The Words of the Jenkins Family

The Passing of BAI' FAUSTIN YOKPORE (TIMOTHEE) - Request For Prayer And Support

Michael Jenkins
March 17, 2006

Dear Family,

Dr. Yang and I ask your sincere prayers and financial support for Mrs. Dee Yokpore and the Yokpore family. Her husband Timoteo passed away in his homeland of the Ivory Coast. Dee is a white American and Timoteo a native of the Ivory Coast. Their daughter Cindy is truly a beautiful child of God.

We are deeply saddened by this tragic loss and ask God to somehow bless Africa and the Ivory Coast in particular through this incredible sacrifice. We also sincerely ask God to bless this family who has stood strongly as an exemplary Blessed Central Family. We pray for Dee and Il Hwa (Cindy) and all her family.

Dee Yokpore's husband Timoteo passed away March 7th in Ivory Coast, a country in political turmoil at this time. His body is still in a town controlled by a rebel group. Someone will risk his life to retrieve Mr. Yokpore's body to bring it to the capital city for a proper Seung Hwa and Won Jeon ceremony. The New Jersey community is raising funds to support Dee's journey and the additional expense involved in bringing Mr. Yokpore's body to the capital and cover the cost of the Seung Hwa. We expect this to be somewhere between 10 and 15 thousand dollars.

We sincerely ask that all join in to quickly raise the support for Dee at this time of trial. Please help her by sending your financial gift to:

Mrs. Dee Yokpore
20 Backiel St. Apt. 2
Little Ferry, NJ 07643

She is also one of the earliest members to join in our New Jersey community. Dee joined in 1965. Dee's daughter is Il Hwa Cindy, a member of the singing group Colors of Love, founded by Hyun Jin Nim. She is blessed and living now in South Carolina with her husband. She writes about her Dad below.

Below is a note that Cindy's mom passed onto me. It's a note to her mom and a poem for her daddy. Cindy shows the profound heart of a blessed daughter with great filial piety.

Cindy's full name is Il Hwa Gallo Yokpore Bowman. (Cindy).

Below is the note Dee passed on to me to send out. Oh, how beautiful their hearts are !!! Please pray for Dee and Cindy !!


Rev. Michael Jenkins
National Pastor
Family Church of America

Cindy Yokpore
March 10, 2006

Yes mama

I love you so much.

Here it is:

I wrote this on my's always easier to write when I feel I have an Audience. It's nothing but what I feel, what I's for Daddy, It's for you, mom.

I love you


I want to speak of my Father. He passed March 7th 2006. I feel his spirit is with me, I feel that he is finally free from fear, the fear that so many in this world live with everyday.

The fear of losing the only thing you have ever known. The fear of challenging the despair of the everyday for the fulfillment, the true security of tomorrow.

I have an amazing family. My parents came together without hesitation because of their faith and understanding of who True Parents are and what the mission is they are here to pass to us. They were rescued from nothing and given God's love and for that they pledge undeniable loyalty and love. I watched them.

I feel honored to have seen their struggles, their resentful tears in front of Heaven's altar. I have been given so much, they gave so much. My Father, for everything he wasn't, He WAS. He was a man of love, even though he lived most of his life in fear and ignorance he knew love to God and love to his family above all else. Many times he did not rise to the occasion, but when he did, like all other creatures of God, he was a like the righteously true burning flames of the sun. God's son. My Father.

Thank you that his seed is in me, thank you that his blood will run through my children's veins. Thank you that a man almost forgotten by those who did not know God's love, was and forever is my Father.

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