. In True Parents carrying out the providence, the King of Peace Coronation ceremony took place on August 20. And even today the providence is being carried out in the same way. I already mentioned this before but when was the biggest providential turning point in human history? And what event was this? This is important. Besides the providential history of True Parents, the most important event or turning point in history was the appearance of Jesus. The life of Jesus has no meaning if seen from a sociological point of view. It was neither a long nor important event. And it did not occur in a large place so as to move the world. It took place in a manger in the smallest city of Israel, Bethlehem, for 30 years as a carpenter under a stepfather, and for 3 years eating and drinking along the beach together with tax collectors, prostitutes, and fishermen. Not one of the events of being born in Bethlehem, nor living as a carpenter in Nazareth, nor serving the 3 years of public life in Galilee was something to impress people. It was a very small event. However, as time passed, the proof was there. The time before and after this event were clearly distinguished. It was separated into B.C and A.D. This event brought about the biggest change in history before True Parents.
When we look at True Parents' life with this sort of providential viewpoint, how precious they are. How immense and incredible is the influence that True Parents have given? Through out True Parents life, the most important providential change -- not a gradual change but a major revolution -- was the Coronation of God's Kingship Ceremony in 2001. Thus there were many providential events in True Parents' life but today is particularly the day that the day of Heavenly Parentism was proclaimed on. In 1989, there were many providential events such as Pal Jung Shik but all of these were gradual steps toward the future. The gradual change from the formation stage to the growth stage, from the growth stage to the completion stage, and again through the formation, growth, and completion steps of the completion stage was all the providential events till now. And the change above these changes was nothing other than the Coronation of God's Kingship Ceremony. So how big an event is the Coronation Ceremony of God's Kingship? We cannot even begin to imagine the meaning behind this.
During the three-year period from this time, True Parents laid the root of Cheon Il Guk. This entire process will be completed by True Parents through a span of twelve years. True parents had laid the root during those three years. Now [this root has] surfaced and will most likely be perfected in three stages. Therefore the period from 2001 to 2003 was the period for the formation of the root. What is this root? God's kingship will be established centering on the kingship of the blessed families. To each and every one of us Father has given us the responsibility for our tribes, ward and block area while on a larger scale he is creating a borderless world of peace. That is why he created the Peace UN. Simply put, providence during these three years was to establish the vertical axis from this root, from God's kingship all the way to the kingship of blessed families. On the horizontal level, Father gave us all the responsibility to become the owner of Cheon Il Guk to take responsibility for our tribe, ward and block area. On a whole, Father has brought all the institutions together into the Peace UN and is creating a borderless world -- a world without any boundaries between religion, race, and culture so that this axis can be vertically and horizontally aligned to form the root. On this foundation, this process is completed in three stages by the year 2012. Most essential in bringing about this completion is the formation of the trunk. The process for the formation of the trunk was the providence in the year 2004. Father has often said that after God's coronation ceremony and his own coronation ceremony as the king of peace, there is nothing more for him to do.
In particular Father opened the era after the coming of heaven in July investing his entire lifework for this purpose, after which we had the WCSF. In the last event of the World Culture and Sports Festival Father made an important declaration. It was a declaration aimed for August 20. True Parents bestowed the special grace for the registration of Cheon Il Guk on August 20 to all the leaders from the world. Already Father has sent these leaders to the world. On August 20, there was this blessing ceremony along with True Parents' coronation ceremony as the king of peace. Father gave instructions to have this event in all parts of the world. He added that he would rest after doing the August 20 coronation ceremony. He officially announced that he had nothing else to do on his part. Thus we can see that there was a crucial change in providence.
What this means is that there is something that True Parents has to do, and there is something that we must do on our own. On the foundation of this root, in other words True Parents will finish [this providence] until 2012, but what will they do in the year 2004? This is the last part of providence done by our True Parents. Next it is our turn. True Parents made the root and trunk for us. What is the next stage? It is making the branch that will bear fruit.
