The Words of the Jenkins Family |
ACLC In The Bahamas - The Faith Leaders Are Rising Together For Family And Peace
Michael Jenkins
August 4, 2006
Dear Family,
The advanced understanding of the Clergy in the ACLC Convocation - Rebuild the Family, Restore the Community, Renew the Nation and the World is very important. Their grasp of the Divine Principle and especially the Blessing is getting more and more solid. Surely the walls of denomination and theological concepts are dissolving. True Parents are bringing the Body of Christ together.
Today, Rev. Carl Rawls taught the Fall of Man. He did it with such deep conviction and confidence. He testifies as to how understanding the Fall has changed his understanding of God's Will and providence. Jesus came because of the Fall.
Rev. Willie Weston of Chicago then gave the Mission of Jesus. The Pastors are very moved when they read the in depth story concerning Jesus and Jesus very own words concerning his mission. The discussion on John the Baptist was quite serious. Pastor Barrett did a great job in moderating. I taught the History of Restoration and Dr. Frank Kaufman taught Christology.
Also, a very important discussion came concerning ACLC and its welcome to Islamic Leaders. Imam Seifullah and Imam Salahudin made very important contributions. Our first session opened with Bishop Ki Hoon Kim, Rev. Jim and Hiromi Stephens and other key leaders gave presentations on True Family Values.
We are becoming one. ACLC's message is spreading and taking root in churches in all 50 states. This movement is getting stronger and stronger. Rev. Leroy Eliot, prominent Baptist Leader and Rev. E.T. Byrd former State President of the NJ Baptist Convention are helping guide the discussions. They are serious preachers who are known throughout America. Rev. Levy Daugherty our Secretary General has organized a very fine and diverse conference. Dr. Yang our Chairman was very well received as he expressed Father and Mother Moon's love for the ACLC and especially for the Bahamas nation.
The ACLC Bahamas Peace Declaration will be launched on Saturday.
Tonight True Mother, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon will be welcomed by the 120 pastors from the U.S. and a comparable contingent of key leaders from the Bahamas. We were welcomed last night at our beautiful opening dinner by Bishop Gerald Misic and his wife and Rev. Dr. D.E. Cooper, President of Atlantic University. They were so moved to see a serious delegation come to the Bahamas for the unity of faith leaders and the call for peace. Rev. Jesse Edwards stirred the gathering with a powerful message that we must "stand" on the central place where God puts us and not be moved. He testified that through the trials we go through in ACLC we meet the Living God and come to live with Jesus. Not in theory but in reality and as we overcome trials through faith we prove that God has the power to overcome all opposition. He testified that True Parents have the anointing of Jesus and they have overcome every possible opposition and are winning the hearts and minds of all the people that God prepared in every nation.
Rev. Bipat and Bishop Rashid, WFWP President Mrs. Alexa Ward and Arlene Candelarisi have been working with Rev. Tom Cutts to bring a great support from the Bahamas Ambassadors for Peace. Many members of Parliament and Ministers of the government are coming. Today the Minister of Foreign Affairs welcomed us. Rev. Yu the National Messiah and Kimiko Suzuki - head of the Japanese representatives did so much to prepare for success.
Please pray for True Mother's Victory as she marches on to 120 Nations!!! We should be more confident than ever. Even though the world is plunging deeper into turmoil at the same time True Parents are bringing the true people of faith together in every nation. A peace movement that will never stop expanding and breaking through is now solidly growing in every nation. We see it here in the key leaders in the Bahamas and through the great American Clergy Leadership Conference.
Thanks America.
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