The Words of the Hwang Family |
Dr. Hwang went into politics out of the desire of True Father. He was elected on a local government level and is working now on the political level, although he never felt attracted to it. It is True Father's desire that he should become the next President of Korea. He is Chairman of important organizations, now also from the newly launched "Tribal Messiah's Federation for World Peace" on 23rd August 2010.
He wrote a booklet with the title "Reality and Prospect of God's Providence" from Dr. Sun Jo Hwang, UPF. This booklet should also be read during the Hoon Dok Hae, this is done already in Korea.
Just now it is available in Korean language but it's on the way to be translated.
Dr. Hwang worked for more than 10 years for the Family-Federation, he travelled more than 2 million miles around the world but he is the first time in Great Britain.
Here a short report about what I was able to understand and to write down:
The year 2013 is approaching, it is time to develop ourselves, what we are and how to accomplish our responsibility -- this is a serious matter.
Dr. Hwang was on a leaders-meeting in Japan and spoke on what we should focus in the Unification movement.
We have to understand how important we are.
God has revealed himself in different ways.
History reveals God's work, how he sent the Messiah. Many big things happened in history, but the biggest was the coming of Jesus as the Messiah 2000 years ago.
What had Jesus left on earth? On the end -- he witnessed only to one person, the man next to him on the cross. Time goes by but the crucifixion and Jesus' life became the greatest news and event of history.
Important is not the size and volume of what we are doing, but if God is involved in it. Then this event becomes big.
We, from the viewpoint of the world, may look small, but if God is involved it can become great. For example: Abraham's story with the pigeons. There are many pigeons in the world, but this pigeons in Abraham's story were special and had great value.
Great significance we have once we realize that God works through us.
Our life with True Parents has great value and great impact in the future.
What can we do from now on and what do we have to accomplish?
The Little Angels: nobody of the other political and religious leaders had that idea. It is part of God's Providence; therefore, everything True Parents are doing has great significance and meaning. Korea, Korean war, UN -- they have a significant meaning, because they are connected with the True Parents.
In the book of Dr. Hwang "Reality and Prospect of God's Providence" is written, how True Parents worked and what they will still have to do.
What is the will of God? To establish a peaceful ideal world.
Two kinds of dispensation:
Who is leading the central role -- the Unification-Movement! (Abel)
The major challenge is to achieve that.
Necessary 2 preconditions:
1. We need substantial accomplishments (not only spiritual).
2. True Parents, they have their own portion of responsibility to fulfill.
Until 2013 they have their own portion of responsibility to fulfill -- substantially.
What is my responsibility to my children -- raising them until they are blessed, then their own responsibility starts.
Jesus brought truth, True Parents also brought truth. True Parents words are embracing all humankind.
The Unification Movement has the same ideal and tries day by day to realize it.
All throughout the world Blessed Families live -- in terms of quality we are equal
The same language, the same tradition. Who follows that tradition -- only we!
Don't think that True Parents can do all perfectly -- they have their own responsibility.
We have to establish God's Sovereignty and transfer evil's sovereignty into God's Sovereignty.
To establish this, what do we have to do?
We need one method -- through religious way and social, political way. We need a heavenly constitution and systematize many things -- the law, standards, regulations, everybody can learn Korean.
In the Unification Movement and also within us everything must be systematized.
Keep working to change the evil in the outside world. Heavenly quality should start. We need to show new models.
True Father is pushing Dr. Hwang to become the next president of Korea. He is now working on local level, it may look as a small thing, but we have to show new models of leadership to reconcile.
We need to raise new political leaders. If we follow True Parents direction, a revolution can come.
20 years ago Home -- Town -- Providence: to serve the people in many ways and make a foundation.
True Parents have established a lot, but what have we established?
Conclusion: True Parents served and established God's Sovereignty; all unification families have hope, now we are a global community.
Our task is how to make it full (fill up the gaps and complete God's Sovereignty) and show our true political leadership, make it work.
Our mission is to change the outside world to good.
Our last task is to fulfill the Tribal Messiah-ship plus UPF.
Who is my tribe? It is my neighbor, with whom I am living, all the people I know and have contact with, my family connections and geographical connections.
Your contacts and you -- you become the king of tribe; living among your tribe is to establish God's Sovereignty.
Afterwards we were invited for lunch.
Mrs. Song introduces Dr. Hwang
Mrs. Song met Dr. Hwang the first time when she was on the UTS in America.
She was 21 years old and he some couples of years before her.
"Dr. Hwang has different colors. In the UTS he was very quiet and seemed to be a deep thinker. He is a great theologian and wrote a booklet about God and True Parents' Providence. He deeply researched, prayed and studied God's Providence.
Jesus was great, but without his disciples we would not know about his greatness.
He is also a man of the heart and very hot and a wonderful husband." Mrs. Song said she envies his wife (my husband will kill me tonight -- she mentioned)….
"Dr. Hwang gives answers and describes the Providence of God and True Parents' and 'made a beautiful jewelry out of the pearls'."
