The Words of the Jenkins Family from 2008 |
On September 9, the greatest festival in the history of Mongolia was held at the Sukhbaatar Square in Ulan Bator. An audience of 120,000 filled the square as the fourth main festival of GPF celebrated its opening. Despite the cold weather, people sat in their chairs in an orderly manner with blue balloons in their hands, and many more stood at the rear of the square to watch the program. Some of the people walking through the open space and through the roads stopped to watch as well. Even Genghis Khan from 800 years ago had reincarnated on this day to observe the stage from the opposite government buildings.
God also cleaned the streets with strong rainstorms the day before and blessed the day with holy water through occasional raindrops during the pre-program. After all the preparations were complete, a beautiful half moon shone through the dark blue sky as the main program began with the entrance of Hyun Jin Nim and True Children. State-operated UBS website and TV stations broadcast the entire program.
True Children arrived at the traditional Mongolian tent called ‘Ger’ prepared next to the stage and exchanged greetings with the first president of Mongolia, the boxing champion and first Mongolian gold medalist at the Beijing Olympics Enkhbat Badar-Uugan, former American Congressman Matt Salmon, former Philippines House of Representatives speaker Jose C. de Venecia couple, and others. At one moment, Jose de Venecia couple showed their delight as they held the young Shin Eun Nim. They are a part of True Parents’ family and brothers and sisters already, not just guests. When all the main guests left the ‘Ger’ to sit in the front VIP seats, Hyun Jin Nim lingered in the ‘Ger' to offer his deep prayer to God before a final condition to change the nation. It was the moment of setting up the vertical ‘alignment’ in front of God.
The rich, grand voices created by the traditional orchestra following the Mongolian military band’s opening performance made the audience’s hearts beat. Noh Minjin, Mongolia’s most popular young singer, was the assistant mistress of ceremonies. She introduced in fluent English the Beijing Olympics boxing champion. He received great applause and cheers as he said “a dream is not realized by chance but comes as a reward for those who own a dream and try their best”, and that he wants to share the day’s honor with the GPF participants.
Former Minister of Internal Affairs Balchok, who took the lead in inviting and receiving True Parents as national guests in the year 2005 introduced Hyun Jin Nim. The square filled with cheers as Hyun Jin Nim with a grand smile appeared in front of the 120,000 strong audience, and broadcast into the homes of Mongolians nationwide. From that moment, President Hyun Jin Moon will be remembered as the son of True Parents
Hyun Jin Nim began his speech by saying that the eyes of people around the world are focused on Mongolia today. He struck awe into the hearts of the Mongolians as he proclaimed God’s message with a powerful voice. He asserted that the great hero Genghis Khan, conquered the continent with a mandate from Heaven, to establish one world under God. That Mongolian dream that he dreamed long ago, should live again in the vision of ‘One Family under God’ centering on true love. We, as the people of Mongolia, should become the owners of this dream and lead the world. This message was sufficient to put fire to the horse-riding Mongolian people’s ambitions.
Hyun Jin Nim testified to millions of people that the ideology of ‘One Family under God’ as taught and embodied by his father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, has been his motivation throughout his life to establish his worldwide foundation. He also declared that this was not a dream that should reside inside one individual or one family but was God’s original will and the hope of humankind.
The audience responded enthusiastically after every part of the message and ignored the cold weather. To Hyun Jin Nim’s characteristic question “Yes or no,” everybody responded with cheers of “Yes” without translation. It was a moment where ‘One Family under God’ became a common language with no translation necessary among all the people in Mongolia.
After the historical message, True Children and VIP guests were invited to the stage, and Ambassador for Peace certificates were presented to gold medalist boxer Enkhbat Badar-Uugan and top pop star Ariunaa. Director of the police force in Kenya had stated that “I am not doing the works of a Peace Ambassador as a policeman, but I carry out the duties of a policeman as a Peace Ambassador.” Likewise, the newly appointed Peace Ambassadors will perform their roles as public figures with dignity as appointed by True Parents.
Soon after in the finale, Ariunaa, Noh Minjin, and a male vocal group Noches sang together the GPF theme song written by the best composer and songwriter in Mongolia, and the historical GPF Mongolia came to an end.