How will this branch be made? There are three stages in making this branch. Thus Father became the king of peace on March 23; wearing this cosmic crown of peace he began to engage in creation from April 19 with the authority of the king of peace. 12 days later, on May 1 he announced four components in realizing the era after the coming of heaven. He officially declared the use of Cheon Seong Gyeong, he perfected the family pledge, and he designated Ahn Shi Il and opened the era of complete release. This he did on the first day of May, which is also the 50th anniversary of our church. From then on the second stage was formed from the first Ahn Shi Il on May 5 to July 21, five days after the 10th Ahn Shi Il on July 16. It was True Parents' lifetime investment for the sake of opening the era after the coming of heaven. For each Ahn Shi Il he gave a message. The greatest message among those messages was the designation of an absolute value system heavenly way.
Then during the period from July 21 to August 20, Father assigned every ten days in the following manner: ten days for the Old Testament Age as the formation level, ten days for the New Testament Age as the growth level, and ten days for the Completed Testament Age as the completion level. On that foundation we had the king of peace coronation ceremony on August 20. The first stage was from April 19 to April 30; the second stage was from May 1 to July 21; the third stage was from July 21 to August 20. On this foundation Father became the king of peace on this earth. Through these three stages the trunk was formed.
Then what happens next? The branches are created. How do you make a branch? The branch is not created from the trunk. The branches are grafted onto the trunk. Father talked about this as grafted the false olive tree to the true olive tree. We must now graft ourselves to the trunk. For this True Parents gave us 40 days from August 20 to the end of September. True Parents have said that they will give a providential blessing of tremendous magnitude on October 3, the Foundation Day for the Unified World. We do not know what kind of blessing this will be. What is clear though is that forty days after August 20 is October, and October is the season of liberation and fruition. Father had declared the Foundation Day for the Unified World in October, the season of liberation. Thus Father has said that he will engage in great works of providence in October of the fourth year of Cheon Il Guk.
Then what are we to do during this forty-day period? It is the period to engraft ourselves as branches to True Parents who are the king of peace. How are we to do this? We must be engrafted with our clan and tribe. That is why Father had earlier stated that 12 family clans have engrafted to True Parents, and then 36 family clans, 72 family clans, and 120 families clans. All 275 family clans must engraft them to True Parents.
Therefore this engrafting period from one's relatives and root of one's clan for the purpose of attending the king of peace is the period from August 20 to October. It is the providential period to engraft each clan to the true of true parents. The Eu family of Rev. Hyo Won Eu (first Korean church president) had done so before the previous coronation ceremony for True Parents. So did Rev. Jung Ok Eu. People from their clan held a rally attending True Parents as the king of their tribe and clan. They presented a crown and brought it to Hannam-dong before True Parents. True Parents were delighted and greatly pleased by this. Still they said that 12 family clans should first attend True Parents, the king of peace as the king of each of those family clans. Compared to the history of the past this pertains to the settlement process of Canaan. How are we going to settle into Canaan? There are many ways for this. But the most vertical method is to reestablish the order set by heaven. All the things on this earth were created by man. But among these things there is one thing that cannot be determined by man's choice. When God created mankind he gave them creativity. Through this creativity recreation is accomplished. Yet there is on thing that is not the fruit of man's creative action. That is the relationship of the blood lineage. The relationship of blood lineage was not created by man. It is not something of our choice. The relationship of parent and child is a blessing determined by God. Therefore this is a vertical method. Thus a vertical revolutionary process reestablishes order on earth through this blood lineage. On the horizontal level this pertains to our tongban kyokpa activity as the worldly administrative institution. Through the recovery of this vertical and horizontal order Canaan can be perfected as God's possession. Presently we are in a process of engrafting the tribe -- the branches to the trunk where each family clan has to attend to True Parents as the king of peace.
Currently many family clans are preparing for this providence. Rev. Kwak has prepared for this on September 3; even the Yoo family and Hwang family are making preparations. All family clans must attend to True Parents as the king of family clans, the tribes must engraft to the trunk of Cheon Il Guk; the True Parents who are the subjects of true love, true life, and true lineage. This providence is what we face today. Once engrafted this will bear fruit, completing the ideal of Cheon Il Guk.
