The Words of the Jenkins Family |
12,000 Ambassador for Peace and FFWPU Leaders International Peace Tour
Michael Jenkins
January 16, 2007
Dear Family,
The following is an excerpt from Rev. Kwak's International Memo concerning the Peace Blessing Tour that will begin from February 1 and complete by Easter this year. We will begin with 12,000 events in America from February 1. We will complete this through Ambassadors for Peace and FFWPU Leaders. It will be done by delivering the same speech as the 5th World tour. The speech will be read by Ambassadors for Peace and FFWPU Leaders. More detailed formal direction will follow. We may hold these events in public settings, in churches, in HDFC homes and in many ways.
This gives a good understanding of the providential meaning of the Peace Tours.
A Peace Blessing Speaking Tour by 12,000 Ambassadors for Peace and FFWPU Leaders
(1) Period: February 1, 2007 – April 10, 2007
(2) Providential background and significance
With the inauguration of the Universal Peace Federation on September 12, 2005, True Parents carried out a world peace tour (True Parents’ Inaugural World Tour for the Universal Peace Federation) to 100 nations of the world. Then on April 28, 2006, True Parents began a second world peace tour (120 Nation World Tour for the Universal Peace Federation Rallies for the Restoration of the Homeland) beginning from the United States, the elder son nation. In this tour, the True Mother and Abel and Cain, the children, united on a global level through mother-son cooperation to embrace the world and lead humanity to the path of rebirth, resurrection and eternal life, so that they may be offered to the True Father. On this foundation, the Holy Wedding Ceremony for the third generation members of the True Family was held. Members from the three generations of the True Family then began a third world peace tour (Rally for the Victorious Liberation of the Homeland for Cosmic Peace Based on the Return of Heaven and Earth to God) starting from Korea on August 31, which lasted until October 13. The victory of this third world tour was offered to Heaven, thus completing and bringing about the complete settlement of the ideal of true love in the three generations of the True Family. On the foundation of this victory, 120 clergy from the United States representing the religious sphere, the Abel realm, began the fourth world peace tour from October 21, which took them to 120 nations. Then from December 1, centering on the ambassadors for peace, the Cain realm, the fifth world peace tour to the 40 major nations and units (127 nations) of the world began.
All the blessed families worldwide should now inherit the victories from the first to fifth world tour to complete the Blessing in their clan on a smaller scale and to bless the people and entire nation on a larger scale, and as God’s reborn children and family through the Cheon Il Guk Blessed Families Special Workshop for a New Beginning, they should bless their clan and bring forward the era of the realm of the lineage of the Mongolian Peoples, thereby preparing to restore the lineage for God and humanity and to abolish national borders.
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