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120 Events In Japan And Korea Successfully Completed
Michael Jenkins
October 26, 2006
Report on the Fourth International World Peace Tour 120 Ambassadors for Peace to the World
by Dr. Michael Jenkins
The Japanese UPF meticulously organized events in 120 Cities in Japan. As if prophets of the Old Testament went out to each and every mountain, 120 prophetic voices resonated with the hearts of the Japanese people. All want to see peace. It was a beautiful sight to see clergy from every denomination and race going by train, air and even ferry to cities of all sizes throughout Japan. Archbishop Stallings spoke a large event in Tokyo with 1200 delegates. Father and Mother Moon watched his delivery by Web Cast and we heard that they were very pleased. Bishop Stallings pronunciation of Cheon Il Guk and other Korean terms was excellent. Father got so inspired he added more content to the speeches from the Ministers. One minister said to Bishop Stallings, "Well you did so well with your Korea that Father Moon thought we should bring on more terms." - The new text added had a few more new terms, such as Pyung Yang, Sygman Rhee and Cheon Jeong Goong.
Rev. Jenkins went out to a city in the Tokyo area with Mrs. Jenkins a native of Japan. Dr. Hycel B. Taylor, Professor Emeritus of Garrett Theological Seminary went to Kyushu in the south. Rev. Harold White of True Light Baptist church gave the message in a Buddhist temple. Pastor Robert and Apostolic Pastor went to a Shinto Shrine. All gave the message of Peace. Dignitaries, Mayors, Congressmen and many other key leaders from Japan attended. The excitement in the Japanese movement was truly sincere and from the heart. Never before in the history of Japan had there been such an occasion in which a 120 Religious went out to Japan as representatives of True Parents in 120 cities to say from America - We love you Japan. We want to be strong friends together and build a culture of peace. We also thank you for the thousands of missionaries you sent to America to help us bring the Blessing to our families and Unity to our Churches. We pray that war will be no more!!!
In Korea the welcome was deep and profound. At the welcoming banquet Dr. Chang Shik Yang Chairman of the US Region of UPF was the Master of Ceremonies. Rev. Dr. Chung Hwan Kwak gave a message of welcome and the significance of the event. Rev. Sun Jo Hwang offered the opening prayer and welcome. Every major leader of the Korean UPF movement was there including Dr. Lan Young Moon the Chairman of the Women's Federation for World Peace International.
120 Clergy were paired with 120 translators and 120 host pastors. We conducted a sisterhood/ brotherhood ceremony in which they signed documents of friendship. Rev. Marion Bennet of the Methodist Church of Las Vegas and Bishop Pugh, Presiding Bishop of Christ Alive Ministries in Atlanta were the representatives of the group to join their Korean Counterparts on the stage for the signing.
Archbishop Stallings proclaimed that we were here to spread the "Message of Peace" and to embrace Korea and pray for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea.
In the morning 120 Christian clergy went out with their Korean brothers and sisters - many with no common language. The clergy went as far south as Yeosu and Cheju and on to Pusan. All in one day!!! Crowds of 100 - 1000 gathered in each location to see the phenomenon of Christian leaders who were totally united with the spirit, work and message of the True Parents - the Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon. Many in the audience cried as there had been a history of great persecution from Christianity in Korea toward the Moon movement. However, on this day the Christians who had come were totally on one accord. Urgent to bring prayer and peace to the DMZ. Urgent to bring a message of Love from America. Urgent to bring the spirit of spiritual support. The Holy Spirit has moved in a massive way upon Christians in America and they more and more are coming to accept True Parents as the ones anointed by Jesus to fulfill the work of the second coming.
There were many impossible situations. Many .... Well ... Yes, there was a delegation that picked up Rev. Debra Lojimadere and drove away only to find she was the wrong one. She was blond just like her colleague Rev. Kotulek so the host thought she was the same. Oh well -- this only proves that ONLY God and the Holy Spirit could make this high speed operation a great success. Not one pastor missed their event.
All were overwhelmed by the love and respect the Korean people showed for our Pastors. Rev. Abernathy was in a large event in Central City at the Marriott. He proclaimed that Father Moon's message is the one that can make enemies come together. It is the message that can turn the Youth to God. Are you with me he said? The crowd said, Ney. Meaning Yes. Then he delivered the address that Father Moon gave throughout the world that proclaiming only through a Blessed Family that has the Lineage of heaven can Peace Be Achieved. Only through a True Family can we see our families become the dwelling place of God and the root of the Kingdom of Heaven. Pastor Abernathy, a Pastor of the Apostolic Faith of Christian Life Fellowship was magnificent. He is a rising star in the ACLC movement. Korea is on fire with the spirit of True Parents and with the hope that the religious leaders are understanding that God has anointed, appointed and approved True Parents as the King and Queen of Cosmic Peace.
America is shining brightly now through these wonderful true American Ambassadors for Peace.
Thanks America.
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