The Words of the Jenkins Family |
Please Come to Jerusalem - A Message from Jerusalem to America
Michael Jenkins
October 8, 2006
Dear Family,
We are about to embark on another historic journey to the Middle East. One of our prominent Ambassadors for Peace from Jerusalem sends us this message of encouragement.
Please consider this message as you are called upon to sacrifice as Americans who have the responsibility to bring peace in the Middle East through the Universal Peace Federation.
The Middle East is longing for True Ambassadors for Peace. Please answer their call and bring comfort to a suffering land.
With Love and Gratitude,
Rev. Michael Jenkins
A Message Concerning the Pulse of the Peace Bearers
Dear great leaders of the world and of UPF of America, the second Israel; dear brothers Dr. Yang and Dr. Jenkins and especially our UPF International Rev. Kwak and Dr. Walsh,
As you surely realize, the conflict in the Middle East is not really a local one but rather part of a global culture of clashes and conflicts that covers the world in a kind of satanic spider web that ensnares poor humanity.
Led by you great brothers, we as universal Peace Ambassadors maintain our portion of responsibility within the Middle East Peace Initiative (MEPI) by doing our utmost to fulfill the mission according to the vision of our founder, the Reverend Dr. Sun Myung Moon.
We residents of all nations and faiths in the Middle East seem to be sentenced, even doomed, to eternal suffering, clashes of mutual attrition, and terrible fear. As the long history of war proves, this is no doubt a symptom of the clash between God the Creator and Satan.
To empower a new order of life in humankind, we need a heretofore unknown "superpower" with Herculean spiritual strength superior to any earthly behavior. An order of harmony between all is the prerequisite for happiness.
The pilgrimages to the Holy Land that you, our dear bothers, have led symbolize the expected change we are all hoping and struggling for. Whenever you depart, a heavy, dark cloud of sorrow and sadness descends upon us. But the day of your return is a joy for us when we see the shining eyes and faces of the pilgrims, each member of the holy community visiting the Holy Land. It seems to us that all of them undergo a divine transformation through the whole process of preparing and then staying here. We often notice fundamental mental and spiritual changes in them and in ourselves as we are together.
You are the real messengers of true love, you who establish a solid foundation of peace and harmony as you travel to all dangerous corners, no matter the shelling and bombings, led in your missions by your divine spirit. You are brave heroes of our era; you plant the necessary seeds for peace in the Middle East and consequently in the whole world. You bear a great spirit of peace and create that "pulse" throughout our land. When you come we can feel once again, "the pulse of peace".
We need you because we are anxiously looking forward to harvest together our hearts’ desire, peace here and everywhere on the globe.
God Bless You,
Professor Eliezer Glaubach-Gal
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