The Words of the Jenkins Family from 2008

True Parents Return to America

Michael Jenkins
September 19, 2008

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Thank you for your prayers and the participation in the resurrection services. Through that service many of us could realize what has really occurred through the helicopter accident and True Parents escape from certain death. True Father, who was anointed by Jesus to fulfill the return of the Lord, went through a life or death trial with True Mother and overcame death. Like at the time of Jesus' resurrection, this is the time in which God has the greatest power to multiply and expand His people and His providence.

Now True Parents are returning to Alaska on Saturday to bring the power of the resurrection substantially to America. They come because of their profound love for the American people and because of America's most significant role in the Pacific Rim Era. They are coming to pray in this time of Resurrection and Pentecost. Let us join them in heart and pray for this nation and fulfillment of God's Will for America and the world.

All the conditions have been set and the realm of the blessed family has been established by True Parents and extended through all Blessed Central Families. God's foundation is permanently secured on the earth through the realization of God's dwelling in the family. God's timetable to realize the substantial redirection of the world toward a Culture of Peace based on Blessed Families is confirmed for January 13, 2013. God's providential timetables are never simple, once the appointed hour of fulfillment passes, if the right conditions aren't set then the providence can be prolonged. This was the case with Moses course in the wilderness. When the chosen people couldn't fulfill according to the time line of God's dispensation then prolongation of the time occurred.

What is different now is that we are in the Era After the Coming of Heaven, and in this time, all can be fulfilled in a very short period. Conditions now exist that there is no need for prolongation. God is determined to fulfill the providence of God. Transformation of the heart can occur in an instant if the right conditions are set. Because of God's grace the years of 2007 and 2008 are Jubilee years in which God can forgive and untangle all the past mistakes made by individuals, families, nations, races and even the mistakes of our forefathers and mothers. This is an incredible time when all problems can be resolved and humanity can become God's family.

Because of God's increasing authority we will be sure to see transformation in every society and many of the things that were "stable" and sure for humanity to hold on to have become unstable and unreliable. This is causing a shift in the heart of the prepared people in each religion and nation to yearn sincerely for God and the things that are unchanging such as God's forgiving True Love and God's unchanging word. There is a profound yearning in the hearts of God's people for families and a brotherhood and sisterhood that will reflect God's stability, trust and true love.

God also now has the conditions to intervene in this world because of the fulfillment that has occurred centering on True Parents and he will use every condition necessary to advance this world out of the darkness into Cheon Il Guk. At the time of Jesus, God did not hesitate to allow His son to go the way of the cross and through that condition the providence was not lost but was secured and expanded in anticipation for today.

Though it was the most painful moment in God's dispensation, God allowed Jesus, the only begotten Son that had fulfilled the role as an individual to sacrifice his life to secure all humanity. In offering Jesus the path was opened for individuals to be spiritually redeemed, but the family that God had lost in the Garden of Eden remained lost. Therefore Jesus promised to return. All the worlds religions have prepared for that return and the fundamental purpose is to establish the family that God had envisioned in the beginning, extending this on until all can become one family under God.

Jesus anointed Father Moon to realize the family that God lost and it is now secured through True Parents course and is established in three generations. Though it may seem slow, the blessed family with God's lineage is now multiplying through Christianity and all religions through the blessing of all families who are engrafting into the Tree Of Life. Through the blessing they are becoming part of God's lineage. As prophesied in the book of Revelation -- "the dwelling of God will be with men". We have entered the time when God can dwell with us in our family. Now the family is to become His temple and his presence on earth multiplies in love and spirit.

However, God has a dispensational timetable that must be fulfilled to rapidly transform the heart of humanity to build blessed families that will end divorce and adultery. His dispensation is to allow for nations to become part of the Culture of Heart in which war and division are replaced with peace and cooperation based on everyone realizing that under God we are brothers and sisters.

As the prepared families reach a critical mass of being blessed by God the "atmosphere" will change. As in the time of the fall of communism, something that seemed impossible became a reality because the "atmosphere" had changed and the attraction to and hope in the ideology of materialism and atheism lost its power. So also will the attraction to sin, hate and division lose its power as unity rises among the people of faith.

It doesn't take everyone, it takes the people that God has prepared in every faith to come forward in one accord centering on the blessing of the family and His lineage. The timetable requires that by 2013 there is a new direction of the world toward a culture of blessed family and peace is realized. That timetable must be fulfilled and God has all the conditions that are necessary to fulfill it.

Those conditions are established in True Parents and are being expanded to substantial fulfillment through True Family in the sphere of life and through the public arena centering on the Abel UN. If all blessed families come together in one accord the Kingdom can come rapidly with a minimum of sacrifice and suffering. However, God will not miss his timetable at this time.

This is the background that is important to understand in relationship to True Parents near death trial and miraculous recovery from certain doom. The helicopter incident, if we really know the meaning of True Parents in God's dispensation, was not a small accident. It was an historical condition of offering in which God allowed True Parents and True Family to substantially walk the way of the Cross paying whatever price required to save humanity and fulfill the dispensation centering on 2013.

This was not done as an individual -- which it is said that Father had passed through 7 times, but as a family, True Parents and True Family walked the way of the cross together, passing through it with love and resurrected into life. This indemnified the loss of Jesus family through his sacrifice. They went over the cross as a family and now True Parents are in the realm of the living resurrection.

What happened after the resurrection of Jesus? He gathered the disciples and gave them renewed faith. When they united together in one accord the "Pentecost" occurred and Christianity, the new central movement of God's dispensation at that time, rapidly multiplied and strengthened so that it could never be uprooted. That is the moment we are in now.

It is the hour of resurrection and the time in which, as we come together in one accord under the grace and love of our True Parents, a miraculous and vast deepening and expansion of believers can and will occur. True Parents had the condition to go through death and give their lives and yet live. Therefore God now has power far greater than the time after Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, death and resurrection, to claim the people of the world that are prepared to bring about his kingdom.

It is in this moment that True Parents are coming to America. They will return to Alaska on Saturday. They are not coming for simple reasons but for God's dispensation. They are coming because they love America. We should understand in heart that they are still in recovery because the accident was severe and the trauma extensive. It is very difficult for True Parents to travel and they have been advised just to rest. However, because of love they are coming to America. They feel they must stand on American soil and pray for this nation.

They come to pray for America and all the American members and families in our movement. They come to pray for the unity of all religions, races and cultures. They come to pray for the unity of Catholics and Protestants and the unity of North and South America. The come to pray for America as the Elder Son Nation that is the central nation to lead this world into peace.

They are coming for one reason. Because they love America.

Let us rejoice and prepare to receive our True Parents. The resurrection has opened the door for the era of substantial blessing, growth and realization to occur. Let us prepare our hearts as we can now receive God's direction and vision of America at this most central moment in God's dispensation.

Thanks America.


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