The Words of the Jenkins Family |
One Pastor's Experience At The June 9th 50 State Tour Celebration At East Garden
Michael Jenkins
June 17, 2007
The following is a testimony of one prominent Bishop who came through the Rev. Jesse Edwards.
God is expanding ACLC now to all races and denominations.
Dear Dr. Jenkins,
Thank you so very much for your invitation to join this Historic Tour and to be in Wilmington, DE and Philadelphia, PA. I so regret now - not joining the tour sooner! The fellowship with Pastor and Sister Edwards was very refreshing and then to be able to network and fellowship with friends - brothers and sisters that we had not seen in a while was great. Being able to fellowship with Archbishop Stalling's and his beautiful family is always an incredible positive experience. They are just wonderful and incredible people to be with! Pastor Mark Abernathy and I gain so much every time we are with you. Both of us try to keep up with what is happening and with the schedule and information on the Web site.
I so enjoyed meeting and hearing Yeon Ah Nim. She did a wonderful job representing True Parents and a great job reading the speech. She is so sweet and humble and gave every ounce of herself to represent the True Family.
I cannot express the shock and awe I had as we drew near to East Garden and saw the crowds. Every road was packed with people trying to reach East Garden. Cars, buses and vans were packed with people and traffic was backed up in every direction. Thousands were running, walking, sweating, panting, hurrying to get up the mountain so they would not miss a thing. The crowd was electrified as many thousands were gathered to celebrate VICTORY! It was indeed a day of incredible HAPPY VICTORY and we all rejoiced as we sang - "Happy Victory To You!" I have heard it sung many times in the Victory Celebrations - but never as enthusiastic or so many times! The people did not want to stop rejoicing! I was overwhelmed at the crowd, the speech, the True Love, the True Heart, the tears of Mother Moon, the happiness of Father Moon, the response of the huge crowd and the incredible Destiny that was imparted in this powerful celebration.
I really saw the true heart of Father and Mother Moon as they were so moved at the response of the people. Such love was shown and the more He spoke - the more the people begged for more. It was such an incredible day.
The love that was shown to the people and the clergy was so precious. It seemed as if True Parents did not want to leave. The Clergy did not want to leave. The people did not want to leave. What a Day of Destiny!
Dr. Jenkins, I really feel that the message of America's Destiny - One Family Under God was realized on this tour! This is truly a time of Hope, Harmony and Healing for America! We are realizing Prophetic Fulfillment right before our eyes!
I am excited about the future and our Destiny! Thank you for your hard work and labor of love to make it all happen. Your family is so beautiful and we love and appreciate Reiko and all of her hard work. She is remarkable and one of the sweetest people I have ever met in my life. It was also great to see your sweet daughter in Wilmington. She is precious.
I pray that God will continue to bless, guide and keep you in strength and health as you travel and guide and impart this vision to multitudes. The task is great - but God in you is greater than the task before you.
I love you and thank God for you. Thank you for your love and understanding. I cannot tell you what it means - every single time I see you. I am with you - I am excited about the future and our Destiny!
Be encouraged - God is with you.
Your Kingdom Friend,
Bishop W. P.