The Words of the Jenkins Family |
The American Movement Shines At East Garden
Michael Jenkins
June 10, 2007
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Dr. Yang and I want to offer our sincere gratitude to all the members and families of our movement in America. Yesterday was a deeply moving experience. Over 1500 people jammed East Garden for the largest gathering there that anyone remembers. Not only every inch of the house was overflowing with people but the front area was jammed with hundreds as well as the hillside. Plasma flat screen TV's were placed outside at several locations with good sound so that all could see and hear. At 4:15 am all parking in EG was taken, by 4:30 the traffic jam stretched from EG down Broadway past Belvedere. America shined. The heart of the American movement poured out in love for True Parents and True Family. Father and Mother felt it. It was a glorious day for True Parents and True Family. It was truly a joyful celebration.
We concluded the 50 state tour with this moment in history that will never be forgotten. Throughout America True Mother, Hyun Jin Nim, Jun Sook Nim and Yeon Ah Nim touched and moved the people of America. In all 50 states. The final cities, Wilmington at lunch and Philadelphia and Bridgeport in the evening were all beautiful events of quality and prestige.
It was truly a new era for America and as you read the testimonies - legislators, educators, business people, veterans, women leaders from all professions, native Americans and religious leaders were moved as the tour touched the heart and the "soul" of America.
What was most outstanding on this tour was the response of women - especially to the message that women will lead the world to peace as they lift up their husbands and bring unity and harmony in their family. Women will bring Hope, Harmony and Healing - because they have a Mother's heart and love for their families and for humanity.
When True Parents entered we offered our Kyung Beh and then the 50 State Tour Victory Cake was cut to the singing of "Happy Victory to You". Flowers were offered from Mrs. Yang, my wife and many of wives of the Women in Ministry. Bishop Stallngs, Rev. Edwards and Bishop C. Phillip Johnson offered a Trophy congratulating True Parents for the launch of the Pacific Rim Era.
Rev. Edwards and Bishop Stallings were on all of the 19 days of the tour covering from Alaska and Hawaii all the way to the East Coast. The era of "Women" - as Mothers, wives, daughters and grandmothers - leading the world to peace -was highlighted by the fact that the trophy they offered was adorned by a woman. True Father is lifting up women centering on True Mother as the way to peace. The three organizations that organized the women shined throughout the 50 states and especially on this day. WFWP led by Mrs. Alexa Ward as President, Women Ambassadors for Peace led by Mrs. Lynn Walsh and ACLC Women in Ministry led by Mrs. Jenkins came together and the women responded. Mrs. Alexa Ward traveled across the country with True Mother connected to the sisters of our movement throughout the nation as well as key Women Ambassadors for Peace.
Due to the tightly packed crowd (the majority of whom were those born in America), Father asked for True Parents' chairs to be pushed back all the way to the wall so that more people could fit in. All the leaders of UPF and FFWPU were there. Dr. Walsh, Dr. Salonen, Dr. Hendricks, Rev. Jim Flynn, Bishop Kim, Rev. Dong Wu Kim, Rev. Mito, Mrs. Ward, Rev. Joshua Cotter, Rev. Daugherty, all Vice Presidents and District Directors and so many western members. Brothers and sisters flew all the way from the west coast throughout America to come for this event. 30 members flew in from LA. They came from San Francisco and Seattle. The ACLC clergy and Ambassadors for Peace who had supported the tour were there in attendance. Brother Stephen Muhammad, a prominent member of the Nation of Islam flew in just to support this moment demonstrating the heart of love and respect for True Parents from the Nation of Islam - who are like one family with ACLC and the Family movement.
Father asked Won Ju to continue the final section from the Chung Seong Gyeong - on the family pledge. We read Pledge number 8. It was beautiful. Father was giving beautiful guidance for our families and America. He shared, "We must have a Father and a Mother. Aboji and Omoni. All children should be united as one. We must have grandparents, parents and children. That is the relationship we should have in the family. Through the variety of notes -- we can make music. All the races and peoples have to be united to make a beautiful world. They must come into harmony and compliment each other. There is an order - Father is first, then Mother, then son, then daughter. There is an order that is needed to bring harmony. In a marriage we must live for the other -- then eventually two must become one."
Mother had a list of the entertainment prepared for the___ion - Father, with a smile said, "What's this? I didn't know this was prepared! Do you want me to stop talking?" Everyone said, no Father, please speak. Father smiled, shared a little longer and then asked Mother to sing for us. Then Dr. Yang was ion - Father, with a smile said, "What's this? I didn't know this was prepared! Do you want me to stop talking?" Everyone said, no Father, please speak. Father smiled, shared a little longer and then asked Mother to sing for us. Then Dr. Yang was ___report and have the celebration. Dr. Yang called upon renowned Tony Award winning Broadway performer, recording artist and TV and Movie actress Ms. Melba Moore to sing for True Parents. She had joined the tour in Delaware and Philadelphia. She wasreport and have the celebration. Dr. Yang called upon renowned Tony Award winning Broadway performer, recording artist and TV and Movie actress Ms. Melba Moore to sing for True Parents. She had joined the tour in Delaware and Philadelphia. She was___as she sang a medley based on "Lift Every Voice and Sing" - the Black National Anthem. She hit notes so perfectly and so high that it was thrilling. In the medley were Gospel Spirituals "Wade on the Water" and "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot." Then Ms. as she sang a medley based on "Lift Every Voice and Sing" - the Black National Anthem. She hit notes so perfectly and so high that it was thrilling. In the medley were Gospel Spirituals "Wade on the Water" and "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot." Then Ms. ___ sang so beautifully "Climb Every Mountain."