True Children came off the stage and received congratulations on the success of the event from the VIP guests in the waiting room for a short while. Afterwards, while part two of the program entertained the audience with various cultural events, True Children returned to their place and talked about behind the scene stories of the successful event with smiles and laughter until late that night. Congressman Youngsun Song shared a valuable testimony for Hyun Jin Nim, upon his departure to his country that night. When he looked behind him for a moment, he saw a vision of the grand statue of Genghis Khan getting up to applaud and bow.
About 400 Mongolian members gathered at the Peace Embassy on the morning of September 10 for Hoon Dok Hae and victory celebration, and they received much love and grace from True Family. Mongolia was probably the first nation other than the three major providential countries where True Children in public positions have gathered in one place. Hyun Jin Nim introduced each True Child there one by one and said that “In response to your jungsung, my brothers and sisters prayed and came here and made special donations,” showing his joy for his family’s attendance. Representing True Children, Sun Jin Nim said that she was deeply inspired when she saw the members working so hard to inherit True Parents’ heart and live for the sake of the whole in Mongolia, and she encouraged the members by saying that they were very valuable and were qualified to be True Parents’ children. She said she learned an important lesson from the culture of a family lighting fire inside the ‘Ger’ and living together and shed tears as she said that she saw the sacred fire lit up by True Parents being passed on by Hyun Jin oppa to all the members to light up the nation.
In response to the Mongolian member’s hearts longing for True Parents, President Jin Man Kwak, appointed as the Viceroy, testified about True Parents’ and True Family’s direct investment and support in the rapid process starting from the pioneering stage in the 1990s to the providence of national messiahs in the last 10 years, and he offered all the accomplishments and results of victory to True Parents and True Children.
Furthermore, he explained that this GPS victory established many peace ambassadors as owners and put people from various classes of the government and society as partners in the forefront, as well as securing 1,000 helpers who were supported by the Department of Culture and Education as future leaders of the unification movement and candidates of blessed central families. He experienced that when the helpers, who came with the standard of Abel for service work, shared activities with the original members, they naturally became assimilated to our culture and became almost like a member. He also testified that our members came to be in positions of Abel and the center for others because they would wake up earlier than others and work harder to be role models.
Hyun Jin Nim said that if we find a nation, we can make all of her people into blessed central families and that this was not the end but a beginning. He asked if the Mongolian youth was ready to be put into Korea, Japan, America or anywhere in the world after True Parents’ directions. He also asserted that the probable reason Father especially appointed President Jung Hwan Kwak as the Viceroy of Korea and his son as the Viceroy of Mongolia was because He wanted Korea and Mongolia to carry out the same mission as one people for the goal of establishing Cheon Il Guk. In the words of Continental President of South America, Jung Soon Choi, GPF Mongolia was the best of all GPFs so far, as GPF in Ulaanbaatar set new records in its size and level of performances. Even though the equipments provided were like those from 1980’s in Korea, event planners and engineers who were in charge of the presidential inauguration ceremony in Korea were brought to share their skills in Mongolia, and various performance techniques, sound effects, and lighting effects never seen in a live show in Mongolia were presented.
In ending Hoon Dok Hae, Hyun Jin Nim encouraged President Joon Ho Seuk for his many years’ efforts in supporting the activities with IEF and establishing a great foundation in Mongolia. He also encouraged all the members, missionaries, and leaders, including President of FFWPU Mongolia, Sang Hyuk Kang and also told the newly appointed Continental Director Otsuka that it will lead to a good start. Lastly he claimed that True Parents are the ones who offered the most prayers and jungsung for the success of all the events and asked the members to give the loudest applause so True Parents can hear them.
Before breakfast, Hyun Jin Nim made a phone call with all his brothers and sisters to True Parents and expressed True Children’s heart of filial piety, honor, and gratitude in one word, “Congratulations.”
On September 10, Hyun Jin Nim will inspect Bayangol training center in Mongolia with continental directors in the morning and then lead the ILC closing banquet at the government administration building. True Children will depart in the afternoon after touring Ulaanbaatar city in the morning, and Hyun Jin Nim will depart in the morning of September 11.
Thank You!