The Words of the Jenkins Family |
October 14th Special Condition
Michael Jenkins
October 14, 2006
Happy 26th Anniversary to all of the 6000 Couples Blessed Oct. 14, 1982
Dear Family,
Today, on October 14th, True Parents have begun a special condition of grace for all Blessed couples and families - first and second generation.
It is on the foundation of True Mother's victory on the Third International World Peace Tour for the Universal Peace Federation. Three Generations successfully fulfilled this condition and therefore special grace can be extended to all generations of blessed families. This condition begins from Korea today. Japan is also participating from today. Special ceremonies will be organized throughout the world from this point on.
Dr. Yang has conveyed that we should wait for official direction from FFWPUI. Father clarified in Alaska that this period of grace begins of October 14th and will be ongoing. The American movement will be conducting these special conditions after October 14th based on International Direction.
Please await further instructions as to how to proceed.
Thanks America.
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