Dr. Yang reported about the tour highlighting the fact that the response to Mother and Hyun Jin Nim was so incredible. The quality of quantity of guests was the best in our American history. He reported how Yana Nim and Jun Sook Nim deeply touched the hearts of the American people - they brought a different dimension of True Parents heart to America. Many clergy came - Bishop Pugh, Rev. Abernathy and Bishop Sharon White were there from Atlanta, Rev. Weston and Chicago clergy came, Bishop Margie Delarosa, Bishop C. Phillip and Mrs. Johnson came from D.C. and Rev. Gilda Price and Bishop Delarosa came from New York. Rev. Andre Jackson, the star of the 4th World Tour was there from San Francisco. They all came on their own -- from the heart.
He then introduced the teams that traveled on the 50 state tour. With Jun Sook Nim were Bishop Ki Hoon Kim and Rev. Jesse Edwards and with Yana Nim were Rev. Dong Woo Kim and Archbishop Stallings. Dr. Yang called upon Rev. Edwards to share. It was one of the most beautiful testimonies. Mother got tears in her eyes when Rev. Edwards brought his wife to stand with him and said, "Father you teach us about True Love. I never understood about True Love, I have been married for 37 years and yet it wasn't until I came to Father and Mother Moon that I understood True Love. My life and my marriage totally changed. One morning when my wife and I woke up - she said to me - where have you been all of our marriage? (Meaning that Rev. Edwards is filled with True Love now and is so attractive to his wife.)
Also, when I see True family going across the country they are really carrying the message of God and doing all they can to bring True Love to America. Nothing is more meaningful to a Father and Mother than to see their children take up their mission. Father your children are really taking up your mission and I want you to know that America is being moved. They are inspiring a huge response in America. I saw that the True Family is to totally inspire and raise up this nation on behalf of Father. When Jun Sook Nim and Yeon Ah Nim spoke - I felt Father's spirit was there. The message goes forth with power."
Next, Archbishop Stallings was called upon and shared, "Cham Pu Mo Nim, Cham Abonim, Cham Omonim. You are our True Parents and Father and Mother - one thing this tour proved more than anything else - America Loves True Parents, America Loves True Family. Everywhere we went across the 50 States of America - this nation is showing an overwhelming response of love to True Parents. My wife and I are blessed - we are grateful. True Parents blessed us!! I have beautiful sons because of True Parents - I wanted them to come greet you but they are asleep!! We know and believe who you are -- you are the anointed as the second coming, the messiah, the savior and the True Parent of Humanity -- you are the King and Queen of Peace. My twin brother Rev. Jesse Edwards and I are so close in spirit that many can’t tell us apart now. (Father smiled). True Father and True Mother - America loves you and we will fulfill our responsibility as clergy and as a nation. Comsa Hamnida."
Bishop Stallings and Rev. Edwards embraced while Bishop Stallings said, "We salt and pepper!! We are one and we are with True Parents. Father and Mother were smiling and filled with excitement. It is no small thing that a black Catholic leader and a white Protestant leader are testifying that Jesus anointed Father and Mother and that they believe in True Parents. The movement of ACLC, Ambassadors for Peace and all women movements of all faiths are deeply uniting to support True Parents as the King and Queen of Peace." They believe in the True family. Father gave a thumbs up as they embraced.
Senator Donzella James (Former Georgia Senator) testified that she was so anxious to see True Parents for the Celebration. "Father we flew in last night and our plane was delayed - we arrived at 4 am got on the bus and came strait here. We are so grateful for True Parents. I went to Miami - Mother brought such love there. I went to Atlanta and saw True Family - America is changing - your love is winning the hearts of the American people."
Dr. Yang called on my wife Reiko and I to sing - we sang Battle Hymn of the Republic in Korean. Then the East Garden Children sang including True Parents little grandchildren. It was beautiful. World Carp sang and the atmosphere was filled with excitement.
Then Hyun Jin Nim sang the Elvis song - "If I Can Dream". He explained that the roots of this song are in the black church, then a white boy named Elvis made it famous and now a yellow boy from Seoul - A SOUL BOY is lifting it up to unite One Family Under God -- Aju!!
He called upon Rev. Jenkins, Rev. Edwards, Rev. Daughter and Bishop Stallings to support. We sang in Elvis style!! We sang together. Then he sang a great Korean song and we could all join in.
Dr. Yang led three cheers of Mansei with Abonim and the Glorious celebration concluded with our respect to True Parents through the Kyung Beh.
The clergy joined in the waterfall dining room with Dr. Yang - everyone was on one accord. Praising the reality that the Kingdom is being realized right before our eyes. Then the huge crowd from inside and outside jammed the area around the back of EG and lined the driveway all the way to send True Parents off. The clergy stood by the door. Father and Mother were smiling and waving. America love’s True Parents. Bishop Kim called me afterward -- he said, "Rev. Jenkins this was really a great day for America. True Parent’s heart was so moved toward America. They don’t want to leave!!"
Dr. and Mrs. Yang and my wife and I were able to say goodbye to True Parents at the airplane with Hyun Jin Nim. Shin Jun Nim is traveling with True Parents along with Jeong Jin Nim. How beautiful it is to see True Parents happy and excited with America. Father and Mother felt hope like never before. We can and will fulfill. We are united as Americans in filial piety toward our True Parents!! We are one family under God.
Thank you all brothers and sisters -- you made it happen. You heard Father’s call to come to East Garden and you came. You showed the heart of a filial child to our True Parents. America is rising to fulfill its responsibility.
Thank you to all members, Ambassadors for Peace, Women Leaders and Clergy. Thank you America - God is blessing and guiding the Elder Son Nation. We will fulfill our destiny - America’s Destiny -- One Family Under God!!!
With Gratitude,
Rev. Michael Jenkins