The Words of the Hwang Family |
Directions from True Parents
Sun Jo Hwang
President, FFWPU International
September 16, 1999
May the blessing of the Parents of Heaven and Earth be with all of you working hard for the victory of the 400 Million Couples Blessing. On September 14, at 7:45a.m.(in New York) True Parents gave directions as outlined below. I am thus informing you of the changes in the content to be used when concluding a prayer, and a summary of True Father's words regarding this. Leaders are requested to implement this change in their nations.
A. Changes in the content with which a prayer is concluded:
1. In a Blessed Family (1st generation and 2nd generation) i. When the husband prays: "I pray in the name of the husband OOO [husband's name] of OOO's [husband's name] family, which is a blessed family that has inherited True Parents' realm of victory through the blessing. Amen"
ii. When the wife prays: "I pray in the name of the wife OOO [wife's name] of OOO's [husband's name] family, which is a blessed family that has inherited True Parents' realm of victory through the blessing. Amen"
iii. When the children pray: "I pray in the name of son/daughter OOO [son or daughter's name], of OOO's [the father's name] family, which is a blessed family that has inherited True Parents' realm of victory through the blessing. Amen"
iv. When praying in public: "I pray in the name of OOOO (position of person praying) OOOO (name of person praying) who has inherited True Parents' realm of victory through the blessing. Amen" (N.B. In case of Regional Leader: I pray in the name of OOO, regional leader of OOO [name of place])
2. Those Who Are Not Blessed Pray in the same manner as before: "I pray in the holy names of True Parents. Amen"
B. Summary of True Father's Words on the Change of Content for Concluding Prayers
1. It is a conclusion to the victorious contents of 9.9 Jeol and 3.10 Jeol which True Parents declared according to the progress of the providence.
2. The meaning of praying in the name of individuals is recognizing one's responsibility as 'the substantial being having responsibility for the contents of the prayer'.
3. From now on a prayer must be a 'report' taking responsibility for results (of missions given ) and for results of activities undertaken before God, rather than an earnest request (such as requesting help for something). In other words, giving a daily report of the results of daily life.
4. This is the conclusion of heavenly fortune that has followed from the celebrations of 9.9 Jeol and 3.10 Jeol. Through 3.10 Jeol, 4000 years of history have been indemnified.
5. True Father directed this to be proclaimed and implemented throughout the world, at 7:45a.m. on September 14, 1999 (New York time).
True Father gave a speech on September 27, 1959 (from Volume 7 of the collected sermons) entitled Church Members Who Will Be Living in God's Family, in which he said:
The time will come when we pray in our own names. That day is the day of hope.
Information on the event of Holy Days
1. Information on the 12th Foundation Day for the Nation of the Unified World (October 3)
1. Venue: Montevideo, Uruguay
2. Participants: Korean National Messiahs, Japanese National Messiahs
3. Holy Robes are not necessary
2. Information on the 40th True Children's day (October 8)
1. Venue: Korea
2. Participants: Instructions will be given later
3. Holy Robes required
I pray that True Parents' love and blessing will constantly be with each leader and mission country for the sake of the accomplishment of the holy will.
Sun Jo Hwang
President, FFWPU International
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