The Words of the Jenkins Family |
The Blessing Tour Is Bringing Miracles - Invest Your Heart And You Will See
Michael Jenkins
May 10, 2006
Dear Family,
Always, when a tour begins so suddenly we are often challenged to really feel hopeful. Some may feel, "Oh we will just bring our members and a few guests and it will be like the past events. It will be great, but it will not really change anything."
Please think again. God is real and we must not doubt the power of the living God. With each campaign I go through, I am not immediately excited and feeling the "spirit". Only when I work with the brothers and sisters and invest in bringing people and strive to feel True Parents' heart and listen carefully to Father's words do I really begin to understand. Then as we make the sacrifices necessary, heaven starts to move.
Only by sacrificing (even when you don't feel like it) and investing can you set the condition for blessing and spiritual phenomena. When you sacrifice and some result comes or special inspirational feeling, then it becomes easy to break out of our routines and stand up as patriots for Heaven and Earth and especially for America.
There are members on the tour who are bringing guests they couldn't bring for 20 years. There are family members of our brothers and sisters who are coming who never made it to one event in the many years we stood in the church. There are senators and congressmen and Ambassadors who are coming, whom people said would never come.
In Washington, New York, New Jersey, Boston, Bridgeport and now Miami, in each event we were surprised at some of the special leaders who came with their spouses. They stood without hesitation for the marriage blessing. Senators, congressmen and many ambassadors are coming out again - beyond the criticism and ridicule. Why? Because they feel that this is about family and peace, and Father and Mother Moon have a very important and unique role to play in achieving God's vision for both.
In Miami, as a demonstration of the support we are gaining from the Jewish community, a prominent rabbi and his wife came and stood before True Mother to receive True Parents' blessing for their marriage. They are very serious about their faith. They feel that God has blessed this movement. Also the Rabbi's wife is suffering with an illness. We ask all women in America to pray for her. Her name is Cyndi. Please pray for her healing and a healthy long life with her husband.
If you invest, brothers and sisters, miracles will occur. Don't hesitate, and don't be afraid. This is a special moment in history.
This is the time of grace and blessing.
Please don't let your mind and heart be bound by the walls of your past experience. If you step out and pray that God will use you miracles will occur. It's a moment in time where the dam of blessing is about to break. We may feel like the dam is still there and nothing has changed but brothers and sisters, that is NOT the reality. The world is in total chaos. People are yearning in their hearts for security, peace and love. If we really understand the hour and the conditions that True Parents have now accomplished, the steps we take now will yield enormous fruit. Don't be afraid.
With each step you take, the dam of blessing is breaking and the blessing is set to flow without discrimination to every man, woman and child from every race , religion and culture. The key is this: only through the Blessed Central Families stepping forward will the time of the flood of blessing will be hastened.
We must realize this moment. If we seize it now, the power of God will move on America. We can change America into a shining model of harmony of all races, morality and a culture of family values. We can do it.
Please read Father's three speeches each day, and you will awaken to the hour and the time.
Now that we have entered the Age After the Coming of Heaven, your good ancestors are activated and the heavenly hosts are sweeping down upon the earth. Soon the countries and peoples that appear strong and mighty will change course and shift in this direction.
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