The Words of the Jannsen Family

Netherlands HARP October News 2003

Felix Janssen
October 2003
Dutch HARP Leader

Hello dear brothers and sisters, we apologize for not having sent a proper report for about one year. This doesn't mean that Holland fell into a big gap or something, not at all! In the year 2002 and 2003, our Dutch HARP staff (Michel, Jonathan and Stephanie, and our HARP parents) organized about five workshops, Friday evening meetings were being organized every two weeks in Amsterdam (by Laurence and David) also some fundraise activities took place regularly (by W. Schenk), which had a very positive impact on our HARPies. As you see many young ones got involved actively, helping in organizing and carrying out activities!

Now, we just finished another weekend ws, which took place in the holy side of House Glory. With a total of 25 participants and five staff, we could have a very nice and inspirational time together. On the first evening, Felix (just back in the Netherlands, form one year of STF Europe, the Mobilisation in American and the Peace-rally in Israel) gave a testimony about being mobilized in America for 40 day's and working together with first gen. After that we watched a video about STF (02-03) in Korea. Next day, we started the day with the first round of 40 bows. During Hoon Dok Hwe T. Yakuwa, gave his testimony about how it was to work in the ESGD office for one year, while being general affairs and helping out STF Europe behind the screen. The whole morning we received interesting lectures by Hans Campman, in which he put the 'New Testament' and the 'Divine Principle' way of thinking next to each other and he showed us all the differences. Also we received a deeper explanation about why we MUST change the cross for a crown. In the early evening we played a very cool game in the forests of the house. Some kind of smuggle game, as we split our HARPies into two groups, group A received bags with diamonds, and the other group hard drugs (stones and sand).and then while it was dark, they had to smuggle it along the forest without being noticed by guards with flashlights, people liked the game very much! On Sunday also our HARP mother Lisa Janssen went through a guidance list made by Dae Mo Nim (what to do and not to do). People wrote in the reflections that they felt the 120 bow condition being useful and as a good experience.

At the end of our joyful weekend ws, all HARPies got handed over, the first Dutch HARP Magazine! Edited and made by bright spirits such as Mirjam C., Michel de J. and Marielle J. Full with Information, interviews, and of course testimonies!

Also we are a happy to inform you that two Dutch brothers, Gwion D. and Raffael M. are now out on the open waters, catching and cleaning fish, on our German fishing boats, they'll come back to Holland after Christmas.

And we are preparing for a larger ws round New Year. In thanks to you, God bless.

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