The Words of the Jenkins Family

ACLC Houston Conference - Participants State Best One Yet

Michael Jenkins
March 28, 2007

Good Report from Ms. Maria Vargas of ACLC.


Levi Daugherty and Michael Jenkins speak at the ACLC conference.

Dear Rev. Jenkins, Bishop Kim, and Rev. Daugherty,

The ACLC conference in Houston, held from March 22-24, 2007 was an incredible turning point in ACLC and our work with the clergy. It is indeed a new era and time, with events turning and developing in ways beyond our imagination.

Mrs. Jackson, the wife of Rev. Andrew Jackson, the ACLC Co-Convener from the Bay Area in California, her testimony summarizes and reflects the sentiments of many of the participants. She said the conference was the best ACLC conference she has attended. She said that she has been to many ACLC conferences and said that after the conferences one sometimes does not feel if one wants to return or not, but that this time one had a feeling of wanting to return again. She said that the Holy Spirit descended during the lectures on Friday, and gave her more understanding of the content that was being read.

Reached full conference capacity with 10 days

This was the first time that a conference was held in a location that was not a tourist attraction. The only attraction was the conference itself. In addition, most participants paid their own registration fee. Interestingly, we reached full conference participant capacity with 10 days after the conference invitations were first sent out, with the conference being held only 3 1/2 weeks later from the date of the invitations. (!) As Bishop Margie de la Rosa, the ACLC Co-Convener of New York noted, that if participants had a 2-month notice to register we could have easily had 200-300 paid participants.

Hispanic Clergy and Native Americans  --  on fire

The Hispanic Clergy and the Native Americans contributed substantially to the conference. They had a deep and rich experience and expressed much appreciation and gratitude for the conference and for having been able to participate.

I had received a vision in the early planning stages of this conference that we should include Native Americans in this conference "in order for the conference to be successful". Interestingly, in fulfillment of this vision, 8 Native Americans attended, including Bishop Margie de la Rosa, and women Indian Chiefs for which she is their Chief.

Regrettably, the uncle of one of the Native Americans died the Thursday of the conference in a hit and run car accident in New Jersey. I felt immediately upon hearing the news that his life was a sacrifice for the success of the conference. Fr. Jorge Mora Mora, a Catholic priest that attended the conference form Mexico, said that Jesus appeared to him on Thursday of the conference and revealed several things (which I will share by separate report). He said he saw blood coming from Jesus’ hand and said that when he heard the news of the accident, he said he understood that the blood he saw coming form Jesus hand meant that the life that was lost in the accident was a sacrifice.

Hispanic Catholic Priests from Mexico and Hispanic Clergy from Ecuador and Mexico

Fr. Fernando Zaragoza, a Catholic married priest from Mexico, attended. He had participated in the New Jersey Blessing for Married Priests. Also, Fr. Jorge Mora Mora, a single married priest from Mexico also attended. He was anointed as an Ambassador of Peace in Mexico directly by Father when Father was in Mexico. He has studied the Divine Principle book 3 times. He loves Father very much and states boldly that Father is hope for Mexico. Both Fr. Fernando and Fr. Jorge are the heads of one of the Married Priest Associations in Mexico and are very active.

A Bishop from Ecuador, Bishop Jose Vicente Garcia, attended the conference. He has attended some of our events in Ecuador. He was deeply inspired at the conference, and wants to continue working with us.

Character Education curriculum taking off like lightening

Fr. Contreras gave a Character Education curriculum introduction lecture at the conference and many of the participants, both English and Spanish speaking, expressed much interest in the curriculum. Many wanted to get the curriculum CDs from Fr. Contreras. Fr. Contreras not only is providing copies of the CD (with a donation or free), he is creating a mailing list and forum for all that want to be involved in it. Through this mailing list and forum, he will keep them all informed of what other leaders are doing with the curriculum, success stories, and provide updates and new materials, as it is available to the participants.

When Fr. Contreras and I went to Mexico, we distributed the Character Education CDs to the priests and clergy there. From that, Fr. Jorge is already teaching 60 students Character Education and has another 140 leaders that are interested in the material.

In addition, Fr. Contreras will be teaching this curriculum on a radio station in California, and has plans for expansion of the radio program. Fr. Jorge also plans to teach this curriculum in a radio station in Mexico.

Conference for 400 Hispanic Clergy leaders in America

Bishop Kim and I had a lunch meeting with several of the Hispanic Clergy at the conference. Bishop Kim discussed about having a conference for 400 Hispanic Clergy in 6 months from the conference date, and possibly inviting True Parents to this conference. The Hispanic Clergy became very excited about this and asked me excitedly, "when and where?" (!)

It is indeed a new time. The Hispanic Clergy, together with the Married Priests will play an important role in saving America. This was revealed in a spiritual vision that Bishop Margie de la Rosa had, as mentioned in a previous report, and I see how this is indeed unfolding and coming to pass.

In addition, I believe very strongly that the Native Americans will play an important role along with this group.

But their being called is not just for the Hispanic Clergy. They are being called to save the whole, to save our White brothers and sisters, Black brothers and sisters and all nations and all peoples.

It was revealed to me spiritually during the conference that God will sacrifice the Hispanics, like Stephen the martyr, in order to save the nation.

Personal reflection

My personal reflection of the conference was that it was successful, in the sense that we were able to draw good, serious, prepared participants, and they left empowered, with tools to carry on their work.

Upon my return to the states from Puerto Rico where I am now delivering Father’s message, I will send additional information concerning the conference. I will also discuss with Bishop Kim and Rev. Daugherty preliminary discussions on the way forward. Aju!

A special thank you

Thank you very much Dr. Yang and Rev. Jenkins for all your support and kind attention for this conference to take place. Thank you to Bishop Kim for capturing the vision and all the support and care for this conference.

A very special thank you to Rev. Daugherty who helped to spearhead all these efforts and without whom this conference would not have been possible.

A special thank you from all the Hispanic Clergy and Native Americans.

Thank you for your strong and kind leadership for ACLC, for Family Federation and for our nation. With much gratitude and appreciation to all of you.

Sincerely yours,

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