In that regard, September is the season of fall, providentially speaking it is still spring. September is the month for engrafting to this tree, receiving the resin coming up from the root to bear the fruit of Cheon Il Guk. We are truly in an amazing and inspiring time of providence. Now indeed is the time to reveal the ideal and identity of the Cheon Il Guk on this earth to all the people of this world. That is why it is important to reflect upon ourselves at this time. On the individual level we have to ask whether we have become a true person before heaven; on the family level, whether we have become a true family that we always talk about; on the organizational level, whether we have become the true and ideal organization of heaven, now indeed is the time to seriously ask ourselves this question. Because we need to reveal our substance. In the past it was not the time to reveal identity. It was the time for True Parents to manifest themselves [to this world]. But now is the time for us to directly come out -- to show them what Cheon Il Guk is, what true love is, what true family is -- now is the time to reveal these things.
True Parents would like to see the branches and fruits come forth from the root and trunk they raised through the course of their entire life. Thus now is the time for us to ask ourselves whether it is time to bring fruition to providence and to God's will that can substantially be seen and felt. In the relentless progress of providence, we were constantly faced with something new. Autumn in 2004 has approached us in a totally new way. In this year, True Parents have brought providential changes during the period of spring, summer and fall. In that respect, autumn this year is different from any other we have experienced in the past. It means that we have come to a time where we have to change in order to be acknowledged as the tree of Cheon Il Guk by our tribe, block area and neighborhood. Consequently we need to offer even greater devotion and prayer, and have time to reflect on ourselves.
True Parents will return again [to Korea] in the middle of September. They will give us many tasks in preparation for October. But this providential undertaking will be one marked with hope. With these expectations I hope that you all can spend September in joy and in health both for your spirit and physical body.
Most grateful True Parents, the root of the eternal true love, true life, and true lineage of our Heavenly Father:
Today is the first day of September in the fourth year of Cheon Il Guk. It is the first month that we enter with the eternal king of peace centering on God's kingship on earth. This morning we took a sincere look into the process of providence on how we are going to live in September. Since their arrival on this earth, our True Parents have lived their entire life in the context of providence for the sake of liberating God and humanity, never stopping to rest, never relaxing for even a second. They offered themselves and even the True Family on this providential altar. Truly they have lived a harsh life. Tears shed amidst their providential struggles were all for preparing the coming of spring after the thawing of the frigid providential winter. There is no way for us to grasp the significance and value of this great providential spring we have ushered in at this time.
Beloved heavenly father, from the start True Parents were the king and queen of peace, yet they could not stand in that position because there was no foundation on this earth and no subjects who could attend them as the king and queen of peace. Finally on top of this global foundation they have regained their stature as the king and queen of peace. They are indeed the ancestors of goodness and shine out in all their glory as the true parent. Let us become the sturdy branches before the true parents. We have entered an extraordinary season that calls for new determination so that we can usher in the day in which the people of the world can pledge their loyalty to the true parents, and recognize us for who we are.
In this month of September we will engraft all the clans on this earth to the true lineage in accord with the order established by heaven; this we deeply engrave in our hearts.
Beloved Heavenly Father! We truly pray that you guide all the blessed families on this earth so that they can lead their kin in each sphere of life to the True Parents, attend to them as the tribal king, as the root of their tribe, and engraft to the king of peace.
Beloved Heavenly Father! When the Israelites settled down in the land of Canaan they suffered tremendous violation of the heart. They lost the spirit they had in Egypt, and their mental strength from the wilderness. Yet Father, we will not and cannot become like them. Let us inherit all the excruciating pain from the wilderness course that our True Parents have walked. We know and feel that the time has come to newly establish the order of goodness along with the tradition of Cheon Il Guk in the land of Canaan.
Through Your unceasing guidance let the unification movement revive itself; let this month of September become one in which all the tribes can bond to the true lineage of the good ancestor. For this we pray that all the blessed families on earth inherit True Parents' words, their providential works and stature in this month of September.
We fervently pray that the heaven and earth be overflowing with True Parents' greatness and glory. Let us pledge once more to become victorious children before the parents. This I report in my name, Hwang Sun-jo, a blessed central family. Amen.
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