Then Dr. Hwang started the lecture.
Basically he repeated the same as one day before in the Holiday Inn, but he used a power-point presentation, which is part of the booklet he wrote.
This power point presentation you probably can get from the headquarters.
I will just write some points he made in-between, because the lecture was connected to this presentation.
Christians say that God wants to liberate us. Only the Creator can liberate created beings. But in the Unification Movement we say we can liberate God. This is very different from other views. We are the ones who can liberate God as his children. We are different.
In the Old Testament there was no Father, only Jesus called God Father.
The reasons why Jesus was crucified:
1.) He called God Father and
2.) He didn't keep the Sabbath.
Jesus called God Father and we are his children. 2000 years later True Parents say the same, that the relationship between God and man is the relationship between parents and child. When a couple has children, only the children can make the parent's face look happy.
God can only be liberated by his children -- this is a very mature statement. No other religion teaches that way. We truly have the standard to liberate God. How can we do that?
Dr. Hwang introduces his booklet "the Reality and Prospect of God's Providence".
The power-point presentation starts:
Who are we? We attend True Parents and are making God's dream substantial. We are the ones, who make God's providence a reality. This time is the most important time.
Dr. Hwang speaks about the different foundations which True Parents have established, the last one on 8th July 2010 in Korea, then in America (24th July) and in Israel (23rd August) to combine the three Israels.
The title was "The proclamation of the word that firmly establishes the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind".
There are 3 keywords in this title:
1. True Parents of Heaven and Earth and Humankind
2. Settlement (the word "establish") and
3. Substantial (= Proclamation)
(Then the power-point from 1945 -- 2010)
This is not only True Parents' way, but we have to do the same. We also can be a Messiah and True Parents.
After World War II the country was destroyed -- let's find God who is suffering with his children, not the high God. This is our God.
We should become also True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind.
What is the proof that True Parents subjugated Satan?
In the DP it is written that without indemnity condition we are not supposed to receive the Blessing. Now, after the 3.6 mill Blessing everybody can receive the Blessing.
Did the Principle change? No!
After the 30 000 Blessing, the 3.6 mill Blessing and the 360 mill Blessing, the Blessing becomes possible without indemnity condition.
When True Mother made her 180 countries tour, True Father made many times a day Hoon Dok Hae. We read the same message again and again. So the "peace messages" were confined. The 8 textbooks were an incredible investment.
Jesus was without textbooks through all his life.
Now we can give the Blessing to the people in the same way. We can bless the people, the tribe. All of us become peace-kings for our tribe. Truly serve and attend people as Tribal Peace King.
True Parents have completed the ideal of one family on earth. True Parents completed everything.
Now we have our own part of responsibility to take -- day by day.
Keyword "substantial word" not "word of substance"
We have to become the substance. Substance is first, word is second.
The sovereignty of goodness should appear on earth.
Don't have a concept of world politics -- heavenly politics, good politics.
Establish new patterns, new politics, and new parameters.
We cannot do all at once.
1.) To build an Abel-realm of good sovereignty, -- make a spiritual community, for all blessed families, a good tradition, a Shim Jung-Culture, the Culture of Heart (Unification-Movement, the Abel-realm)
2.) Externally -- work with outside people, change politics into heavenly politics. (UPF, the Cain-realm)
One of you should become the Prime-Minister in future here in this country, if you cannot do now, than one of your Ambassadors of Peace should become.
By 2013 the internal and external realm should be established
Core-axis: inheritance through the providence with Pastor Hyung Jin Nim -- he is the central axis. All of us should become a Tribal Messiah, True Parents of the Tribe and the King of your Tribe.
Teach the truth to your tribe = Messiah of your Tribe, bless the tribe = True Parents of your Tribe, serve and attend your tribe = True King of your Tribe.
If you do that, then the outside world will change and transform.
The vision of the "Tribal Messiah's Federation for World Peace" is to become a
True Messiah of your Tribe
Parents of your Tribe and
True King of your Tribe.
True Parents did not come to establish a church or religion, but to establish a Peace-Kingdom on Earth.
Convey True Parents' teaching, give the Blessing and serve and attend them -- then you become the True Peace-King of your Tribe.
This is our way and journey until 2013. Now is the time to harvest, your neighbors, relatives, friends, and contacts become your tribe.
How: Through spiritual realization and awakening. Now is the era of divinity. A true spirituality and true love must come. Such Era has come now.
Take your tribe into the Abel-realm of good sovereignty.
There are many social problems -- bring a spiritual awakening in your tribe.
How to prepare for 2013?
There is an Abel and Cain tribe. At least 430 couples/families should be in your Abel-tribe and you develop through a religious movement (Abel) and peace-movement (working with outside people -- UPF, Cain).
You can have your own territory, your own sphere as tribal-king.
Become a kingmaker -- that is our mission. Father said Dr. Hwang should become the next President of Korea.
You should dream the dream, and then in future this world can change. Teach and guide others to do the same.