The Words of the Jenkins Family |
True Love Cruise In Washington For The July 1st 25th Anniversary
Michael Jenkins
July 2, 2007
Dear Family,
The 2075 Blessing anniversary celebration in Washington was a cruise of True Love and celebration. The "Spirit of Washington" dinner cruise ship was absolutely beautiful. Mr. Larry Moffit was the MC bringing his masterful touch of wisdom, wit and humor. Larry's wife Taeko is now in Japan so his beautiful daughter Theresa stood in for her mother. We prayed, had dinner, cut the wedding cake and danced the night away.
Over 50 couples joined for the occassion. Rev. and Mrs. Randy Francis, Washington D.C., District Director and Rev. Hiroshi and Mrs. Goto and Rev. Angelica Selle and her husband coordinated. It was really a wonderful time. Such memories!!
The boat left the dock and cruised up the historic Potamac River. It was a beautiful experience - most of all, it was so beautiful for all the couples to be together. Some of us know each other well, some not so well, but we have an incredible bond - that of the MSG blessing. The dinner was superb. Afterward the MSG film on the Blessing was shown.
What a memory. Often the whole crowd would gasp as we saw someone we knew or someone who was on the cruise. Seeing the young couples crossing the threshold into Madison Square Garden over a bridge covered in bright red carpet. It was hard to imagine Father and Mother standing there sprinkling the Holy Water on every couple - that was amazing - it took a long time if I remember right. Mr. Neil Salonen was the MC and the occasion was glorious. True Parents read the blessing vows and then prayed. It was done with such dignity. A sea of couples. At that time it shattered all records for our church and the world in terms of the largest wedding in history.
Everyone was moved by the film and the memory. Then we affirmed our vows and I was asked to give brief congratulatory remarks. True Love is precious and the center of True Love on earth revolves around these families who established the beautiful international and interracial families for 25 years. Father is proud of the blessed central families and so many of the American movement's families were blessed at MSG. Father also never gives up on blessing everyone - it was mentioned that though it was not easy to bless the grandchildren, Father never gave up and now the third generation has been established in blessing.
We also go through many trials trying to bring the next generation forward to inherit the faith of the first generation. However, many are now going to the blessing at this time. Many were just matched by Father. It is a small number compared to all that are eligible but if we remain like True Parents and never give up, eventually they will come forward. This is our belief and hope. It can only be achieved with patience, prayer and unconditional love. This is what made the blessed families from MSG so special - they pioneered God's Ideal Family through several generations for 25 years now. 25 historic and glorious years of walking the way with our True Parents.
The evening then unfolded with dance music and almost every couple danced. Some, like Rex Butler and his wife Emiko san and Peter and Mary Holder were outstanding and smooth as could be. Dr. Antonio Betancourt and Kyoko san were also pros. Bill and Donna Selig were classy and obviously madly in love. Rex and Emiko were giving some ballroom dancing lessons on the side (Rex and his wife are professionals). Nathan and Debbie Lowe were dancing with True Love. Rev. Randy and Kumiko Francis were dancing with joy. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Elder were hot and well versed on the dance floor. A lot of us did our best - we were all excited. Some never left the dance floor for two hours.
Father always said when blessed couples reach the realm of true love - there is no passion on earth that can compare. We saw that last night!! Fortunately the ship pulled into dock just before the blessed couples set the place on fire with True Love.
It was fun, it warmed the heart. The blessed couples and their families are the greatest joy that God has ever had. They are His Family and His lineage. Their love is growing and will deepen and expand forever.
With Love,