The Words of the Ikeno Family |
BC's and the Blessing
Hanako Ikeno
January 22, 1999
I would like to make a brief point about the Second Generation and their education. I myself am a second generation, and although I can't say I've been very active on the 2G scene, their education is something I constantly contemplate. They are after all the link to the third generation, the inheritors of True Parents tradition from their parents. Without them, there is not future in God's lineage.
My conclusion for now can be summarized in three points:
1. Tradition
2. Study
3. Responsibility
By tradition I am referring to things like pledge, morning and evening service, Hun Dok Hae etc. . . In any given religious culture we can see that the first defining point is their traditions. The Catholics have mass, communions etc. . . Aesthetic Jews eat Kosher food, wear Yamakahs (forgive the spelling), etc. . . . Our movement's tradition serve a number of purposes: Firstly, it defines who we are externally (as I mentioned previously). Identity, especially to young and growing children is crucial to their development. Identity for them however cannot really be defined by intangible things such as ideals, morals, values. These things must initially be tied to tangible things like pledge, Hun Dok Hae. As they grow older it will serve as grounds for further education. Which brings me to the second purpose, it builds heavenly habits. My father mentioned an interesting point when returning from Olympo this winter. He told me that the majority of human beings were very far from heaven's standards in our speech, thought, walk etc. . . These traditions such as Hun Dok Hae, pledge and even evening and morning service (which I confess I avoided like the plague when I was younger), serve as the breeding ground for heavenly habits and thinking. Through Hun Dok Hae we are forced to interact with True Father's words, even though I am half sleeping at times. Evening and morning service for us to begin and the day with God in mind. Pledge does something similar with the week. Without these foundations there really is no regular fuel to feel the children's faith. Later, as they grow older and are capable of understanding, they should be told the significance and the heart behind these traditions.
The second component was study. From day one the second generation should be taught about the Divine Principle. Little things like who True Parents' and True Father are, what is good and evil. . .the basics. As they grow older and they begin to read, write etc. . .they should be encouraged to study on their own. Reading just one page of Divine Principle a day really makes a difference. Of course they should be encouraged to actively ask questions, and seek answers, but if there is not study, there is nothing to question with. I can speak from personal experience, when I stopped reading the Divine Principle my thoughts began to wander off, become relative, humanistic (feel free to ask me what I mean by this, as I too confuse the term at times). Constant and personal interaction with God's words keeps a channel open between the second generation and God. Just as Eve fell because she could not see from God's viewpoint, if the second generation do not study, and are not taught they will not see from God's viewpoint in their daily lives and decision making. They must study God's words on a daily basis - not just on Sundays and not just at workshops. It is like their homework in the school of life. Without it, they may fail.
The third point is responsibility. I believe responsibility empowers, it facilitates growth, and incites ownership. A second generation has the responsibility to develop their faith, of course they often do not see this. But in that responsibility can be extended into tangible tasks, and positions - public responsibilities it may facilitate the understanding of their personal responsibilities. I've seen second generation blossom when they are put into positions to take care of youngers, I've seen incredible strength, intuition and courage when they are given the responsibilities in church event. . . Have a little faith in them and challenge them at times. Of course they need to be guided, taught and nurtured. They should not be thrown out on their butts helpless and unarmed with parent's love and DP knowledge, but they shouldn't be pampered either. I remember Jin Hun Nim once telling me that the tigeress throws her cubs off a cliff to show them survival. . .similarly the bird must fall out of its nest before it learns to fly. A little cushioning doesn't hurt, but if they stay in the nest forever, they may never feel responsible for their faith nor the movement. There are many little things they can begin with, Sunday School, pre-blessing, babysitting when there are church functions. . .whatever it is they should be a part of it. Think of it as an investment in future manpower for the movement.
I think through three elements, combined with the unconditional love of parents, and the parents unconditional love for humanity and True Family, the second generation can grow up strong.
Granted there are always ups and downs, actually, up and ups with some ceilings to break and plateaus to walk through, but that's part of the growing process.
One final point I'd like to mention. . .a friend of mine once asked me, why do you think Father ask us to have three spiritual children before we have ones of our own? I didn't know, so she told me, so we can learn how to raise our own. Think of how much love, tears and prayer you invested in your spiritual children. Your children are second generation, but like your spiritual children they have to build and maintain their faith.
anyway, just thought I'd mention a few things, I've never written on this list before, just received useful information. hope this was kind of useful.
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